Hollywood is out of touch

Prove me wrong

>PROTIP: you cant

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Correct. They are out of touch but damn if they're not trying their hardest to pander to libcuck SJW sensibilities

Fact: This movie was both critically and commercially successful.

Conclusion: No, it's you that's out of touch.

Would it have done as well if it weren't Star Wars tm?

Answer: No.


they were never in touch with people. they always portrayed fantasies instead of reality. then they started to try to impose their views on to the rest of the public.

This movie made 2 billion dollars

Fake news

It grossed $50k profit everything else barely was recouped after marketing

answer: yes
it has harrison ford
fucking retard

Pretty sure Disney made their money back on the Lucasfilm deal before TFA had even came out.

All things being equal Disney barely avoided a deficit

thing is, Hollywood CANT be out of touch
they literally decide what the touch is

maybe 15 years ago, but the internet has surpassed the influence of hollywood

still, its bascially Hollywood or nothing
you dont have much of a choise

Trump would have never even been nominated if Hollywood decided what was in touch. They don't decide shit, they just have the luxury of owning all cinema.


Why would anyone believe you?

It's all fucking reboots and sequels to franchises. Nothing new is being made.


Hollywood producers and executives are the sons and daughters of past Hollywood producers and executives. They've been raised in this freakshow bubble and are basically aliens.

IMO they should've banked on Trevor Moore and wkuk

>but they are white

As the most ANTICIPATED movie in any franchise's history I'd expect it to have made as much. Or do you think it made major bank because of a bland cast and a off the wall tripping balls, super retarded script and an incorrigible mary sue protagonist?

Hollywood doesn't have to be though. They could, at any time, exceed that and be a studio for the people if only they'd actually read the scripts and or consider doing the projects of the every day folk who has sent them thousands of script that they've simply vaulted. If there's a way we could get people to make their own projects void of hollywood then hollywood would sink into the quagmire of obscurity like they should.

Why she so cute?

Meh I'd give her a 6/10

They're in touch with children