HAHAHA, German-Iranian Munich attacker

was a self-proclaimed kebab remover.

Of the 9 dead victims, 3 Kosovo-Albanian Muslims, 3 Turkish Muslims, 1 Greek girl (mistaken for Turk) plus 2 of unknown origin (but probably not German).

>non-white killing non-whites
>whites will be blamed

> 1 Greek girl

wtf I hate Iranians now

Iranians are now bro-tier

>1 Greek girl

Have the Germans figured out how to get the kebabs to remove kebabs for them?

>kebab remover yells out Allah akbar


well it was Aryan crime

>Conveniently forgot he add: "I am German because I am born in Germany"
It's like you have an agenda or something.

>tfw Britain and US ruined Iran

>all of them white and mostly qt girls
>no syrian achmeds or afghani muhammads

it's a major German city, chances of hitting an actual German are pretty low

Wow, it takes a lot of moxie to shoot unarmed civillians eating Big Macs.

Good go, racists.

He also killed a few albanian girls.
The /r9k/ was strong with him. BTFOing roasties where he goes.

If you've ever been around hauptschulgirls from albania or greece you're going to change opinions very fast.
Imagine a sassy black woman crossed with a valley girl with constant duckface and agression issues.

Ali knew what he was doing

>1 greek girl

Fucker still thinks the Persian war is on REEEEEE

greeks are orthodox t*rks

Lol Sup Forums is really having a hard time with this inceident.

On the one hand you want to hate him because he is a sandnigger, on the other hand you can't deny that removing kebab is a good thing in your opinion.

Shia's hate Sunnis and vice versa

>1 Greek girl (mistaken for Turk
Greeks aren't white confirmed

>everyone can hear him saying he is german
>only allah akbar source is muslim
Ok man

fuck off christian turdroach

>le kebab maymay

He was brainwashed by right wing extremism and should be blamd on white racists

>one Greek girl

I told you. This area is completely infested.
Death toll doesn't surprise me at all.

I just don't understand why there are no tourists among them. In the OEZ there are usually boatloads of tourists, god knows why.

Yeah but they were cute user

this is what the effects of Sup Forums would have in the real world, if it was more widespread

imagine coming to this board everyday until you just accept that the only way to make the world a better place is by killing other people like you

the poor dude probably tried his best fitting into a new life and could not because of the image is peers created for him, at least he identified the problem correctly

haha he was a /robot/

Not at all. We've always predicted that with the sudden influx non-compatible cultures, tension will increase and lead to crime and the dissolution of society. This refers both to immigrants and Germans as well as to immigrants and other immigrants.

>(mistaken for Turk)


Dark skinned people are psychopaths.

if you believe what merkel is having the media shill, you're a fool matey.

3 attackers, Iranian, likely islamic.

Most Greeks are scum and lazy and look like Mexicans.

you mad, Mustafa?

Somone post the pic of the greek girl
She was a blue-eyed qt

What's there to invoke Kek about?

It's called Win-Win

If this guy really was saying to fuck the Turks, they should hire him to go shoot up more Muslims

No wonder he didn't shoot the based Bavarian heckling him

wtf i like iranians now?

>not Muslim

pick only one

Guys, this was in Moosach. There are only few ethnic Germans still living there. By statistics alone, he should've hit mostly immigrants.

>Lol Sup Forums is really having a hard time with this inceident.

Not really, it's the lelbrals that are having a mental gymnastics session trying to pin this on white people.

contain your autism faggot, how did my post qualify me as a mustafa? she doesnt look like kebab at all

I think this is one of the Turks or Albanian girls who got shot.

You were visited by the based digger operator Thomas Salbey. Unlimited Beer supply and fresh undershirts will always be upon you but only if you post:


>imagine being an impressionable shit head

your comment gives me the impression that the infantile stage of human life must last until 40

>targeting women for their slutty behavior
Sounds more like an honor killing. Islam is to blame.

Arab Christians yell allah akbar all the time. It's just a common phrase in the middle east

So the first terrorist attack in Germany was Shia-on-Sunni?

AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH So many shit skins in germany that the islamist killer couldnt even find white people to kill!!


Pretty sad that brown people are doing the jobs germmons are too cucked to do

Was this a Shia on Sunni attack? Iranians aren't Sunni Muslims, the branch of Islam groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban are founded upon. Historically, Shia and Sunnis hate each other. From what it looks like it seems this guy was intentionally targeting Sunni ethnic groups. Thoughts?


wtf i hate tanned germans now

Does anyone have the shooter's reddit account information?

Iranian have always been in the all most white bro tier

The kebab removes itself?

He was iranian. Why would he want to kill his own kind

Thse best kebab removal is when kebab removes itself


And also:
Gott mit Dir Du Land der Bayern!


I declare Ali to be honorary white.

may kek bless him in the afterlife.

no they dont you fucking retard

thats just because most children in munich are non white now

reality... hes not german

But does it still count as kebab removal if kebab removes kebab, or just workplace violence

how will spartans retaliate?


>Persian kebab remover

Khosrow II approves

Rest easy, my Persian prince. May Ahura Mazda be with you

that girl had blue eyes and white skin though

Iranians have always been kinda bro tier.

Iranians are Muslims because the Arabs conquered them and made them Muslims. This is part of their culture, just not openly. They know that they are not meant to be Muslims.

>Iranian aryan purge Kebab

>the left cant even point it on rightwingers

absolutely win-win

Checked and kekd


>tfw four new Schiesser undershirts were in the mail today


so they are just like you...

I don't understand the fucking logic of people like you. The main argument, as always, is that unchecked immigration, especially from mud countries, lowers social trust, rises crime and creates insecurity. How does this beta uprising Iranian faggot disprove that? Does it matter whether he yelled Aloha Snackbar while killing people or not? Who the fuck cares? At the end of the day if his mud parents had not been allowed in your country nothing would have happened.

Genes > Culture.

Hey, a Greek muslim is dead, it's a boy, not a girl, that's what I got: He is from Rodope, Thrace. He jumped in front of his sister and saved her.

Posting shit with no source is ridiculous.

>none of the dead are white
Ahhh, so that's why Sup Forums isn't posting this to death. And I was wondering where the 100 'DA PEPLE ARE WAKIN UP!!1' threads were...

It fucking triggers me the way you germans say "on the one hand" instead of "on one hand". GET FUCKED AND KEKED!!!

He will join the Removalhalla and slaughter kebabs for eternity.

Here a picture of the killed greek girl

>Posting shit with no source is ridiculous.

Now it's war.


Ali Sonboly waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were kebabs in the base. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Angela Merkel were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Ali was a secular 2nd generation Iranian immigrant for eighteen years. When he was young he watched the aryans and he said to dad “I want to be an aryan daddy.”
Dad said “No! You will BE KILL BY KEBAB”
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the aryan nation of the EU he knew there were kebabs.
“This is Breivik” the radio crackered. “You must fight the kebabs!”
So Ali gotted his gun and blew up the wall.
“HE GOING TO KILL US” said the kebabs
“Fucking foreigner” shouted the Balcony man and he fired the bants. Ali gunned at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must kill the kebabs” he shouted
The radio said “No, Ali. You are the kebab”
And then Ali was a kebab.

looks like an ancient Greek godess, probably killed by mistake

what a pity

You moron keep up with the news. He wasn't a islamist but a regular shooter. He read tons of books about school shootings and targeted turks and arabs (kanacken) because they were the one mobbing him when he was a child. That's why he insisted to be german and not one of them and that's why his fake account was a muslim girl to get as much kanacks there.

If the sandniggers are killing other sandniggers, like they have always done in their home countries, it's a win-win for us. The problem is when they start killing normal people.

bitch paid her debts now

It's okay, there'll be another attack or two next week.





necrofilia rights 2016

Is Italy afraid of Portugal ?

>looks like an ancient Greek godess, probably killed by mistake

Ali: "Oh hi there, q.t., can I get your number? After my kebab removal we could go for a drink..." GUN GOES OFF

Ali: "Shiiiiit, no, I didn't want to do that, I really didn't want to blow off your head!"

there are lots of sunnis in iran

