What were they THINKING

What were they THINKING

Is there a trailer?

That car looks like shit btw. Should've had a motorbike or some form of Crown Vic.

It looks like a Batmobile

If he removes the collar, will he die?

What the fuck is the sequel even going to be about?
I haven't seen the first film but I've read the book and honestly I don't know what else there is to tell about androids and shit.

Well you figured it out, it's a cash grab devoid of artistic integrity. In fact, this existing pretty much ruins the mystery of the ending of the first film since Deckard cannot be a replicant if he's old now.

>we want the fast and furious audience

blade runner didn't need a sequel

Nice of Jared Leto to lend them a coat

I always wanted to see another movie set in the same universe, but not a direct sequel