Give me ONE reason why blacks are bad.
"1 post by this id", hahaha is that all you little pussies have to offer? you white bois wouldn't even stand a chance against us melanated fellas, we'll wipe the floors wit u!!
Give me ONE reason why blacks are bad.
"1 post by this id", hahaha is that all you little pussies have to offer? you white bois wouldn't even stand a chance against us melanated fellas, we'll wipe the floors wit u!!
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because they are niggers
One post by this id
Blacks are not bad Niggers are.
Niggers are not specifically black they could be of any race. We just hate niggers.
lol every face is a great reaction image!
>Yeah, I know they're committing tons of crime TODAY, but remember, your ancestors did similar things two thousand years ago, so its completely fine and you cant complain.
Also difference is Vikings had advanced metallurgy and were intelligent.
Also the Vikings were forced into it because that's how they had to survive, raiding and pillaging was the basis of their economic system and way of life. Niggers have no such excuse, they are just too stupid and lazy to get an actual job like every other normal American.
you have to go back to 9gag m8.
only a singular message transmitted via internet by this specific person
Blacks have an averange IQ of 86, while whites have an averange of 102. But that doesn't make them bad. I don't hate blacks, I hate stupid and inmoral people, doesn't matter the race. The thing is most niggers are stupid and have no values, but the same goes for some whites (SJW type), chinks, jews, etc.
>starving black men forced to go to crime because white people can't help them
>snowniggers rape innocent women and children, burn down villages, kill monks
fucking racists you are so hypocriticail, i knew you didn't have an answer
>niggers would rather steal and commit crime than get a job
Top zozzle
>What about your viking ancestors?
My ancestors are primarily Welsh, Czech, and Irish, they didn't start shit with anyone. Even then the vikings are dead. Kill off all the niggers and I bet Sup Forums won't keep hating on them a thousand years later.
some blacks are ok
its the niggers that are the problem
>could've just stolen farm animals and taken crops from harvests
>kill people and destroy infrastructure instead
top zozzle indeed newfriend
I have no viking ancestors.
My ancestors were black rapists who raped and enslaved, in the name of their dark sand prophet lord until the great white man came and liberated us all from this wretched vile. The white man civilized us, taught us to read and write, to build, to hunt and farm. We were free, but the perfidous black hordes continued to attack, but this time we defended ourselves. As if whipped by their wicked master, hordes upon hordes attempted to invade, burning down crops and pillage our cattle before. Before some,
Charles Martel, young king of Aquitania, faced excommunication to put an end to the Dark Lord's advance into the heart of Europe. In 732, in one last alliance between the formers provinces of the western roman empire, they fought to retake the lands of the free men.
For seven days and seven nights they fought, outnumbered one to ten, Martel pierced the wicked Saracen into its voidless heart, killing it as it shrieked slanderous words of his wicked undead necromancer. Muhammed.
All this, happened. But man...has forgotten it. Now, once more, the once thought dead necromancer, rises to finished what he has started.
FBI statistics on Viking murder rate and crime rate pls
But the vikings existed 1000 years ago. That way of life was the norm. Slavery was also normal some centuries ago in the entire planet.
Now, all those former viking nations are the most developed, peaceful and richest countries in the world. While black countries are still shitholes. Blacks in Africa wear clothes thanks to the white man. Africa has now railroads, hospitals, electricity, schools thanks to the white man. Don't you see a pattern here?
>"what about your viking ancestors." mean a way of life that died out 850 years ago??? What the fuck does that have to do with the modern world? Hahaha fucking niggers grasping at straws.
>what is the latin genocide
>what is the st brices day massacre
>We're only doing this because we're incapable of being self sustainable, so its your fault for not carrying us on your back.
>Give me ONE reason why blacks are bad.
Only 13% of the population but they commit over half the crime in this country.
that's under the one drop rule, retard
any white with 1 drop of blood is classified as black baka
Lmao have you ever looked at an FBI database? Nigga you can be Wesley snipes black and it'll still list your ass as white.
>What are those compared to one day in Africa
You have done such a sterling job of 'wiping the floor with us' in the past haven't you?
Speak for yourself cunt.
This is dumb
>war of golden stool
>took british 6 months to beat "niggers"
*snort* fucking anglos
>Nordic peoples go around trading and engaging in colonization and diplomatic missions.
>Sometimes decide to raid the people that want to see their entire religion and way of life destroyed
>This is somehow bad
>Hurr durr vikings waz evil rapists bcuz history channel and da movies told me so
Lol, I love how we trigger people enough to make a steady stream of BTFO threads.
That's funny. I don't see any FBI stats in that green text
>but what about 1400 years ago?
Implying that we would want to live with uncivilized vikings.
Terrible argument op
>created trading posts
>improved ships and navigation
>it's even speculated they sailed all the way to America before amerigo vespucci and Colombus
1. Rape and loot when a catastrophe strikes (see Katrina)
2. Rape and loot when they don't get their way (LA riots)
3. Are butthurt because they're the only race that still complains about slavery
No comparison shill
>literally admitting niggers are acting like stone age savages
>blacks are bad today
>islam is bad today
just because different people did different fucked up shit LONG AGO IN THE PAST doesnt mean its ok for the current fuckups get a free pass
yeah but unlike niggers vikings could build boats and set up urban infrastructure prior to 2005
niggers are rapists and murderer's
yeah, niggers are good at wiping floors
>what about your Viking ancestors
Notice we stopped raping and reaving thousands of years ago, around the same time we left mud huts. Niggers did neither