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what the fuck is this

>The Diverse Crew
>This fall on HULU

>diversity = profit
The sooner you realize that tv shows aren't created to appease you but rather to make the most money in the shortest time possible, the better.

Why is Molly so old? And ethnic? Why is gert not a fattie?

These were both parts of their character, their physical traits (Age and weight) were part of their character.

This would be like making Ms Marvel fucking white. Hulu is such trash.

>hulu original

what the fuck is hulu
what the fuck is runaways
why cant marvel stop making shitty comics about blacks

Does Hulu really have good originals?

>I don't want this is, but its shitty

good point

>marvel series
>featuring sassy black people and interacial romance
>not shit

this is actually embarrassing

>tfw the qt blonde is gonna get B L A C K E D

But in the comics, isn't she a lesbian?

damn thats one diverse crew

Can't see the problem, they're all pretty close to the book, why the fuck are you complaining about diversity.
Molly is the only debatable one, and even that would be quite a stretch.

Also, it's Alex

surely nonwhites can't all be this fugly, they must be doing this on purpose

Looks about right.

Ms Marvel IS white >:{|

>black MC

How long will it take for Hollywood to realize that this just doesn't work?


every Will Smith movie disproves your argument.

Where is the raptor?

>>diversity = profit

But it doesn't. It's purely to appease SJWs. Most minorities have no problem watching shows or movies with no diversity.

far right

He's not the MC. And he's evil. Also, he dies.

The handmaids tale is good, so is sneaky pete.

>Getting triggered over interacial shit in a comic book about aliens and dinosaurs

>Close to the book
>Molly is far too old, and not white
>Chase looks like a rich faggot straight off the disney channel
>Gertrude isn't fat

Its here.

and returns as a ghost and fuck the asian girl

jesus fucking xheist the fingers on the black guy
what was the artist thinking

>But it doesn't

Say that to the Furious franchise

Lmao he is evil, the group is betrayed by the nigger. Cry less Sup Forumscuck.

>Where is the raptor?
Where's the fat chick?

the blonde white girl doesn't even have fingers.

Fuggg that was such a good comic GRRRRRRR

>Will Smith
>a black guy

he is the Tom Hanks of niggers

ugh excuse me? those are perfectly good paws.

they hit the too many whites panic button with molly

Don't worry, by the time this comes out you'll have already triggered yourself to apoplexy with Cloak & Dagger (who are supposed to turn up in The Runaways also given its kind of their beat, it was one of the few crossovers that made sense).

We already have xmen what the fuck is this shit


Sounds like they want it to flop

Yet the black kid is still the bad guy in the comics. He double crosses all of them

I can't to see the Sup Forums shitstorm over them, those little drama queens are always good for a giggle.


>Sup Forums jerks off to this

>using that shitty pic where the artist tries to make white molly hayes look ethnic

>two white people
dropped hard lads


Why did they make Alex Mexican?

Read that post you wrote out loud to your Father.

Does this make you any happier?

gert looks mexican

political correctness kills everything

Wow you sure showed me.

I really wish Marvel would stop trying to push Cloak and Dagger, they've never had a particularly interesting story.

Coulda' done something with a black guy with a stutter becoming a superhero, but they didn't.

Two posts in and you are a cliche. Take care, my friend. I hope you get the amusement that you are so eagerly excited for, I truly do.


I like Cloak and Dagger but I wasn't encouraged by the trailer.

wht is diverse in ff?? both vin an the rock look white or black depending of the lightings

She gets S K R U L L E D

molly adds fucking cuteness and levity to the team and they ruined it with a cross-eyed unibrowed cunt. just look at her, she looks legit retarded.

It actually looks quite well directed:

Being harder on this than Inhumans?

Please. Maybe they cast the people they wanted it for it, stop being autistic.

But user is right on that thread, it really does look like its being produced by Brazzers.

>lol liberals are triggered by not enough minorities so i'll be triggered by too many hahaha now i'm upset too liberals take that!


Yes, 100% of that franchise's success is because of how diverse the cast is.

>heh heh non-sequitur in greentext that'll show em

Marvel/Disney is really just going to give every single superhero a show/movie, aren't they?


only recently did """ms marvel""" be kamala

now in shitty comic form

Back to , Slowflakes.

Back to KFC, nigger.

What is Khamela Khan, Alex?

a failed comic book

>zero (0) straight white males

>he is the Tom Hanks of niggers
What does it even mean

is BKV involved in this?

You alt-right trolls are not even worth our time. You are easily beaten into submission and you cannot debate. You invade our board & try to make us miserable to enjoying diverse media.

Leave and never come back. Maybe brietbart is more your people's speed, nazi.

Fuckheads like you people would get knocked around if you talked like that in front of my professor.

It's got spunk
It's got layers
I like it, I do.
But I'd rather you didn't.
Thank you.

>Two white people

That too many


Hitler is dead and Trump is not god. Crawl back into your basements and jerk off to stormfront.

Talk shit get hit.

>white womyn who's probably a complete slut
What the fuck does marvel even gain from this

Yeah, that looks about right. Runaways was basically tumblr, the comic.

Well, that was before Kieron Gillen's Young Avengers which literally was Tumblr: The Comic.

At least until The Wicked + The Divine which is LITERALLY TUMBLR: THE COMIC.

And at the end of the day all comics are tumblr now.

what is this face trying to convey?

>it's a Sup Forums falseflags criticism against them for no reason episode

That's the face of tolerance and diversity–the face of anything but white!

it was a little pre-tumblr, the tumblrness was understated. i'd hate to see what it would be like if they brought it back today.


Will Netflix Punisher do a guest cameo to get punched in the gut by a super strength brat?

Gert would be full blown tumblr and praised for it instead of being shat on continuously like she was originally

Newfag baits are the worst. Lurk more.

It would look like Young Avengers.

No but he will make a guest cameo where Molly tries to convert him to the muslim faith.

fucking kek
Wouldn't he be "islamophobic" from his years of service?

>Molly is almost as tall as Karolina
>Getrude isn't fat

what the fuck

I said tries.

and it'll be a good show too, even the haters will watch it

comics shit

>Gert isn't fat
>Alex is a baby faced little twerp who is meant to be a villain lol
>Molly is old and smells of curry
>Chase isn't blonde, and is played that a well known "I can only be a smug rich kid" disney tier actor.
>Nico isn't nearly emo/goth or whatever, enough

>Ariela Barer as Gert Yorkes: A riot grrrl and social justice warrior.