This show is finally kino again

This show is finally kino again.

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I dropped it during the last couple of episodes of last season, I bet this season is no better.

It was only Kino when it made the triggered go on a rampage over nothing.

What happened?

Dead lesbian.

It has been uneven but last episode was based


Fake! Everyone knows Lexa is a character of peace.

It's all a cis conspiracy.

I forgot about this, how does the new season compare to previous ones?

Have Bellamy and Clark fucked yet

never gonna happen sweetie

fuck off krager

There's been a steady decrease in quality but it's still good


that death match scene was fucking badass

Suffers bad from a wonky concept and each episodes just feels like it goes back and forth and is only driven by characters being retarded.

This last episode was good though.


>Nuclear death is coming.
>There's a bunker but not enough room for everyone.
>All the clans hold a big deathmatch so the winner can pick who gets to go to the bunker.
>Octavia finally pulls her head out of her ass and fights for the Sky People and wins.
>Declares that each clan will send some of their own so all clan cultures survive.
>Clarke and Jaha go full retard and take over the bunker by force while everyone is distracted watching the deathmatch.
>Now the clans have declared war on the Sky People again to reclaim the bunker.

Also Roan died and Echo got exiled.

>Octavia FINALLLY does something right
>Clarke goes and fucks everything up anyway
What the FUCK is happening?
Jesus Christ...

nobody cares, nigger.

>no diversity

how its kino?

>waaaahhhh they won't let me become commander of all the clans

>I'm taking my ball and going home

Why is Clarke such a cunt?

Clarke just can't stop genociding.

>>no diversity
This is actually so wrong it hurts.

I can see where she's coming from, and it does align with her character.
It's just such a shame her character became a hypocrite and a whining cunt.

How many of genocides did she actually commit?
>mfw she's a Ravnos and mass murder is her vice

Would be great if there are no more Grounder story lines next season and they get back to the scifi.


>It's the yearly "Clarke commits genocide against brown people" episode

Fucking based

Not set in India then

The first season there were mutant beast and freak nature clouds of acid, felt like an alien world.

They completely abandoned that for GoT with savages.

>kinotard praises a show

Automatically means it's reddit Tier shit

>Spend entire season trying to convince everyone to get along
>Try to save everyone
>Retards want some deathmatch, whatever at least someone will survive
>Edgelord superhuman comes in to ruin everything

Seemed pretty reasonable to me senpai

how can we h8 her again?

that kid on the right is from diary of a wimpy kid.

falls second to the broad who tried to the mutiny back on the ark. feels like so long ago, completely forgot about her.
also, alie takes the cake due to starting the nuclear holocaust.

They dropped the retarded AI digital city. Thank God. but the aftermath of it is pretty cool. Lots of callbacks to the first season and parallels and shit.

>ywn be murdered by Clarke to sate her bloodlust

Why even live

Will she do it?

>Clarke and Jaha go full retard

They made the right choice. They are much smarter than the grounders and a better future for humanity. Why let in dirty ruin-dwelling tribal retards? And not enough room to bring in all their own people? Fuck that.

They're probably gonna bring it back to that. Once they leave the bunker and go outside again after the nuclear shit,there will probably be surviving grounders who will be fucking pissed. And everything will be all fucked up.

>fucks it up
Why should they have to share it with the grounders and leave some of their own outside. They saw an opportunity and snatched it. I would do it too in their shoes.

Will it be timeskip or a season of in bunker drama?

Timeskip. The show won't survive a season of boring indoors stuff, although maybe the first few episodes will be in the bunker and they leave halfway through the season or something

I hope they open up the bunker only to find an army of pissed off radiation scarred grounders who managed to live

Maybe they won't get in at all though, this show is one where if something can go wrong it will go wrong

Tried watching this show. While the setting whas mildly interesting, it seemed like just bullshit teen drama. dropped after 2 episodes. Should I give it another shot?

it gets better, but then worse. never as bad as those first few episodes though.

Claire "Don't be around her, if you're a grounder" Griffin

Dem tiddies

Bellamy and Echo are going to space with Raven in the finale apparently

Pretty good kill streak

How many M.O.A.Bs can you call in with that?

You should.

The teen drama remains, but you'll get some more frontier military/survival stuff.

watching the currrent episode right now
>I fight for death

S1EP1-3 Pretty bad

Then they try to lynch best character and its pretty good from there

Takes a bit of a dip in season 3 but then they start executing the savages

Season 4 has been pretty good so far and last nights episode S4EP10 is probably one of the shows best episodes to date

we don't want you here pedonig

>The CW

it's trash for (pre)teen girls

>bellamy is definitely not going to want to fuck her now

I just want to go back to when they were bookending scenes with Clarke and Bellamy offering to absolve each other of their respective guilt. Those were the days.

This show produces some of the best youtube videos

Truly hilarious content

i stopped watching when Jaha rode a missile from space onto earth

I felt insulted.

So you missed the Jaha crazy train road to redemtion that was actually the road to the holocaust?

So how is everyone coping with Roan?

Sad that he and Clarke will never bang. Of all the Grounders I really expected him to make it through because the writers need reasons to put off ClarkexBellamy and Roan would have been the best excuse.

acid fog was made by the modern men of Mt Weather. there was also a humanoid looking through but thats it although i'd like them to be around like a barely sensible faction

The first 3 episodes are literally just some teen drama youth novel tier shit. After that it gets really good

Why do you think they are giving Echo so much srceen time

But I'm going to miss Roan he was good

glad i'm not this emotionally attached to the show. lexa dying would have killed me.

eh, he was not /myguy/

I guess it's a nice reminder that plotarmor isn't too thick for everyone.
I think he was my favourite living grounder before the last episode.

also how many people could the vault keep?
How many sky crew are left?

they need a new cutie

welp there goes my only hope of everyone on the show getting killed off and murphy, roan, and bellamy surviving to find a clan of amazon supermodels, then being used a sex slaves season

The Bunker can sustain 1200 people

Skykru are about 500 people

400 are at the bunker

The other 100 are the suicide sqwad at the Ark

so they're being kinda greedy.

I guess going 2/3 savages and 1/3 sky crew in close quarters could be a bad idea though.

Hard to let in a few extras now that they've "betrayed" the others now also.

Eh Echo's kinda hot

Plus shes got that whole choke fetish thing now after Bellamy so I wouldn't be to mad if they hooked up

And the rage from the bellarke fags would probably create enough energy to power the world for a week

3 big players in one episode, i think only one or two characters are truly safe from it. but would be ok with them proving me wrong.

>Next episode is a Murphy episode
Fuck yes.

From the promo images it looks like we could be getting a Murphy Bellamy team up episode

don't tell me they kicked clawhands out of the bunker without letting him know. that's a recipe for disaster.

fucking octavia bitch should have said the remaining 700 spots will be given to the hottest women of all clans

Clawhands and O locked outside

Bellamy and Murphy going on a rampage on the inside

Insider help from Abby because papa Kane is also locked outside

well, something like that, she should've said that if there's more room sky crew will take in people from other clans.

rip in piss skycrew


Who's the worse edgy grimdark character, Luna or Jasper?

i challenge ya solo memeplay


At least we got SeaMechanic from Luna

Jasper just needs some Nietzsche in his life, or some gas in his lungs. he's corrupting the rest and leading them to drunk decisions

jasper is still fucking alive. so him

Damn Roan's death was brutal as fuck.

The guy just couldn't catch a break, he was one of the few honourable grounders especially among the Ice nation.

Rip in piss

Roan is so aesthetic

I wish I could be friends with him just so I could look at him all the time

Broan best OTP

tri beet too nufa

>Damn Roan's death was brutal as fuck.
The acid rain was so cool though.
Seeing Roan and Octavai groaning from it while Luna like a monster could just walk through it

muncha con praima kooka offa, besda kru muncha fo besda bostasheet

Yeah just don't think he deserved that death.

They should have killed Octavia instead her arc is done.

trv roamkrv

>just not you

s a v a g e


Great episode desu, definitely best this season

Clark "I ain't a slave, to a grounder conclave" Griffin

Is the dude first on the right a cool character?
I used to go to Highschool with him

He was good for the 1st 2 seasons then he turned into a whiney bitch

Apparently the actor is nice tho

He changed a lot ever since Clark "Making leather, out of kids from mt. weather" Griffin killed his waifu.

He's been ruining shit for everyone for the last couple of seasons.
Currently he's just partying until the radiation kills him and the group he convined to join his death cult