What are some good deep sea horror movies? I want Alien, but underwater. Every deep sea movie I've ever seen has been mediocre but I'm in love with the idea
What are some good deep sea horror movies? I want Alien, but underwater...
Connor Wood
Leo Reyes
The Abyss
Lincoln Rivera
the shallows
Thomas Sanders
try Deep Star Six and Leviathan (its the Thing, but underwater)
thats not a horror movie though
Thomas Williams
Can sharks even move their heads like that?
Angel Price
What is a good deep sea horror movie that involves something monstrously bigger then the characters? Like full on Kraken from myth sized monster(s)
Andrew Miller
I think I have sharkphobia or something. I had to move the reply box over the thumbnail to write this post because the image triggers me so much
Brandon Howard
can sharks turn their heads? yes
Gabriel Flores
Huh, I always assumed their bodies were pretty solid besides their tails.
>tfw got to swim with a whale shark last summer
Jacob White
Deep Rising