Thoughts on this documentary?

You should know how these conversations go here, user...

It's total shit. Barring a few extremely fringe people like that polyamorous guy in Berkley who's name escapes me for the moment, all historians, atheist, christian, jewish, or whatever, think that Jesus was a historical figure. Even if they disagree on which aspects are historical, which are embellishments, and which are fabrications.

How mad do you have to be to make an image like that

jesus never existed.
you're worshipping a kike on a stick.

Top kek

How did they come up with that?

No joke, how do they prove anyone guy who wasn't a nobleman or other high ranking official existed 2000 years ago?

I didn't make it, I just saved it.

i liked it when i was a bitter atheist, now i think i would find it unnecessarily provocative (still atheist). most christians are actually nice people

It's the truth

This is funny because christanity was not wrong about the solar system . the people jjust asumed that the earth was the most important and everything revolved around it

What do you mean exactly? What were they right about?

You have to create a model of Christian development that makes sense. You have to explain how this huge, diverse movement about a guy who lived in a particular place, at a particular time, and interacted with particular (and famous) people, suddenly came into existence. And all in about 15-30 years. The simplest answer is just that there was a guy named Jesus who did and taught things and was crucified. A purely secular look at the crucifixion for example - if they were going to make up an execution for the person they thought was Israel's Messiah, why did they choose the most dishonorable one possible? 2,000 years later we have a romanticized view of the cross as self-sacrifice, love, etc. But in the first and second centuries being crucified was considered absolutely shameful. It would have been incredibly embarrassing to Jesus followers. So why make it up? Why not just have him ascent to heaven and disappear?

It's occam's razor.

>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

universe first earth later


I was wondering the same thing.

> Why not just have him ascent to heaven and disappear?

That is reserved only for the greatest prophet of Allah

If Jesus was not real, why did the early century jews say 'nah dude, he died and his supporters stole his body, there was no resurrection' rather than 'he didn't even exist'

documentaries are shit.

at least 95% are manipulative garbage that just show selective half-truths to strengthen the world-view of their target groups.

The most popular ones are usually the worst.

Watch pic related instead.

>what is the story of Solomon for 500 Alex

The bible was written by people, not God, hence inaccurate beliefs that were accepted at the time, but later shown to be untrue. Case in point is the story of Solomon, which makes sense if you have an earth centric model. Stretching the story to fit a heliocentric model is flat out denial.

>what is the story of Solomon

you tell me because i have no fucking idea what you mean

People tell lies and create schemes. It was a lot easier to spin a story back when almost everybody stayed within 10 miles of their birthplace their entire life.

There is literally nothing odd or wacky about a preacher starting an offshoot religion that suggests Jesus couldn't have existed. The only really odd thing is how much it spread and how quickly, and if Jesus didn't even exist, that just makes it more odd.

There is no reason to believe Jesus didn't exist aside from some misplaced need to academically 'get back' at Christians.

>if god is real why did he make me ugly and won't giv me gf :((

Every atheist ever

Saw it years ago. Piss-poor research.


So what is the problem with solomon ? the problem with the bible is that god cant explain science to a bunch of goat herders, and then a cloud becomes a window of heaven

In many ways you can't prove anything about history. That's why there's even new-chronology theory in which all history is made up prior to 1500s (i.e. before the printing press)

Helloo zeitgeist and i am done


I know Sup Forums calls itself a "Christian board," but you guys need to realize that atheism is the final redpill.

You hate Muslims because they're subhuman scum.
And you hate Jews because they want to destroy the white race.

When are you going to put 2 and 2 together that all religion is a cancer that needs to be eradicated so we can progress as a species?