I am about to pop the Phantom Menace in and watch it as I fall asleep. I've lost count how many times I've seen it. I don't care what anybody says. It's freaking great.
George Lucas has hardly did anything wrong
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He follow the kung fu trend instead of making the jedi what they original suppose to.
Everything Tattoine related is comfy even though Jake and Jar Jar are retarded. I personally like the prequels even though they are flawed but RoTS is pure kino.
Armor is pure aesthetic in Star Wars.
Nah, sure we think of Palpatine and Yoda as trancending the lightsaber, but I think I read somewhere in the EU that Palpatine only uses a lightsaber at times to toy with other lightsaber users at times, but in reality he does not need one because of his strong connecton to the force.
I played so much BF2.
>that Sidious, Savage Opress, and Maul duel scene where Sheev btfo both of them
Think about Jar Jar; he goes from being a low banished nobody to freakin' representing Amidala in the Galactic Senate when she is absent. I like to think that shows Jar Jar is not as useless as everybody thought he was. He is a humble loveable soul in my mind.
It's freaking amazeballs.
Your mental problems have nothing to do with the quality of the movie. Lots of people indulge in self-harm of their own volition.
I don't see what's the point of this thread. Perhaps you're looking for other idiots to validate you.
What's wrong with kungfu
Chinese stunts are cool