Skinhead here. We are way more fucking badass than "National Socialists". Although we love Hitler because he hated niggers and jews we aren't really National Socialists because people like George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party denounce us. We say fuck that shit. Anyway Skinheads are way better than Nazis for many reasons
One reason we are better is we cut the shit. National Socialists rant about love for their country, their people, their culture, and all that other bullshit. We skinheads say fuck all that and we are simply Nazis for the nigger hating. Why give a shit about culture and history when you can be hating on niggers?
Another reason we are better is we are cooler than Nazis. We blast badass heavy-metal music about how niggers are subhuman while gay ass Nazis play Bach, Mozart, and other boring ass music. Fuck that shit. If you're too much of a pussy to play badass music than fuck off.
The last reason we are better is we are more brave. Most Nazis are too much of pussy ass bitches to admit they are Nazis in public. We aren't scared we shave our heads to show the world how badass we are. I got fired and arrested for what I believed in. I got fired for calling my boss a kike and arrested for calling a black cop a nigger freak. See we aren't cuck pussys we actually have balls. I've literally been to court before for this shit and the based Aryan judge let me off
>pic related is Adam Krause I actually met him in Brooklyn