Why Skinheads are More Badass than Nazis

Skinhead here. We are way more fucking badass than "National Socialists". Although we love Hitler because he hated niggers and jews we aren't really National Socialists because people like George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party denounce us. We say fuck that shit. Anyway Skinheads are way better than Nazis for many reasons

One reason we are better is we cut the shit. National Socialists rant about love for their country, their people, their culture, and all that other bullshit. We skinheads say fuck all that and we are simply Nazis for the nigger hating. Why give a shit about culture and history when you can be hating on niggers?

Another reason we are better is we are cooler than Nazis. We blast badass heavy-metal music about how niggers are subhuman while gay ass Nazis play Bach, Mozart, and other boring ass music. Fuck that shit. If you're too much of a pussy to play badass music than fuck off.

The last reason we are better is we are more brave. Most Nazis are too much of pussy ass bitches to admit they are Nazis in public. We aren't scared we shave our heads to show the world how badass we are. I got fired and arrested for what I believed in. I got fired for calling my boss a kike and arrested for calling a black cop a nigger freak. See we aren't cuck pussys we actually have balls. I've literally been to court before for this shit and the based Aryan judge let me off

>pic related is Adam Krause I actually met him in Brooklyn

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>love for their country, their people, their culture, and all that other bullshit
>badass heavy-metal music

but what if I like both of those things?

I knew this was going to be a leaf.

Well honestly we don't give a fuck if you like that shit we just don't talk about that shit we fuck niggers and fuck Jews we just ain't going to talk about that history shit.

Why man most Canadians think skinheads are freaks.

Skinheads are stupid fags who are useful idiots for Jewry, I hope they all get cancer and die.

>we just ain't going to talk about that history shit
>claims to despise niggers
>is nigger tier

a fucking leaf

>We blast badass heavy-metal music about how niggers are subhuman while gay ass Nazis play Bach, Mozart, and other boring ass music. Fuck that shit. If you're too much of a pussy to play badass music than fuck off.
metal is based on rock which is based on nigger music

How the fuck am I nigger tier you stupid motherfucking kike. I don't do nigger shit like rap and all that other bullshit

Bitch you're a stupid pussy to afraid to shave your hair you probably have BLACK hair and should shave that shit anyway. I hope you have cancer faggot.

No fuck that shit man we blast Aryan music. I make sure the music I listen to has no niggers in it, as I said once drop of non-white blood and it ceases to be human. Same applies with music listeners.

the way you communicate. Every other word is an obscenity, just like a rap song. Hence, nigger tier

>Skinheads are stupid fags who are useful idiots for Jewry, I hope they all get cancer and die.

Why do you denounce those that are on our side? Unless you're not on our side, because you're an anti-white shill.

Bitch im not a fucking nigger ok I hate nigger I call niggers fucking freaks on the sidewalk I know their assholes I know they fucking stink and I even got arrested for calling some stupid fucking nigger a freak.

Don't listen to the faggots here, you're doing God's work user

>we love Hitler because he hated niggers
when did he hate niggers?

did one of Trudeau's LGBT police cruisers stop you?

How are supposed to be proud of your country if your country done nothing to be proud of?

Leafy is just having a breackdown
let him vent

The sad thing is that this shit will get tons of replies.

Nah it was before that shit

When that ape won the olympics he refused to touch that fucking niggers dirty hand


This is definitely canacuck flavored shitposting, but in case it is not, here goes.

Skinheads are easily manipulated retards. Your 'movement' was created by the Jews to serve as a reminder why white nationalism is so terrible. You bring nothing to the table, and make white people look like complete idiots.

By acting out like children, you are being useful idiots and helping the very people you claim to hate so much. Retards like you accumulated in the SA, and there is a reason why the SA was purged.

This is akin to two hobos fighting. Identity politics is for the bottom of the barrel.

You're nigger tier because you act like a fucking animal and call it having balls aka "being thug" in nigger terms. No one gives a shit you hate kikes and niggers, you just make every other white look as retarded as you. You are bringing yourself down to their level by being such an outlandish faggot.

>If you're too much of a pussy to play badass music than fuck off.


You're such a badass that you can't spell for shit. Thinking then is than and than is then. Aside from killing niggers, kill yourself.

Bitch fuck Canada this country it's a nigger loving country however I am proud of my fellow Aryans

>This is definitely canacuck flavored shitposting, but in case it is not, here goes.
Bitch my flag is right there, of course im Canadian

>Skinheads are easily manipulated retards. Your 'movement' was created by the Jews to serve as a reminder why white nationalism is so terrible. You bring nothing to the table, and make white people look like complete idiots.
Bitch we make whites look like badasses you motherfucking morons think anyone who isn't a pussy is there to make you look bad

>By acting out like children, you are being useful idiots and helping the very people you claim to hate so much. Retards like you accumulated in the SA, and there is a reason why the SA was purged.
Bitch children are innocent and don't know what fuck means would a child say this


skinheads are also notorious degenerates. Most of them are drug addicts or alcoholics


Skinheads are the enemy of the white race. They are the allies of Jews.

You can't many get intelligent whites to rally around listening to heavy metal and cursing jews and niggers

You need the white identity approach. Appeal to the sense of cultural values, community, 14 words, etc

Bitch sorry you're too much of a pussy to make some friends but it is what Aryans do

Ahhh i get it you are simply a fucking pussy who is too fucking afraid to call niggers out for what fucking monkeys they are. Keep being a fucking cuck dumbass.

> National Socialists rant about love for their country, their people, their culture, and all that other bullshit. We skinheads say fuck all that and we are simply Nazis for the nigger hating

You sound like a ridiculous caricature. I would definitely make fun of any skinhead who didn't have love for his country and people.

The one skinhead I met was very respectful to me because I was a fellow white nationalist and well knowledgeable about the cause (although he was very aggressive and violent to gommunists but oh well).

Hey nazis, remember 1945?

>he was very aggressive and violent to gommunists but oh well

nothing wrong with that, honestly

You are so edgy. What city are you from? I would like to join so I can be edgy like you. You can refer to me as the 'white eagle' or 'the edge lord'.

user that's just a movie made by kikes in hollywood.
you shouldn't believe what they tell you

Yeah because alcohol is a symbol of Aryan genes that's why only Northern Europeans can handle linquer unlike the subhumans. I only get drunk to show subhumans how Aryan I am

I don't need to spell when I am the master-race sorry you subhumans can't understand words that don't use your Jewish spelling

you're fucking degenerates who do nothing to help or promote our people

The SA wasn't purged because they were retards, the SA was purged because Hitler didn't need any competition.

You are a dog. Also Hitler congratulated Jesse Owens.

Yeah okay you fucking shill.

That's some nigger bullshit right there, go fuck yourself

>You can't many get intelligent whites to rally around listening to heavy metal and cursing jews and niggers
Because they're fucking cucks and too fucking pussy to do anything!

>You need the white identity approach. Appeal to the sense of cultural values, community, 14 words, etc
bitch im not some pussy who gives a flying fuck about his community I just hate niggers.

>we fuck niggers and fuck Jews
>I know their assholes


>there are people this retarded who figure out how to use the internet

OP skinheads are literal faggots.

skinheads are shit.

>usually poor
>barely Caucasian
>pretty much always dumb
>behaves like an oaf
>generally uncivilized and irresponsible

>proper gentleman
>well traveled
>civilized and knows how to raise and support a family
>has respect for everyone but love of his own people always trumps others
>is generally sophisticated

Skinheads are literal untermensch human trash. They're totally unaware of how toxic and subhuman they are, they're unaware Hitler would have had them all shot.


you shitheads are no better than the fucking niggers we hate. unemployed idiots with no future

In other words you faggots never grow up.
Fuck off. You're the same as a nigger.

Honestly man fuck off I mean I respect you for being a white nationalist but you're fucking retarded for giving a shit about this bullshit heritage shit.

What happened in 1945? Oh probably some fucking bullshit involving Commies, who gives a fuck slavs are subhuman anyway. Go fuck yourself

My grandfa remove nazis in ww2 and you?///?////??

nothing says "White pride" more than dying of liver failure and having your body found 2 days later in a pile of your own shit

>>What happened in 1945? Oh probably some fucking bullshit involving Commies, who gives a fuck slavs are subhuman anyway. Go fuck yourself
Commie, pls

Toronto and it's a really degenerate city you got shitskins and niggers and faggots and jews and a bazillion other fucking subhumans

But they do make Hitler look like a fucking badass for not shaking that fucking apes hand

I don't give a fuck about whites I just hate niggers. I am driving by a hatred of niggers not by some fucking gay ass bullshit about love

>but you're fucking retarded for giving a shit about this bullshit heritage shit.

Exactly how is it bullshit to have love for your country, your people, and your culture?

Mine killed japs.

He was pissed though. He was Polish and wanted to go to Europe to kill Germans and Russians (mostly Russians.)

Grew up in the hardcore and punk scene, FSU member, used to stomp nazi skins on a regular basis.

Never met one that could fight. Ive seen many cry and piss themselves in fear. You guys are the bottom tier of society. Weak, stupid, and scared anytime someone calls your shit

Bitch no true Aryan would shake hands with a literal fucking monkey


I meant we SAY "FUCK NIGGERS FUCK JEWS" and I KNOW THEY ARE ASSHOLES believe my im not a fucking fag

Fuck that I'm black and support Trump and what not but skinheads are fucking faggots, you're bullshit is just as bad as any fucking nigger

I think youre all faggots who never have and never will pursue any meaningful career to help advance your quality of life for yourself and your family.

I know OP's post is just bait, but anyone who truly is a "supremacist" of any race should be castrated.

Hitler loved Jesse Owens and congratulated him for his achievements.

Its Russian board pls speak Russia

Are you kidding me? We fucking hate gays you're just a nigger a jew or a cuck, either way you're a fucking subhuman

ITT: Hurr durr, my retard has a badder ass than your retard.

Are there even any legit skinheads left ? Their look has been hijacked by the turbogays for a while now.

Hitler also loved black people, they were many black people in the German military because Hitler wanted to help them gain independence from Britain.

Toronto has changed a lot in the last ten years, it is a real shame. Used to love going to that city now it is just full of filth.

You take that back right now savage, or there will be blood.

You need to be subtle

> Listens loudly to retarded music full of profanity
> Acts tough and feels the need to try to intimidate people and make them think you are cool

How are you skinheads not nigger tier

Even the 1488 LARPers fell for the gay meme.

>>usually poor
Bitch the Jews control the money and the fucking niggers are holding us back via welfare

Education is Jewish shit

>>Barley Caucasian
Bitch we're pure ARyan

Good! Civilized men are fucking cucks. The true barbarian state is where the Aryan man belongs


Exactly they're cucks

>this thread

What do you think about slavs?

This, you're a fucking retard OP

Except the Nazis actually did it. They would have done it fully had they not lost the war. It seems immature to want to kill minorities for the sake of it, but not for the love of your own people.
Simply put, you seem like both an edgelord and the worst kind of leaf that has ever walked upon the Earth.

You sound like a stupid fucking subhuman cuck. Enjoy working for the Jews subhuman

Grow up and stop believing nigger bullshit, we are the only un-cucked whites

He didn't fucking fight for der Juden

Bitch we aren't fucking subhuman that won't happen besides medical bullshit is a fucking scam anyway that won't happen

Literally stormfags.

You face when Hitler and Hirohito sucks

wait... thats considered white ? he looks like a common fucking spic lmfao

>I don't do nigger shit

>I got fired and arrested

Not working and getting arrested, sounds pretty black to me.

>black hair
>like the faggot in the picture

Because it's boring as fuck. I can't memorize what fucking food i had for breakfest how am i suppose to remember some ancient germany shit

lol you're a cry baby stupid weak jew cuck enjoy being a fucking subhuman

>im black

The one on the right sets off my jewdar.

And I'm liberaltarian, desu

Oh so you deny the fucking white race is superior? You should be castrated you fucking freak.

>National Socialists rant about love for their country, their people, their culture, and all that other bullshit

Being this fucking retarded, enact the final solution on yourself

>Skinhead here.

Does mom know you're using her computer to post this shit, Kevin?

>doesn't give a fuck about culture and history
how you decide are you truly aryan or not maybe you are some nigger sellout. skinheads these days dumb you will never ever get achievements.

No he didn't no Aryan would touch an ape

Get that fucking Slav subhuman off my screen

Hitler didn't put apes in his army you fucking cuck

Bach is a shit-eye anyway. Who the fuck cares?

Because we are actually Aryan fuck niggers

SUBHUMAN! Fuck slavs I hate them all I only like fucking aryans

You face then "make Russia gheat again"

>ITT newshit OP think's he's found a new home to shitpost on, becomes horrified and sad when everyone points out what a nigger he is

The reason for some races being superior to others is intelligence and behavior, some physical features but they'd be ignored in the place of high intelligence and general 'aryan' behavior.


Funny how skinheads never stood a chance against them, only NatSoc did, because they were intelligent adults. What can you do, you pathetic waste of energy? Throw rocks at a bank?

You're dumb enough to think education means school, I think that says it all. Education is from everywhere and everything.

>Aryan meme

Nobody even knows what this means. There is no such thing as an Aryan, sorry. Its not a physical specification or a mental one, its void of any meaning.

Your life is pointless and so angry.

>The true barbarian state is where the Aryan man belongs

Again, nigger. Go have fun in the central African republic, they love the same kind of shit as you.

The 'cucks' you speak of solely build the civilization which your out-of-shape poor genetic build wallows around in. They ruled the entire world with their intelligence alone and the tools they developed. Men of honor, class and dignity. They weren't axe-wielding niggers.

The guy in your OP doesn't even look European at the very least. Absolutely pathetic.

You'll grow out of the edge soon. I'm guessing you're around 16-17. By 21 you'll get some sense and understanding, don't worry.

I'm a literal skinhead but I think you have too much edge for me to shave with.

u retarded or smthing ? that slavic girl looks way more white than you, that's what comes to you when you don't give a fuck about history and culture. you won't survive a long time with your stupidity

Are you having fun roleplaying on the internet?

The Nazis didn't do shit man I mean they did hate niggers and spics but they wasted half their time with gay ass German heritage shit

Who is that?

>Hitler didn't put apes in his army

Holy shit, please do some research you idiot, even some Jews fought in the Wehrmacht.

I was working before my kike boss fired me and I only got arrested to hide the truth

Bitch he's a fucking hero don't talk shit

He has fucking blond hair

I was about to read then I saw the flag

>types literally like a nigger

Please come to Germany, we need more cultural enrichment.