I mean they are LITERALLY allowing their countries to be over run with their traditional enemies. WTF is wrong with you? At least America can still defend itself, and look after you poor peasant cuck :,)
Why are Europeans so hostile?
remind me what country in the west has a nigger as president (twice) please?
>under 50% in 2 decades
You're America's lapdog you fucking british cunt. You lost your once great empire and now are nothing more than an inbred, rainy island. You are as irrelevant as Canada.
Amerifat is a Kike country. Even more than European Jewnion.
>At least America can still defend itself
Like on 9/11?
Most of them are butthurt muzlims. Especially Brits.
You should see the Cricket thread on Sup Forums when Pakistan are playing, its all Union Jacks takbiring everywhere.
The English speaking Muslim world is hip to this place so they flood it.
>At least America can still defend itself
where does this meme come from?
you are literally 60% white and the biggest multicultural society on earth.
>60% white
>Twice elected nigger president
>Regular chimp outs
>All this despite having all their guns
Europe is a collection of once powerful, but now very much diminished states, under siege from their ancient enemy, unwilling and incapable of defending their homelands from said ancient foe, while mere colonies they once held but lost have surpassed them in every way. Culturally, they are pessimistic and bitter by nature, as their long list of historical failures and periodic meltdowns, from the plague, to world wars, have taught them that life is dark and dismal and bleak. Packed into tiny homes with no land ownership opportunities, forced to pay exorbitant prices for everyday goods due to oppressive tax rates, the European has never fully evolved beyond the feudalistic nature of his peoplehood, but merely mask it with pretenses.
This colors their personalities, and it is why they are so angry all the time.
I love this pic because it's a pole.
This nigga knows
200 million whites live here nigger
we could balkanize into our own Europe.
Whites simply aren't too quick to take care of problems. We like to let them boil over first...
Pic related.
irony the post
Sup Forums You make no sense. Most of the attacks were from citizens of the affected nation. Shit the Orlando shooter was born here. And the guy in Texas was in our military. It has nothing to do with immigration at all.
In fact stopping all Muslim nation immigration will only create more terrorists and make things worse. You will alienate people just based on where the come from or whatever faith they have. We WANT and NEED Muslim immigrants. We want them to come here, open businesses, become successful and happy and have children. Then they will love the west and our way of life. They will tell their friends and family how great it is and thus create more allies and break down the cultural divide.
But if we do a Trump plan and ban them we will only alienate them and close ourselves off. This will anger people, they will feel and rightly so mistreated. Anger and non understanding will bill over on both sides. We will not have the hundreds of thousands of people coming to the west and creating better lives and loving our way of life. We will only create a divisive hatred.
>Africa for Africans
>Asia for Asians
Can you guess where White people are from?
Hint: It's not America!
There's literally nothing wrong with being a melting pot
>0.02 Shekels have been deposited in to your account
>born here
>our military
This, Europe is perfectly fine.
In fact Europe doesn't need to worry about this alleged muslim problem, just focus on putting us shitskin Americans in our place on the internet.
This thread is purely a shitpost and ironically doing what the OP is criticizing but that picture made me come here and laugh. lel
Remember to sage, lads.
>Percentages don't matter, numbers do
>Not realising that this means you have more blacks etc than all of Europe combined...
Is this the fabled America education in action?
>ho ho ho, you're getting taken over! Cucks!
>Don't turn my logic around on me. It doesn't count because I have my magical gun talisman (that I have not used yet despite the situation I'm in, nor will I likely ever use it in that way)...
so hostile
If we broke up some states would be 90%+ white. Better than France or the UK. It's mostly the south that drags the percentage down.
The white man colonized this land, it's not "for" anyone else. It could've been our new europa if we had finished the job, removed all of the natives, and not imported slaves to begin with.
Now we're entering South America levels of racial genocide by openly breeding with all of the nig nogs and and non-whites here, compared to just 100 years ago where your parents would have forbade you from marrying an Italian or Irish girl.
There literally is - as you can see with America's fall from grace. We're still the greatest nation the world has ever known, but we aren't as great as we were thanks to importing millions of shitskins in the past few decades. Also might want to look at Europe as a whole. France. Sweden, whose economy will implode in like a decade. Germany, who will become just a richer France in a decade with terrorist attacks ramping up.
Don't even start on great melting pots like Brazil.
It is LITERALLY a terrible thing.
I don't really know what to attach to this post, but here - have this pic I saw while scrolling through my pics. It's Rakshata Chawla. A poo in loo as portrayed by Nips. She is actually sexy, which is basically untrue of all poos.
>If you don't include the parts that make us look bad, we look really good!
>if we broke up some states
>ltierally trying this hard
>being this delusional
Fucking hell, you guys are really really cuked
>if we removed our non-white population we would be 90% white
American arguments everyone
>guinea pig munchers
>calling anyone nigger
You savages aren't even good enough to work at concentration camps as far as I'm concerned. Straight to the ovens with you.
>60% Cuck capital of the planet
>implying "hispanic" isn't a white race you dumb motherfuckers
Seriously every time you niggers cry
"MUH 60%" you seem to be forgetting even Paco is technically fucking white. And he sure isn't going to fucking OVERRUN american culture any time soon.
Isn't Hispanic subjective, as it varies from Spaniard to Amerindian? Wouldn't the better term be Mestizo?
>implying "hispanic" isn't a white race
This is what ameritards actually believe. Soon Jamal and Tyrone are white too KEK
meant for
He's not saying remove the non-white population you retards, he's saying remove certain states with a over-consumption of brown.
See, america is smart, because we broke up our country into these things called states, that have the power to break from the government if they so choose. Which, if things get bad enough over here, this will be a real possibility.
Sorry your shit countries don't have the same benefit :3
>Why are Europeans so hostile?
Jealousy, the same reason the sand niggers hate America and Europe.
Hispanics aren't white. Their glorious european blood has been tainted by the western savages. They're half breeds at best, one drop rule.
>""""""""""""technically"""""""" fucking white
His line was maybe 600 years ago before his father raped some aztec women.
Is this the face of the white race to you? He's technically white by your calculations.
>arabs and north africans are white
>filthy, disgusting mestiços are white
>american education
the fact that we keep arguing amongst ourselves about whiteness and shit is exactly why we're losing
united we stand, etc.
>He's not saying remove the non-white population you retards, he's saying remove certain states with a over-consumption of brown.
The same can be applied for Europe. If we cut our capitals, and maybe a handfull of other cities, our countries would be 99% white.
>He's not saying remove the non-white population you retards, he's saying remove certain states with a over-consumption of brown.
Or in other words "If you remove the parts (I didn't mean this as in physically remove) that make us look bad, we look really good".
If we got to remove London then we'd look a lot better too, but you wouldn't fall for that bullshit either.
Does anyone have the original version of this pic?
We're just here to shit on each other.
Though jews and rats think they're in good company so go figure.
Don't forget mudslims.
Hispanics are fine, but they aren't white.
>ID Peru04no
Listen to this guy, he's an expert on Peruvians
States and cities are completely different levels here, and its more possible for our states to break off than your "cities"
>moving the goalposts over and over
it must feel so painful to be british
idk if im not smart but can you please make what you said easier to understand?
Have you seen the Mexican immigration into your country?
>go to neighborhood bbq
>99% white
>go to fair with niece and nephew
>niece and nephew get harassed by Somalian refugees
god fucking damning. minnesota was the whitest most aryan state, but we are liberal.
This is why Trump will win.
>Europe is one country
He said that if you were to break up some states to technically remove non-white people from living in the "USA", then the "USA" would be 90% white.
This is otherwise known as fudging the numbers.
Oh really? When's the Texan independence referendum then?
You misunderstand. Their are plenty of White Mexicans who were immigrants from Europe before her independence. Mexico does have a caste system with European Spaniards on top, Amerindians on the bottom, and mixed in-between.
But we all know you're doing your part to save the White Race, Caleb. Everyone knows our ancestors weren't getting Ficki Ficki to the Natives during our conquest. Nope! You and your 100% Quality Western European genes are going to be the salvation of the Human Race.
>What is whitewashing.
It worked well with Australia
>Applying what is being criticised to the person doing the criticism.
I think this one stands on its own without a snide remark.
>what is the EU
It's sad how delusional you eurocucks are :,)
>What is whitewashing.
>It worked well with Australia
Too bad the current trend in America is to breed away your whiteness, not the other way around.
that id…
>ban guns
>get ran over
ayy lmao
>We're still the greatest nation the world has ever known
Americans actually believe this ? You're probably the biggest informal empire, but you're neither a nation nor the greatest. You'll be forgotten by time because all you brought upon the world is degeneracy and materialism.
holy shit
>EU is a country
You know EU regulations and treaties are not binding? Everything the EU decides must be approved by national parlement.
EU is pretty much what you guys dream off >muh state rights
>replying to a Peruvian
>so much pottery it's become a pottery store.
Kek has blessed you with such an ID. Shitpost wisely.
>europoor cuck governments still pass EU laws anyway
get cucked faggot
We legalized abortion for that, which slows the growth of African Americans, substantially, so don't worry.
Yes France, because our influence is nonexistent. Wake me up when you topple another regime without our help, as always.
do people consider aus to be more "american" or more "european"?
we're obviously not important enough to have our own distinction i suppose
Why do everytime a american tries to banter they always, but literally always, call someone a cuck? Is it the ""repressed"" fetishes?
Come on, France. You can do better with your shitposts.
Europeans because you have no freedom of speech or gun rights.
Actually, Peruano is "peruvian" in spanish. Pretty sure this guy rigged the ID.
Why can't we just be friends ;_; ?
Most of the posters on here are Americans, and we have more than our fair share of idiots.
well that's not great reasoning but it's an answer at least
really though? guns again? fucks sake america there's other things on earth
>Dat id
About a hundred and some years later to reversing that but here we are.
Europe can still be saved. It's just going to take an event to make killing or deporting non whites acceptable but with their past it'd have to be widespread outrage.
White flight is just going to continue to be a thing in America.
Didn't even think of this, thanks kraut.
What does a moortugese have to be nationalist about? Your low literacy rate? Or maybe your insanely high divorce rate?
>Europeans because you have no freedom of speech
>gun rights.
>muh guns
But in this case it's pretty much all american poisters
No freedom of speech if it's "Offensive"
Just like europe
How hard would it be to get a green card being an aryan male in his twenties with a masters in law?