Okay Sup Forums let's be honest though...
You know global warming is real, right?
Okay Sup Forums let's be honest though...
You know global warming is real, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
really makes you sweat
get creative
it's summer...
We had the same temperatures in the 60s. Fuck off with your pseudo-science bullshit
>it's hot in July
Looking at the temp of my state i nthat map, that's right around average for this time of year.
omg its hot during the summer. i hate the summer now
I agree on almost everything Trump says. His stance on global warming is one of the few I don't agree with.
Of course global warming is real. What is even more peculiar is that mars is warming up too...and at almost an identical rate.
Its almost as if its being cause by the sun and not diesel engines.....
Tell that to the Viking farmers in Greenland.
I'm hearing conflicting views so often now that I don't know what to think.
I might find a study that says it doesn't exist, but then I find a study that does say it exists.
A study might say it exists, because science is honest. But a study might say it doesn't exists, because of companies and brainwashing (such a democratic pandering).
Like, fuck. I'm just gonna start being indifferent and do my best to live life as I want since I probably won't have any influence on the world regardless.
Prove it!
Its been proven that the data has been fucked with to tell a story. So to answer your question, i have no idea. The weather here in Pa seems to be the same as when i was a kid. Global warming seems to be a convenient way for left wing nutbags to further regulate and control people, and stick their hands in our pockets.
I cannot say if the earths overall temperature is really changing, but i dont believe that if it is changing, that humans had anything to do with it
We're obviously getting closer to the sun on a daily basis. It's something like a few inches a year
This x 1,000,000
The Earth began warming well before man entered the equation. The notion that we can eliminate this truth through taxation and the stifling of industry is ludicrous. We should be preparing for this inevitability rather than trying to prevent it. Wouldn't that be a more progressive and forward thinking endeavor?
it's religion now, not science.
It's like with these bees dying out by all your researchers..... Our researches had a look into this, yuuuge meta research or what it is anglo again, ang guess what
>It's all lies, bies have never had it better
What you should be concerned about is the cycle, ragnarok.... When the fimbul winter comes, brother kills brother, nothing grows... 3 years after... it all begins.
>Then start over again
I'm pretty sure we're at .5C now.
*recording began 200 years ago
>implying humans could survive anywhere outside of the quaternary period
Global warming is real, but not in the sense that is portrayed by media. Greenhouse gases contribute maybe a dent. Oceanic currents are the primary cause. It's an act of nature, but the left cries, "greenhouse gases," to keep us from being energy independent.
>summer is hot
wtf i hate summer now
Of course it's real, but it's not anthropogenic. The ONLY people claiming otherwise are making large sums of money via fear mongering.
Well, they're claiming it and well meaning (dumb) people buy into it.
houston fag reporting
this summer and last summer have been relatively cool, albeit that's still hot as hell but its usually hotter.
From the article:
"However, as detailed in CCSP SAP 5.1 Understanding and Reconciling Differences, neither Regression models or other related techniques were reconcilable with observed data. The use of fingerprinting techniques on data yielded that "Volcanic and human-caused fingerprints were not consistently identifiable in observed patterns of lapse rate change." As such, issues with reconciling data and models remain.
A potentially serious inconsistency has been identified in the tropics, the area in which tropospheric amplification should be seen. Section 1.1 of the CCSP report says:
"In the tropics, the agreement between models and observations depends on the time scale considered. For month-to-month and year-to-year variations, models and observations both show amplification (i.e., the month-to-month and year-to-year variations are larger aloft than at the surface). This is a consequence of relatively simple physics, the effects of the release of latent heat as air rises and condenses in clouds. The magnitude of this amplification is very similar in models and observations. On decadal and longer time scales, however, while almost all model simulations show greater warming aloft (reflecting the same physical processes that operate on the monthly and annual time scales), most observations show greater warming at the surface.
"These results could arise either because “real world” amplification effects on short and long time scales are controlled by different physical mechanisms, and models fail to capture such behavior; or because non-climatic influences remaining in some or all of the observed tropospheric data sets lead to biased long-term trends; or a combination of these factors. The new evidence in this Report favors the second explanation."
haha poo in the loo lmao xD!!!!1!
argument: invalid
>in summer
like 100% of Swedish males
>global warming mentioned
>basement dwelling alt-right geniuses give their five cents while knowing practically nothing about the subject or any other one
Its actually scary. Its one of the reasons I have a hard time voting for the right. Our planet is fucked.
gutes comeback.
but pls get stubenrein.
we really only have reliable data after 1900
before that there were very few people actually researching climatology and they had poor equipment by today's standards.
It's just weather being weather, fucking dumb burger.
Did you see that key word that OP used? Global. The elites want to control the temperature of the Earth for their purposes of controlling the world. I say let it rise, so we can finally grow mangos in Alaska.
for all you know i could be a the world's leading climate scientist
Yes its real and most definitely related to human activities.
We are talking about CO2 particles in the air not just the earths temperature.
You all believe that the earth can withstand these temperatures and that that ppm in the atmosphere has been higher at one point in time. This may be true but you are leaving out one very important factor
Unfortunately because of recent human activity, carbon in the atmosphere has been increasing at such a rapid rate that the earth cannot adapt to this swift, intense environmental change. youtu.be
The earth is at a tipping point because it does not have the capability to rapidly produce an environment capable of sustaining life in these conditions.
You are all cucked.
If you were, you would have said something more intelligent.
Skip to about 2:05 in the video.
Do you guys really believe that man's activity doesn't have impact on the planet?
It's not being alt right or leftist at this point, it's just common sense
>talking about Earth
>you are all cucked
Fuck off space nigger; we're full.
Go live on the moon
I think global warming is real. I moved from Pittsburgh to Phoenix this month and it got 20 degrees hotter! We need to pit a stop to this.
if it started getting too hot, couldn't we just fly a giant reflector shield into space like a bigger version of the one you put in your car window? and have it fly around with the earth. it seems so much easier than all this bullshit about emissions.
This nigger believes his plantation owners!
There is zero evidence of anthropogenic warming. Your precious computer models are flawed to pull money out of your wallet.
Cuck. :)
>it's hot today, therefore we are all doing to die when the sun crashes into us.
So it's another episode of everyone in Sup Forums is a scientist? Time to make some popcorn.
No it's not. Jewish swindle to make $$$ out of alternate energy market.
who actually cares
Maybe actually reading the article so that you understand the context of the whole thing would help. It's off a bit in the tropics....which is the part that doesn't matter much since all of the ice that's going to plow into the ocean from West Antarctic Ice Sheet melt is in polar regions.
I thought Indians were smart enough to include the bottom two sentences in a paragraph they're referencing.
"The lower troposphere trend derived from UAH satellites (+0.128 °C/decade) is currently lower than both the GISS and Hadley Centre surface station network trends (+0.161 and +0.160 °C/decade respectively), while the RSS trend (+0.158 °C/decade) is similar. However, the expected trend in the lower troposphere, given the surface data, would be around 0.194 °C/decade, making the UAH and RSS trends 66% and 81% of the expected value respectively."
Ice cores capture atmospheric gases from the time of ice deposition in bubbles of compressed gas. You don't need to see visible bubbles to do this. If you're even in a polar area put glacial ice into a carbonated beverage like a gin fizz. It'll really help the drink. These gases can be isolated and analyzed using modern equipment to yield accurate data.
Obvious that it is not real.
To talk the truth the Earth is heading for a mini ice age in the next years.
If you're ever in a polar area*
>OMG It's hot during SUMMER!
Go fuck yourself, shill. Stop sliding threads and slide a knife up your ass.
Accurate data that shows the earth was far warmer in human history.
It actually is, and that's the scary part.
We used to think we had around 4 billion more years before the sun's output wiuld increase to the point of boiling away all the oceans and eliminating all DNA-based life on earth, but that was before the unexplained acceleration in its progression astrophysicists have noticed. If the sun continues at its current rate, we may have only 1.5 billion years left... and if it keeps accelerating at its current rate, less than a thousand.
There's a lot we know about what will happen, but the sun is a natural phenomena, and it can behave unpredictably. It might slow down, it might stay the same, it might even speed up. When the observed phenomena doesn't match the mathematical model, then science mandates the model is wrong, not the act of observing it.
This is why climatology is a religion, not a science. And the possibly lethal consequences of the sun's unusual activity, and the fact that it's triggered Luddite anti-tech fervor rather than rational observation and formulation of a plan to survive, will possibly humanity's final proof that religion made us all too stupid to live.
It is, but there's nothing we can do about. Let's say climate alarmists are 100% correct and the planet is going to hell in like 50 years. How would you stop it? The human race all going back to the stone age wouldn't fix it.
It was not 93 degrees in Colorado yesterday.
> t. Colorado.
Then why do we still have snow?
If you ask me, we could do with less sea ice anyhow. Think of all the resources we could gain access to and exploit if it were warm enough to melt those useless ice fields.
oh snap, poo bringing the heat
>CO2 particles
I'm so FUCKING sorry about your damage.
Is it even a problem, though? Why can't we just move north once it gets too hot?
Simply put, yes humans effect and fuck up environmental equilibrium all the time (ie cause and effect). Yes, some of it we should dial back on a bit. There's merit to preserving the environment. Nothing wrong with clean, renewable energy; however, that doesn't mean we should shut down all coal mines and oil refineries immediately.
The way the left and media portrays it is wholly incorrect and is pure fearmongering. It's one of those massive, overblown lies that works so well because there is a kernel of truth to it.
You mean like the sandniggers are supposedly doing? Enjoy your climate refugees.
Yes, everyone is aware it has been warmer in the past when we lived in caves. Pointing out glacial and interglacial periods existed does not make climate change invalid, and you're shooting yourself in the foot since the rate of change far exceeds previous change.
Did I say we should let refugees in?
No, fuck 'em. They chose to live there, they can deal with the consequences.
Collectivism is theft.
So where's the problem? White people can move north to avoid the heat (there's plenty of room in canada and siberia) and we wall off our southern borders so the shitskins get cooked at the equator.
Beyond word limit mang
>expected value: .194 c/decade
>real world results off by 66% and 81%
>their models fail in the places affected most by CO2
Also this
Coupled with insufficient variables leading to higher amp factor
not considered are
>Ocean oscillations
>Ocean Currents
>Wind ???!!!!
>Water cycle (PARTLY???!!!!)
>The Sun ???????!!!!!!!!
>Galactic Cosmic Rays and AEROSOLS (whattheactualfuckareyoudoing.jpg)
>Milankovich cycles
Even after all these are NOT CONSIDERED, fucking CLOUDS do more damage than CO2
>this many retards not understanding weather is different from climate
shitposting aside, saying 'it's hot bc it's summer lol idiot shills' or 'i live in x place n it's been relatively cool past few yrs' are subjective, deflective, and disingenuous and conflate weather and climate. objective data show month after month, yr after yr that temperature and ice melt records are being smashed. reality needn't defend itself or negotiate with fuckheads who deny what's going on across the world
"Global climate change" is a much more appropriate term and description.
The difficulty is that all human organizations are in competition with on another and WILL strive to gain the advantage in all things, energy is a measurement of power.
The vast majority of modern energy production results in waste heat and CO2 production.
Most competing parties currently strive to outproduce their rivals (furthering efficient use of already produced energy has uses, but is an inherently capped and reduced feedback development line.)
The only apparently means to sidestep this ramped competition effects are to either completely replace current energy production with an even more economic energy source that somehow doesn't produce CO2 waste (experimental and theoretical tech like fusion/fusion/improbably efficient solar) OR you somehow eliminate all competiion.
The difficulty with eliminating competition is that it occurs at all levels of human endeavor, even a one-world govt would have competing agencies and subsectors (disregarding that forming a one world govt would almost certainly require a good measure of the energetically wasteful endevor known as war.)
American education everyone
can someone explain why global warming is a bad thing? regardless wether it's real or not, it prevents the large jews corporations from contaminating our water and air
You need not worry. In a hundred years you humans will have colonies established.
I fucking already TOLD YOU:
CO2 is the least harmful of the greenhouse gases. What about methane from farming operations? That holds way more heat than CO2.
Fuck off libcuck