what will trump's wall look like?
What will trump's wall look like?
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It shall be 500 feet tall and 200 feet wide; with watch towers manned by armed guards that will reach the Heavens. There shall be automated turrets and minefields, as well as motion sensors and infra-red cameras.
The wall itself will be constructed out of American concrete, reinforced with steel girders strong enough to withstand a thermonuclear blast. All across the wall, the name 'TRUMP' shall be emblazoned with fifty foot letters made out of sheets of 24 carat gold. It shall be beautiful.
Underground drone hives every 15 miles along the border.
Completely autonomous, self powered by thorium reactors. They will kill everything that moves outside of designated crossing areas.
It'll look like the Berlin Wall.
Obviously, OP.
In this scenario what's to stop the mexican side from just sabatoges the pipes or hell even adding a part that just shoots the person back over?
Like a military facility where lethal force is authorized. And probably signs saying that the ground is landmined in some way.
Not like that. The communist wall was build to keep people on the inside.
Landmines are banned worldwide though. They still fuck shit up today in Bosnia, South East Asia, and occasionally in Germany.
>not having an electronic frontier
>relying on bronze age tech
step it up
its current year!
>His country signed the landmine ban
Well ours did not.
>Landmines are banned worldwide though.
not in the US
Who will pay for the wall?
My idiot opinion is this is good
The mistake is trying to build some heavy fortified wall that's expensive and easily defeated.
The real security is in surveillance and patrols. Obstacles need only stop vehicles, and you catch people on foot with agents.
I don't think it will be build ever.
>200 feet wide
Well that's not going to protect much of the border, is it?
I think you mean deep.
tax payers obv, your kidding yourselves if you think mexico is gonna pay
Nice meme.
Why not go Korean style?
Like this tall fence on both sides with razor wire in them middle.
This again after it but followed by landmines in the middle.
who said they were going to pay voluntarily?
It's like reading from the bible
>The real security is in surveillance and patrols.
thats sort of my idea with this
Use Igloo White, like they did for the Ho Chi Minh trail.
>He does not know how much money the US sends to mexico each year
Guns and artillery from the US side
we outlawed the use of landmines unfortunately
To private businesses.
>cut off goo goo baby allowance
>heavily tax spics sending money home to their bean farms
>wall is now paid for and Mexico btfo because their country is a literal parasite on the underbelly of ours
Wow it's almost like you're a leaf or something
Tall, sturdy, and beautiful. Just like me
I just hope Trump has read Caesars commentaries.
this is what i have saved for the last few months
1500 feet before the border have signs in every language know to man. everywhere saying if u pass illegally u will be shot.
have machinegun nests all round the border
and make sure to leave the bodies as a reminder
only the best equipment he himself can afford
There will be a simple chain link fence with barbed wire on top. Illegals will find a way over or through it and sigh in relief. Finally they made it. As they climb a steep ravine, they joke about the modesty of the wall. Until they reach the crest, and laughter turns to disheartened silence.
They didn't cross Trump Wall....it was only the Pence Fence. They gaze awestruck at the solid marble base, and their eyes follow it up the horizon until it disappears into the clouds. Thousands of skeletons litter the ground as carrion feed on fresh corpses. They wander for miles, disillusioned and broken, and then they see it. A line is formed in front of solid gold doors, 30ft high. The sign is clear. "Entrar legalmente".
all those solutions will only raise more issues and make the US even more hated, but atleast you will have a slightly larger fence on the border
Poor mexican will be obliged to pay to keep it frozen in the middle of the desert
Call them land hugs and instead of exploding with chemical explosives let them explode with some sort of disgusting as fuck substance. Something you need help for. Say glue or something.
Basically mark them as illegals with some washable paint or something.
pick one retard
toys for foreigners
US has devices that you can drop out in the desert, they scan the area around them like a motion detector. You get within about 100 meters of them and they trigger and can launch Submunitions up in the air that can:
* Airburst Fragmentation for antipersonnel
* For Vehicles delivers a Shaped Charge from above (ie, "steel rain").
Same idea as a Landmine but much "safer", much MUCH more effective, and can be deactivated and rotated out.
I was just thinking, a wall that big would be a wonder of the modern world. It better be functional but look amazing, it should serve as a tourist destination as well.
A canal all across from east to west and a wall.
The President of Mexico has volunteered his private fortune to fund the wall.
Like the Pali Excluder 9000 between Israel and the West Bank
I imagine simple yet militarized. A few layers of razor wire, subterranean sensors and national guard or militia employed to patrol the border. There will be signs with explicit instructions on how to approach if pacho wants to enter legally wherein a boarder guard will give him a pamphlet and a number for his immigration case to be handled by the USCIS.
Alternatively and more realistically I believe trumps wall is a metaphoracal and beuracratic one wherein buisiness that bring in illegal workers are penalized harshly and police are given power to enter domicile a where illegals are known to be living. Rewards are handed out to those that provide hard evidence where they are hiding. At the same time the department of immigration is cleaned up and the process to legally enter the country will be simplified even a cucked Sven or Böjrn from Sweden could enter provided his partner and Jumal Hassam allow it. Anyone here for academic reasons will be offered a green card upon successful graduation to accelerate brain drain from source countries. Seriously, it's infuriating to watch forgive. Gradstudents come in, work on high level shit then have to leave because they couldn't extend their visa, taking that knowledge back with them to some flyover country.
>when someone tells you that the wall is "impossible" to build and won't be built
The US did not sign the ban on land mines, stop with the disinfo.
No, this is depicting the 2020 campaign directive to protect from wildling canuck others.
>we're protesting Trump's racist wall!
>because it's impossible and will never be built!
>then why protest it?
ummm wtf no you didn't :D
only the small countries outlawed them to please the UN, big countries that matter still use them without care
That reminds me of the projected Nuclear Disposal Facilities of the future. How do you prepare for keeping people away from nuclear waste 5000 years in the future. Look it up
With Pence we get a fence
It doesnt matter what mexico wants. our priorities are to oursleves first.
Trump said it it will be a wall made of big precast cement blocks.
It's about as much of a real physical barrier as it gets.
Holy shit that looks beautiful
That's retarded then. If you're not going to watch it then why bother. What's so hard about fences, machine guns and signs. Walls can be broken. If I was cartel I would ram it with steel poles or something just to cause damage and make the US pay to fix it.
What's Mexico gonna do? Invade? They've already started. Oh wait.
Shut your mouth before we build 2 walls
Can you or someone post photos or links. DuckDuckGo isnt helping much.
Would Mexicans be allowed on the Maglev though?
I wrote to my friend about making a game about this would be fun
Who said we wouldn't watch it?
Why not have both? Walls have shown themselves to be effective in Hungary and Israel. We also we also have all manner of modern surveillance technology as shown here Making use of both will make the borders all the more secure.
We need a game about nuclear disposal. Far in the future, the Desert In Which Nothing Grows houses a Forbidden Temple, built by the gods. The Great Warrior King ventured forth to visit and tame it.
Like Shadow of the collosus, but with landmines, and a single goal. Get to the temple by all means. Horrible sounds(Ultrasonic attack sounds n shit) come from the desert. Strange writing is found all over. As you learn some of the language, it morphs into English, or maybe it is consistantly chinese, Russian, and English all along. Skeletons in various states of decay, spooky pictures of invisible curses, and the great seal of the temple,(Nuclear symbol)
I would love a game like this
>be trump
>build wall like pic related
>the Walls of Constantinople had residential homes on the them
>trump sells off homes along the wall
>fast forward it's 8 years into the future
>i've been working my ass off to be able to afford a border house
>it's a fucking dream come true
>finally get to move in
>shit's luxurious as fuck
>comfy as fuck too
>come the first sunday morning in my new home
>make coffee, eggs, toast
>take my AR
>shoot spics trying to illegally cross the glorious Wall of America
>this is my new life now
A man can only dream...
There's a hole in that wall. Those snakes aren't nuclear mine-proof.
They can enter via the pipes. Any hole is no good. They can be crafty as fuck, like El Chapo crafty.
16 seconds
>Why not have both?
because the wall would be both the most expensive and least effective component.
Occams Razor
There can be grate after grate in the pipes. Also notice the sci-fi setting, they could probably have automated turrets in the pipes.
>the Warden will never make a super-wall for Trump
>area 51
Plus machine gun nests at regular intervals. Do it right or don't do it at all.
sadly, no
>thorium reactors
Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to live.
I would rather live on the US side, but the Mexico side looks kinda comfy.
>self powered by thorium reactors
wew lad
You are forgetting the psychological factor of the Wall. A fence does not inspire anywhere near as much caution as a gigantic fucking wall, that alone would cut border hopping attempts by a massive amount.
You can also use reserve tanks to store up effluent, then release a high-pressure wave at regular intervals to flush out or drown anyone trying to sneak in through the pipes. Think it through. I like this design.
Mexico side's fishing waters is all poo water.
The Mexican public voted this dumb ass into office, you are over estimating them.
>Pipes release nearly boiling water from nuclear reactor cooling systems
>Mexicans try to enter
>Cooked nearly instantly
See how comfy it is with those massive pipes spraying you with high-pressure effluent every time a football game goes to commercial.
most recent version
It just needs a forcefield so Mexicant shoot pot shots at the train
whens her sex tape gonna come out?
how about rows of these embedded in concrete?
Isn't there an autonamous type of gun at the korean DMZ that automatically shoots human-shaped people?
How much is this going to cost?
How long will it take? Construction projects in North america are slow as fuck.
Will we consult the chiniese on how they built the great wall a super long time ago? Seems like that wall held up well considering they didn't even have cement back then.
Will any anons work on the wall? Either as construction or security?
Why build a wall when one can build a minefield ?
Foundation: 6 feet deep, 18 inch radius = 42.4 cubic feet
Column: 4 square feet area by 30 feet tall = 120 cubic feet
Wall panels: 25 feet tall by 10 feet long by 8 inches thick = 166.7 cubic feet
Total concrete per 10-foot segment = 329.1 cubic feet
1,954 miles = 10,300,00 feet = 1,030,000 segments (10-feet long each)
1,030,000 segments * 329.1 cubic feet per segment = 339,000,000 cubic feet = 12,555,000 cubic yards. (The cubic yard is the standard unit of measure of concrete volume in the United States.)
Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam
wouldn't work. Mexicans aren't human shaped or people
Fortresses are useless without guards, you're right.
The Iron Curtain was not an impressive border in itself, it was efficient because of the constant patrols.
You stil can! go go go!