There's literally nothing wrong with hebephilia. Pic related is Martina Hingis when she was 16.
Boobs, ass, all the physical traits of 18+ year old women.
So why is hebephilia looked down upon as something wrong and sick?
There's literally nothing wrong with hebephilia. Pic related is Martina Hingis when she was 16.
Boobs, ass, all the physical traits of 18+ year old women.
So why is hebephilia looked down upon as something wrong and sick?
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muslim tier thread
seriosly though, it isn't all about physcal traits. Anyone who says a 16 year old is mentally able to comprehend the consequences of her actions is a liar. Sure everyone looks at 17 year olds, but the point is they are still kids and you don't fuck kids.
I prefer my teenagers to actually look like teenagers.
Whereas heebephelia on the other hand is fine and should be encouraged in every white household.
So that's how you pedo fucks plan on normalizing your sickness, renaming it ?
>The city of Ireland
Also that ass is disgusting
Ephephilia you mean, you dumb nigger.
Kill yourself...
They're old enough to consent to life altering gender transition hormones though, right?
Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent people. The girl in the OP has clearly hit puberty
kill yourself
Always too much ass for Ireland
16 is legal in the civilised world though?
>implying most women are ever capable of comprehending the consequences of their actions
>>So why is hebephilia looked down upon as something wrong and sick?
Because kikes and feminism.
Women stop mentally maturing by the age of 15.
Hebephilia is 10 - 14 get your shit straight at least nigger. Also the point of hebephilia is not boobs or curves you fucken retard, you might as well date a legally aged woman for that. Its an inbetween charm, cute face and slight curves, smooth skin.
>at the precise moment the earth made its 18th revolution around the sun since a person's birth, this person instantly transitions from childhood to adulthood
we're not pokemons, age is not your level, different people develop differently, and 16-17 years old is not a "kid".
adult body, immature child brain and emotions.
this is why hebephilia wrong.
You have to draw a line user. Otherwise the sickos will use the slippery-slope method and go 'what about 15? 14?' etc. That's what the age of consent law does, and it's a great law. It may seem arbitrary, but it has a great ulterior motive that some people don't understand.
Also, do the world a favor and kill yourself.
It's legal to fuck a 16 year old in the UK.
OP confirmed heebphile
Pick one, user.
People fuck women all the time though...
Women don't fucking change. They objectively become women the moment they start having periods because childbirth is the reason for their existence. They stay the same emotional, irrational child from puberty to death. They grow from experience but it's in no way comparable to how a male changes from a boy to a man in both mind and body.
It's already been normalized here. Not long ago there was this semi-famous musician couple who got really famous for being a 16y/o girl and a 30y/o man.
Some people criticized, but their love for music and each other was so strong that we couldn't keep them apart.
Our legal age is 14, and I don't really see any difference in society from that, but I'm sure there's tons of rich dudes fucking 14 year olds behind closed doors.
>inb4 Sup Forums hypocrites make travel plans based on our legal age being low
I don't see any problem.
I am dating and fucking a 17 years old, 2 months ago she was 16, I am 29.
Age of consent laws are your friend.
This man gets it.
Why do you like pancake asses so much?
if your reasoning is based on physical traits of +18 age, then go find someone +18 yrs old, the world is full of them.
and what the fuck is hebehobophiliblablah.. dammit
Where is the proof of that?
>implying that women do develop past the age of 16 mentally
Also, old enough to get a job, old enough to slob on my knob.
I don't even think a 20 year old is able to comprehend their actions. The human brain doesn't even stop developing until around 25.
Because phat asses are for beasts of the jungle, jaykwan. You wouldn't understand
Isn't it 13 in Spain?
>implying women are able to comprehend the consequences of their actions at all
>implying 18 girls are mentally competent
Do you even know any women?
This is why I don't want your shitty Poles coming into my country. You come here with your shitty views on everything and fuck up everything in society. All order turns to disorder. Stay the fuck out! Polish vermin. this frowned upon? I'm 26 and exclusively fuck 14-16 yr olds. No one bats an eye and some even congratulate me
It's because Colombia is nothing but degenerates. Your country is imploding.
living it
You give me hope my brother. You give me hope :3
I think they raised it to 14. Imho 14-15 is a perfectly suitable aoc, lower is too young.
Fuck off, people mature at diffetent times. Think of it this way, how many people cannot handle sexual responsibility well into their 40s?
Why are anglos so dumb?
He merely states he is dating a woman that would be impossible to do in USA due to her age.
Nowhere does he say that 16 is the age of consent in Spain.
Is that how Britain works? If 8 yearolds were legal you would fuck one immediately?
16, same in UK
The Jews OP.
Pre-Jewified Europe had no sexual hangups and accepted it was natural to be attracted to the best possible mate. The onset of puberty is when a womans ovum have the highest genetic integrity. Every year after that they slowly degrade; this is why older pregnant women have higher incidences of birth defects.
Then the sneaky kikes come in and teach Europe to be ashamed in order to control them with their "new-jew" christcuck religion.
Jesus, the "king of the jews" was born of a "virgin birth" and his father stayed with Mary. This is how the jew subverts entire civilizations. An entire religion based on cuckoldry, forced onto a once proud people.
It's not uncommon for young girls to be attracted to older men either, because girls seek maturity and safety in a man.
Men on the other hand go for young looks. Adult women constantly tries to look like they were teenagers again. You understand why?
beta loser confirmed
also, gtfo shitskin
I don't care what anyone say's, (especially women) a real man does what he wants when he wants and how he wants. There should be no restrictions on men. If he's attracted to a young girl (and vice versa) no one can tell him what to do. Simple as that.
I am a man and the most annoying thing is being told who and what I should be attracted to. (again, especially by women)
Yes, I want to fuck your 13 yr old daughter.
How accurate is this?
don't you live there?
Well they do mature user, they mature like milk.
>OP confirmed heebphile
You sound jelly, sideways peru