where do you live? do you talk about it to anyone?
I live in Florida, and this is Hillary country. My family loves her, everyone ive met has been very enthusiastic for a hillary presidency. I just cant imagine a trump supporter being from anywhere other than a gutter.
Ive never met a Trump supporter
Other urls found in this thread:
I live in Baton Rouge LA. I've seen plenty of people wearing MAGA hats. Everyone hates Hillary
>t. correct the record
Try leaving the house once, welfare parasite
I live in FL too and everyone loves Trump. You must be in cuckville.
Alabama here, go to new Jersey on business occasionally.
Trump supporters are everywhere, get out of your basement and head down to the store for some SAGE
Florida here,
Central primarily and a conservative.
>Okeechobee doesn't count as Florida, Cletus
The same happened with Brexit, the right always hide it power level
Land O Lakes.
It's Trump country over here.
MAGA hats literally everywhere.
I wear mine out every once in a while and get nothing but smiles.
Lol spotted the geriatric caretaker of Heebville.
Gainesville Trump supporter here to say you are wrong. There are tons of Trump supporters in Florida.
Trump will win Florida easily.
Was in Fort Lauderdale last week, only saw one Hillary yard sign, saw at least 20 Trump.
Supporting Trump openly is strongly condemned and discouraged by mainstream pop culture. Numerous anons have reported that they do not feel safe telling their family or office that they support Trump, others talk about the moment when they reveal it anyway and how there is tension.
>I live in Pennsylvania, and this is Trump country. My family loves him, everyone ive met has been very enthusiastic for a trump presidency. I just cant imagine a hilary supporter being from anywhere other than a gutter.
Get out of Florida and spend time in the states that are still culturally southern
Trump supporters abound
>and nothing hurts
too bad you had to change fucking reality to make yourself feel better.
OP is probably not white so you aren't going to hear about him in your community, and white people aren't going to talk about him for fear of you murdering them.
This whole election, I have not seen one Hillary bumper sticker or sign, drove all the way from OH to NC, even in the big city's, really makes me think.
Seen lots of Trump signs proudly waving though.
Are they in snowbird territory? Because I don't think snowbirds can cast a ballot in FL if they count their main domicile in another state. But I don't know the breakdown of snowbirds that count FL as their main state vs those that don't.
Vero Beach reporting in. Lots of libtards but thankfully the bible thumpers will vote red. Most of the youth wont vote or they will vote Trump. I think we got it here on lockdown this time around.
Trump is pretty popular down here, even amongst hispanics.
I would say the prevailing attitude is that even if we don't like him as a person, and his supporters are racist against us, we have to do what's right for America, because progressives are getting out of hand.
Most Mexican-Americans can't deal with the kind of unnatural lifestyle shit progressives want to force upon us.
Orlando reporting in.
I've met plenty of trump supporters and bernouts, but never actually met or talked to a hillary supporter. In fact most people let out an audible sigh of disgust whenever you bring her up in a conversation, including even the most commie bernouts.
Boca Raton, the hub of jewry, Trump signs as far as the eye can see.
Even the students of FAU have Trump signs.
Fuck off, Pablo
I live in California and have never met a Hillshill in real life. They dont exist
From Brooklyn. I'm probably an exception in my area though.
Most ny voters will come from staten island, long island and upstate.
Also, in Orlando most of the hispanics that i know, including a hispanic girl who worked at pulse and her hispanic fiance who was a dancer at pulse are huge trump supporters.
Here where I live I'll find neighborhoods if not towns of people with trump signs
That's because there's no such thing as a Trump supporter. Not even in Serbia.
Republicans are simply spreading lies on the internet to create the false image of public opinion and rig the election with as few people rebelling as possible.
I've yet to meet a Hillary supporter. I've met plenty of Trump/Bernie supporters.
Take that for what you will.
Hey tampa here.
I know not a single person who likes hillary. I know Bernouts but they hate her. I know people who hate Trump but they also hate Hillary. I hope this is trump territory
I work in retail and have seen plenty of people wearing Trump swag; however, they are all either vets or young nu-males from what I've seen.
I live a few miles out of Tampa and I can tell you there are way more supporters of Trump than Shillary in this place called Pinellas county. Maybe you should actually venture outside every once in a while instead of shitposting xD
Really made me think.
This Orlando is either nimble navigator or bernouts. There is no median. Hell during the primary early voting all it was trump and Bernie signs and nothing else.
Shieeet nigga where at in land o lakes? What High school.
>tfw NYC
thought about getting a hat but I'd probably be attacked at some point
>tfw also NYC
why bother
You've probably seen me wearing my MAGA hat
t. LSU
im in brooklyn too. stay strong brotha
Yup for the most part people around here get that she is a massively corrupt cunt.
The worst was the primaries. That is where most hispanics here wanted to side with rubio or cruz because trump was "le racist drumpf"
Now that most of the hispanics have seen that the racism claims were just a ruse cruz they are full on MAGA status.
The great thing is that the bernouts still fucking hate hillary and have primarily switched over to team trump to fuck up the establishment or are going full retard and want to #feelthejohnson
did the shooting at the nighclub change the opinion of Trump in any way?
Gotta love it. It didn't take a government to censor free speech, just a bunch of middle class idiots who never experienced the real world, raised on a healthy diet of "everybody is equal".
Now its been taken to an extreme and any opposition to it could result in you losing your job, reputation, and livelihood.
>from anywhere other than a gutter
>lives in Florida Americas literal degenerate capitol.
Indian River county is so pro Republican that the Dems didn't even bother marching in our 4th of July parade.
Florida is red this year and there's nothing you can do about it
Texas here. Believe it or not the cities are wildly liberal. Even DFW.
I've not met a Trump supporter that didn't only like him because they enjoyed the Apprentice. That is the deepest level of engagement around here.
From the libs, conservatives, and everyone else they HATE Hillary. As they should of course.
Godamn shame what happened to Sandyman
I'm in Michigan and everyone I work with is for Trump. The people that weren't for Trump were for Bernie during the Primary season, and hated Hillary's guts. I've never met a Hillary supporter IRL.
Every single relative I know in the USA is saying they will vote for Hillary on normiebook.
>mfw we caused the downfall of the Bernicucks
Ya to an extent.
It seems that theres about
>1/5 who support trump no matter what
>2/5who hated him or disliked him at first who have converted
>1/5 who go "yeah i guess he's better than hillary but i really dont like him
>1/5 who are just #nevertrump and believe that he is literally hitler and probably kills and eats babies. Nothing that can be said or done will ever change these peoples minds
It has helped some of those on the fence realize that radical islam is a fucking probablem, but there are some who just have simply too much cognitive dissonance to realize that he isn't the big bad raciss boogeyman.
Shit even the 2 niggers who work for me and are full on poverty level status are MAGA status, because they are working men who dont want to pay for porch monkeys. Honestly i feel bad calling them nighers because they really are just blue collar black dudes.
Florida is America's reservoir tip where all the unwanted jizz collects.
Tampa fag here. Fuck you, my entire family are dyed in the wool trump supporters. Middle/upper class
>98% hispanic town next to border in texas.
>Everyone around me supports trump (mom, aunt, best friend, girl friend my girlfriend friends, my cousin)
>Primary results show county voted: hillary 6000 votes, bernie 3000, cruz 70, trump 30
Then dont call them niggers u fuck. Dont be part of the problem. We need everyone we can get no matter what color
>south floridian
just stick to putting new rims on your 300$ car cortez
Fuck off Joey
This isn't opposite day nigga.
Well, i mean i am on Sup Forums
Its not like i call them niggers in real life.
Did you really think everyone on here is a badass nigger curbstomping bodybuilding skinhead warrior? No less than 80% of the people on this board have have either been in a fistfight or fired a gun.
Nj here everyone I know is for trump. The only Clinton supporter I know manages their money in their hedge fund so they have to support. People wear maga hats and Hillary for prison shirts at every bar at the jersey shore.
East Iowa. Everyone I know wanted Bernie. Hey, at least we can focus on hating Hillary together now.
>have never been in a fistfight...
>what high school
You're crazy nig. I'm in FL and nearly every 1/10 houses has a Trump sign out front. I've never seen one Hillary sign nor spoke to someone voting for her. Even my mother and grandmother who were life long democrats said they're sitting out this election of voting for Trump despite hating his personality.
I live in Las Vegas. Beaners everywhere and from what I've seen of them they either, don't give a crap about politics, or they support the Hilldawg. I have two friends and an uncle who are Trump supporters and I converted my dad to support Trump, but I have yet to meet a stranger who supports him. But I'm a summerfag NEET so that's probably the reason as to why I still haven't met a Trump supporter out in the open.
I'm a hispanic male-to-female transsexual that lives in Atlanta, Georgia and I support trump. I don't care what anyone thinks.
I believe in putting the needs of America before the needs of other countries. I believe in liberty and personal freedom for responsible, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens, including the right to own what you want (guns, weed), and live the way you want in pursuit of your own happiness. I believe that mass immigration is a blight on civilization. It does nothing to solve the issues facing other countries, and in fact harms them significantly. And of course, it is a massive drain on our resources and quality of life for Americans. I believe in separation of church and state, and having your media and government shield Islam from the criticism it rightfully deserves is wrong and dangerous to society. I also believe that special treatment due to your gender, race, or religion is morally wrong and waters down our work force and scientific progress.
That said, I am however disappointed in Trump's choice of Mike Pence due to his stance on lgbt issues but I still consider Trump the best choice. Hillary's political positions are almost all dangerous to the long term and short term health of America and will directly impact my life in the future.
I met two women at the DMV who were supporting Trump and knew Hiliary is the devil. One of them was Latina.
I live in NC and it's just the opposite. I've never met a SINGLE person who likes Hillary. I've met Sanders supporters. I've met people who say that she's the lesser of two evils. But never once have I ever met someone who actively likes Hillary.
I live in upstate NY. I talk about it with family and some friends. Family is pretty redpilled and knows how fucky Clinton is. I don't talk about it with the social media biased Libshit friends, who are hardly friends, just people I see from time to time. Don't care for them because they don't stop talking about identity politics and things of the nauseating magnitude.
Orlando, Central Florida here. Nothing but Trump supporters with the exception of a handful of Shillary voting Millennial nu-males at UCF and their minority pets.
im a murderous moonman-kin mountain man from montana and all 5 people i know will vote for trump, or else.
fellow gainesville bro. im support trump 100%
the reason you never hear from us is that we know we cant be to public with our opinion otherwide a libtard will start shouting at you and calling you a racist in public.
>do you talk about it to anyone?
Rochester NY, no one like Hillary. All the poor fags had Bernie signs but now its all Trump even the Ricans here love him.
I'm from Rochester and I've never met a Hillary supporter. I figured all of upstate NY and the rust belt was supporting trump. Rochester is currently the slowest growing metropolis in the U.S., so it's bit depressing here and people are willing to work whatever jobs become available.
>Teacher in white suburbia
>People think Trump is the antichrist in a good chunk of town
>Coworkers overwhelmingly think Trump is the antichrist because teachers are overwhelmingly liberals
>I can never voice my political opinion and feel my job is secure
That doesn't mean I won't be voting in November, but it sure as shit means you'll never hear my political opinion vocally spoken outside of family.
Central Virginiafag here
I live near UVA, so the democrats are out in force. Not many MAGA hats around here. I keep my support to myself and some of my friends. I have a MAGA hat, but I've only worn it a few times.
DFW area in Texas. Everyone Loves Trump out here. I've seen multiple black couples with Trump bumper stickers. Although for a some reason I see a lot of black babies with white parents.
I live in Palm Beach and everyone here likes Trump
I havent seen a single hillary poster, sticker, or anything
O i did see one guy in a prius with a disability sticker and he was munching on taco bell, he had a coexist sticker and was overweight, he had a hillary sticker and a bernie sticker
it was so surreal
Was in Florida last month, and saw a few Trump bumper stickers
>everyone i've met has been very enthusiastic for a hillary presidency
>low quality bait, you must talk to some retards at a liberal arts college or something, i've literally met like 2 people who have talked good about hillary and i live in one of the most liberal cities in the us AND i get compliments about my trump hat in the back of my car
whoops, fucked that up,
>he thinks Miami counts as "Florida"
Point at the spic and laugh.
Get out sometime. I've said many times I don't know anyone that chooses to vote Hillary, but as the ones in charge have already decided, she will be the next president.
I do know 2 people that I work with that would vote for her, if they weren't illegal aliens. They are afraid Trump will "send them back". One is Saudi and one Guatemalan. No one is pulling for Hillary except a few niggers that can't or won't vote. Niggers and nigger lovers love the Clintons for some fucked reason.