Why do white guys waste their time with white girls who want at most 1.5 kids, where minority women will give you a large abundant family, and will treat you like the king of the household?
Why do white guys waste their time with white girls who want at most 1.5 kids...
Why would you want to ruin your genetic legacy by fucking and breeding with subhumans?
>1.5 kids
No one wants a midgit kid retard
because genetic legacy does not exist.
hahaha our gene pool has been ruined since the first indo-european invasions i'll make a harem of all the subhuman women i want
>he thinks he's 100% anything
My white wife does treat me like the king of the household and if I wanted baby in her I'd damn well put a baby in her.
It's not my fault you got a small pecker and can't satisfy women of your own race so run off to races whose men have small peckers like you.
Women like this need to be the majority. Fuck pasty white women.
>falling for the submissive minority meme
anyway why would I want to fuck with a dumber specie and have my kid have a lower IQ + they look nothing like me ? thank you ill stick to white women
shittiest sentence of my life, but still
Why haven't you found a Mormon girl user? Trust me,it's worth it.
Fuck off kikes
you're so fucking CUTE!
Their bastardized form of Christianity isn't worth it
Id love to have a busty columbian wife desu
>My crippling autism forces me to reject this because pol memes told me to
laugh out loud
enjoy your feminism and divorce
who is this
My minority gf treats me like an absolute golden god of a king, and has 100% unadulterated love for me
She's also becoming an RN, and her dad is an engineer that makes $120,000 a year
Even though she isn't white, she thinks white guilt is a joke, and BLM/third wave feminism is cancer - things you'll never hear a 2016 white stacey say
Some whites aren't interested in non-white women. Men don't all have the same interests in women, ya know
You know in white supremacy, us white boys marry white women, have lots of white UBERMEN kids, and keep only the pretty latino girls around for fuck slaves so the kids they have can be trained to take over the Hispanic world for their fathers.
>white women
>have lots of white kids
>My minority gf treats me like an absolute golden god of a king, and has 100% unadulterated love for me
It's probably a fanfic but even if its not you're just lucky its not a majority at all
>he think they don't have lot of children because of their race
please kike polish your arguments
Worked for Arnold schwarzenegger . 5 white children and 1 hispanic child from his hispanic slave.
In México is very common.
The few white dudes around here can't engage with white womyn because the alpha indio get them first. Almost every shitskin i know, prefers the white ass.
We have to resort to like pic related tb h
Not even german communities can resist the aztec Brown dong
brown women who are smart enough to get a white man usual dont want many children either. if you want many children you better make sure she want it also before you marry her
Hahaha, you whole population was cucked by white men and you feel the few hundred left in your country is an accurate representation for whitey…. fucking delusional
>you're just lucky its not a majority at all
All my friends who have non-white girlfriends (read: whiteish girlfriends who just aren't considered to be as 'white' as actual white girls) are having god tier relationships as well.
And yes, millennial white women have low as fuck fertility rates
Butthurt white girl detected. I know it's hard for you to imagine how traditional girls still exist in 2016 and haven't all been corrupted with liberalism
Indo-Europeans were Aryans, our genes were purified.
same thread same pic from last night fucking kill yourself you fucking fucking fuuuuuuuuucking faggot
>All my friends who have non-white girlfriends (read: whiteish girlfriends who just aren't considered to be as 'white' as actual white girls) are having god tier relationships as well.
nice fanfic. you gonna write a book ?
>And yes, millennial white women have low as fuck fertility rates
this has nothing to do with race, like i said
>Butthurt white girl detected.
please dont you know where you are ? there is no girls here
You literally don't have a race because white men raped all your ancestors. Mexicans are extinct, all that's left are these wierld looking drug men who have no identity. You're literally what we're trying to avoid making.
Your anti-white shilling tactics won't work on me, OP.
Enjoy your divorce after barely having one kid, while I live forever after with six of mine lol
couldnt agree more
ive had 3 serious relationships with a white girl, all were a pain in the arse, where i had to give up things i enjoyed for their sake
current gf is a second generation chinese, she never argues with me. she may disagree with me, but she always takes my side. she is happy to maintain the house (i make enough to support us).
4 years strong so far, we're getting married next january
But my dad's fami is German! And he mixed with a spic
Why the fuck would you want to actually have kids with a non-white women? You gotta be some brain dead multicult leftist
Non-white women are good for recreational purposes only
And you wonder why you're still a virgin
Not all of us suffer from crippling autism
>Taking pride as a white man marrying a chink
Beta detected
Have fun with your Elliot Rodger levels autists
Yeah and look what happened.
Heritage is overrated, 2bh.
I've never argued with my gf either, only get into disagreements that we always - ALWAYS - work out by talking it over.
Fuck, she even cried once because she disagreed with me. Modern white women would consider her to be brainwashed by the patriarchy for doing that lol
wew lad
I wouldnt be above marrying a woman with cuacasion in them. But most minorties are ugly as sin
i guess my 11years old relationship with my white wife is near its end. i mean a genius on pol told me so its probably true
>have fun with your mixed race kids with kinky hair who look nothing like you or anyone in your family
Marxist tier shilling ITT
This. I don't want some low-IQ trash children with fucking Amerindian blood.
Is that servile cuck eating a disgusting flat ass you?
I've been with women of every race imaginable, they're all fantastic, but none of them make me feel like white women do.
It's called preference.
And how many kids do you have with her?
>b-b-but look at these unfounded scenarios in my head! Surely that'll scare you away from having a god tier relationship with a large and healthy family right!
obvious virgin detected
I agree. I have a qt3.14 redpilled latina waifu who is always grateful when I pump her full of my white seed.
That's another thing
Virgins ITT have no idea how interracial sex is a million times hotter, as a white male.
I feel sad for that guy having vanilla boring sex with his white wife for 11 years lol
My gf and I have sex every day of course, and it's never gotten unitneresting
Yeah, they really do treat it like a gift.
That's a man
Who cares. Just keep posting hit latina girls, i need to bust a nut.
Serious question OP - why are you posting this again? This is the EXACT same thread from last night.
At this point, it just comes off as shilling instead of you genuinely wanting to talk about it.
From my experience, if you're White enough. You have it easier a lot easier.
But trust me, they put so much make up its disgusting. Ew
You don't understand we have already won.
Had 4 serious relationships, 3 white and 1 Mexican. This is in college, dating white girls was a pain and never helped out in anything regarding money. One of them fucked a fat brown buffalo while I left college to see my friend. The other two were just bland as fuck always on Instagram and snap chat. Not to mention they always wanted expensive ass shit. Not to mention they wanted pets more than kids. I was almost fucking done. Then came along the Mexican girl, dated, got engaged, married, and now had 5 kids. She has 4 other sisters and all still virgins and they go to college too.
>white girls are fucked
First post best post, as always.
His kid's a fucking mestizo
A real hispanic is spaniard
I want a Persian ex-Muslim gf so bad.
They are the master race of females.
Kek, my uncle married a Mexican, she is nice when visitors are there, but when I talked to her their daughter, she said she's crazy when we leave them alone.
>mfw I'm not related to my cousin by blood and she's fucking hot
pics of that chicana pls
Manslut here, definitely depends on the girl. Seems like every girl has a submission fetish, never met one who liked being dominant, so if you're into dominance you never have anything to worry about. Some nonwhite girls are pretty crazy, but so are white girls that aren't standard starbucks. I've had the most fun with degenerate emo girls, but get the fuck out before she can do something insane.
For example, I've been out of a job since April, and my girl has been unabashedly supporting me ever since, and even working two jobs to make it work.
Again, white girls would actually feel sorry for her. This is how beyond saving they are
The only Latinas I like are from South America tbqh.
>can't refute arguments so he resorts to ad-hominem
I sometimes wonder that myself.
She's not a looker, and I'm not posting fap pictures kek. She's from Nayarit, Mexico, but her family moved to Idaho. Now she lives with me in Montana.
Oh I'm just talking about pure skin contrast, and the concept of you being a white guy dominating a non-white girl.
Yeah in terms of fun in bed, all races are A-OK in that aspect of course. But I'm talking about even when both of you are tired and shit, even the little things that I just now mentioned just helps you climax for real
Is white girls becoming obnoxious becoming a real problem for white regular males?
Do you do race play where you make her beg you to fill her up with your superior aryan seed?
That's where like 95% of them live though.
> all these anons not posting sauce
>muh subhumans
Sup Forums is entirely made of subhumans, neckbeards virgins and high school dropouts.
It's so fucking pathetic when Sup Forums shitposters like you have the audacity to call other subhumans. You are the gutter trash of society.
I just projectile vomited. Disgusting.
On the left we have a perfect bodied Latina... Hips, ass, everything.
On the right we have the non-fat walking stick white girl.
I'll take the left, thanks.
Pretty much. Mine dropped out of college to take care of our first born and her white friends said she should continue college and just stay with 1 kid. Good thing she didn't listen and we ended up with 5 instead, 6 maybe in the future
t. Greek welfarestater
As for me I'm the host rather than the parasite. Try to imagine that for a few seconds between sucking down tax payer Euros.
Damn, took her from hot beach, to winter cold. I've always wanted to visit montana to contemplate the rockies.
mami nooooooooo~
Go to any college, shit is ridiculous. And the one white girl that fucked a fat brown buffalo dated this other white guy and she cucked him by fucking his best friend at a party. Well the friend was drunk af and she wasn't.
Yeah, I mean, if you get off to that. I didn't feel that too much, except with this Muslim chick. That was great. People on this site probably get off more to the 50's tradwife fetish thing, I'd think.
>Virgins ITT have no idea how interracial sex is a million times hotter, as a white male.
Don't project your paraphilia on the population at large.
>submissive degenerate emo girls
The best right? What if she also knows how to cook and clean and is very loving?
Nothing beats a hot Latina... Those that haven't been corrupted by white bitch brainwashing.
White women are literally the worst. Most are dumb, vain, demanding, self centered, judgemental, and think far to highly of themselves.
Montana is pretty based and hella pretty. Should visit one day. Not during summer though maybe spring. The hotel costs is fucking rubbish.
who wants to pay for more than 1 kid? theres enough people on welfare OP stop buying the hype.
Probably doesn't exist. I heard that goddamn blender quote from so many girls.
>I'm not a blender you picked out in a store!
My response was always
>Oh, of course not! More like a dog!
Her feet are so nice
Recommended towns to visit?
because there's some good left in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
>why should we continue the white race
If you have at least 2 white kids you will increase the white population.
Speak for yourself cigan.
Guess I found a unicorn then. Huge tit unicorn.
I find that hard to believe because in Miami, Latin women treat me like God and Im just an average white dude from Chicago. Now you add in the rich, elite status of being a white Mexican in Mexico, and theres absolutely no way any chick is drooling over indio dick.
So many shills ITT you wonder why your country will be overrun with spics or arabs in 10 years
While your kids will half-spic/arab mongrels themselves and solidify the destruction of the West