Red pill me on Fascism
Moron with an open mind
If you don't like what everybody else """seems""" to like, then bad things will happen to you.
Basicly what the lefties are doing
read 'the doctrines of fascism' Mussolini, and the essay 'the five stages of fascism' by Robert Paxton.
youre a fucking spastic mate. read the fucking sticky
gtfo, hope you get 24hr b&
or listen to the audio book here
What are some empirically ascertainable traits that characterize the authoritarian personality, particularly the personality attracted to the fascist type of authoritarianism?
1. Tendency to conform compulsively to orthodox ideals and practices
2. emotional rigidity and limited imagination
3. excessive concern with problems of status and strength;strong loyalty to one's own group
5. stress discipline and obedience rather than freedom and spontaneity in human relations.
Although there is no Fascist Manifesto with undisputed authority among fascists, it is not too difficult to state the principal elements of the fascist outlook:
A) Distrust of reason
B) Denial of basic human equality
C) Code of behavior based on lies and violence
D) Government by elite
E) Totalitarianism
F) Racialism and imperialism
G) Opposition to international law and order
The distrust of reason is perhaps the most significant trait of fascism.
The rational tradition of the WEST stems from GREECE and is one of the 3 basic components (the other 2 being Jewish monotheism and Christian love) that have given the West its characteristic culture and outlook.
Fascism is frankly anti rationalist, distrusting reason in human affairs and stressing the irrational, sentimental, UNCONTROLLABLE elements in man.
read the fucking sticky
Ill fix it for you senpai
A) Reason
B) Acceptance humans are different, and have different qualities
D) Government by Merit
E) Acceptance human races are different, imperialism means jack shit in Fascism
F) Opposition to silly groups like the
Which harm the Nation
Everyone with a political opinion are LITERALLY fascist.
If you are using your influence to push your opinions. You are a fascist
CONTRARY TO POPULAR OPINION, concentration camps and slave labor CAMPS in Communism and Fascism are not incidental phenomena in totalitarian systems , BUT ARE AT ITS VERY CORE.
In those camps the regimes seek to destroy the legal and moral person in man, and to deprive him of the last residue of individuality. This technique of brainwashing used deliberately seeks to break man's mind to the point where he will publicly confess to crimes he did not commit.
Fascism wins the day
>distrust of reason
>clearly the Jewish elite, academics, and intellectuals are emigrating to Weimar Germany and subverting society, encouraging nepotism, draining the wealth and finances, encouraging societal degradation
>no, no, you're a racist
>opposition to international law
>letting other countries dictate your policies and movement
>denial of human equality
>Non-citizens and traitors lose rights as in every civilized nation
The rest is just garbage.
The Distrust of reason is perhaps the most significant trait of Fascism.
Psychologically, fascism is fanatical rather than reflective, dogmatic rather than open minded; as a result each fascist regime has its taboo issues such as race, empire, the leader, and the nature of a taboo issue must be accepted on faith and can not be critically disgust.
During the FASCIST regime in Italy (1922-1945) Mussolini's picture was shown in every classroom in the country over the caption "Mussolini is always right".
see ;
In the fascist code men are superior to women, soldiers to civilians, part members to non party members, one's own nation to others, the strong to the week, and the victors of war to the vanquished.
THE CHIEF CRITERIA OF RQUALITY IN THE WESTERN TRADITION ARE MAN'S mind and soul, whereas the fascist affirmation of inequality is based ultimately on power.
>fanatical rather than reflective
You have to be reflective on the degradation and subversion of society from it's natural harmonious state in order to come the the conclusions in fascism
Are you? No one is open-minded unless they are willing to consider another opinion, and your lack of replies comes off as dogmatic, merely regurgitating some leftist academic's thesis.
>During the FASCIST regime in Italy (1922-1945) Mussolini's picture was shown in every classroom in the country over the caption "Mussolini is always right".
And in every American classroom are pictures of Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr., whom we are taught are completely right.
Are you retarded?
first thing to do is stop believing the anti-fascist definition.
fascism is closer to Star Trek than the "warning signs", which are just (out of date) talking points against the Bush administration.
It means "Brotherhood", and is anti egalitarianism. The people are the master race, and strict rules will in fascist theory create the perfect society. In favour of making private enterprise follow national interest. Similar to nazism.
> In the fascist code men are superior to women
Men and women have different, organic societal roles that they excel in. Just because you're insecure and taught maternal roles and femininity in women is undesirable doesn't mean it is so. If men and women embraced their roles then we would see a reduction in mental illness, divorce, violence, and other societal ills to pre-1950's level.
>soldiers to civilians
Fascism and National Socialism understood the nature of man and our relationship to the land, laborers and farmers were revered. Honored, understood to be the backbone- they were more prosperous under National Socialism than any other nation prior.
>part members to non party members, one's own nation to others, the strong to the week, and the victors of war to the vanquished.
Welcome to history and reality?
>a man's mind and soul
Sold on a market in a democracy or taken from him in a communist state. Why do you think Americans are all searching for an identity in sexual orientation or music or movies, they know they're missing it but they can't pinpoint why.
Is Fascism pro- or anti-free market?
Pro as long as it doesn't damage the nation
Doubt it, mods let guys post fag porn and someone who posted a pic of a woman suckling a bottle was.banned.
Mods are most likely redditors and from 9fag.
How exactly can free market damage the nation?
Look at what the "free" market did to modern culture, the modern free market is among the root causes of the cancerous society today.
Property ownership is encouraged, citizens of the nation could own businesses, there were socialist programs but typical ones regarding infrastructure or rail or energy.
>the modern free market is among the root causes of the cancerous society today.
>social spendings achieve "the highest in history" status each year
>free market
Lowering wages, harming people etc..
Pinochet was free market, Hitler less so
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Market economy makes overall quality of life higher, right?
What about guns?
The modern "Free market" has created the degenerate society we live in
It is encouraged for sane, law-abiding citzens to own firearms, in fact the third reich had very relaxed gun laws.
Citizens can own firearms, in fact marksmanship was promoted.
The only people restricted from owning firearms were Jews but for obvious reasons.
>free market
>lowering wages
Pls read something educational before posting.
his paper explores the impact of structural reforms on a comprehensive set of macro-level labor-market outcomes, including the unemployment rate, the average wage index, and overall and female employment levels and labor force participation rates. Together these outcome variables capture the overall health of the labor market and the aggregate welfare of workers. Yet, there seems to be no other comprehensive empirical investigation in the existing literature of the impact of structural reforms at the cross-country macro level on labor-market outcomes other than the unemployment rate. Data were collected from a variety of sources, including the World Bank World Development Indicators, the International Monetary Fund International Financial Statistics, and the International Labor Organization Key Indicators of the Labor Market. The resulting dataset covers up to 88 countries, the majority being developing, for 10 years on either side of structural reforms that took place between 1960 and 2001. After documenting the average trends across countries in the labor-market outcomes up to 10 years on either side of each country's structural reform year, the authors run fixed-effects ordinary least squares as well as instrumental variables regressions to account for the likely endogeneity of structural reforms to labor-market outcomes. Overall the results suggest that structural reforms lead to positive outcomes for labor. Unlike related literature, the paper does not find conclusive evidence on unemployment. Redistributive effects in favor of workers, along the lines of the Stolper-Samuelson effect, may be at work.