What's with the trend of rich people dressing like they are poor?

what's with the trend of rich people dressing like they are poor?

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He isn't famous anymore.


kanye west started it

Define dressing "rich"

So they dont get recognized

>hating on /fa/ Shia

He's coming down from his mkultra

Kanye wears basics, but Dior ones


Is that Shilloo LaBoof?

No he didn't.

Plenty of the extremely rich do not drive expensive cars or wear expensive clothes, purposely.

i do that too lol. because i was poor in the beginning, to avoid kidnaping and robberies or golddiggers.

Clothes that doesn't look like cheap shit. Like cutoffs and a dirty, blue shirt.

>Kanye west

Its comfortable clothes and easy to wash and then i think they want to look like average joe. Average joe is the man :D.

he dressed like that before he spent all his money

also nike4lyfe

>tfw Kanye West has to raise 53m to be as rich as me

Rich people like him will never actually be poor though, I'm sure he probably owns a fuckton of property or something.

OP fell for the buy expensive things to impress people you don't care about meme

Another Marxist degenerate agenda to make men lower their self worth in order to ultimately control them more.


>personal """"""""""debt"""""""""""
wew laddeh

shia labouf (sp?) is hardly rich anymore? The dude has been ousted so many times

He's still loaded.

that guy has always been a bit nuts, most rich people waste ridiculous amounts of money on ugly clothes


Maybe he realizes the expensive clothes are a ripoff. And doesnt want niggers to mug him in his good suits

no need for a bodyguard? can walk the street like anyone else? just think

I don't go out other than in the woods, so I couldn't care less whether I'm in fashion or not. A canteen and a pistol is fashion enough for me.

I might add that in eastern europe, southern europe and turkey everyone wears really nice and good looking clothes.

Spotting a western or northern european is easy they (we) look worse than the poor in eastern europe :D.

The english usually looks even worse since they seem to come with bruises and blackeyes already applied when they leave the plane ;D.

If you own some million dollars you don't care if a shirt costs 20 or 200 bucks

>been a bit nuts


they are realizing that money doesn't necessarily bring happiness in the long term

He just did it, didn't he?

>let me just wear a $5000 suit everyday because I'm rich
You know why

>kanye west started it

It's a physiological trick to make you think they are just one of the common folk.

I'm rich but I dress like I'm poor when I can because I don't want to stand out and poor people clothes are comfier.

The only people that dress rich when they don't have to are niggers trying to look white, attention whores, or insecure nuevo rich fags trying to make up for their lower class DNA.

this is nothing new.

My family dress like bums and only look respectable when on official business with strangers and foreigners. Only once seen my father wear a suit twice (both funerals).

Newly rich people always like to flash their wealth so its new for them to wear "normal" clothing.

Being a somewhat affluent Jew, I can tell you that the reason people dress like they are poor is because if you dress like you are rich, you'll get robbed.

>I'm rich
thought I was on /biz/ for a second there

Poor people are poor because they live like they're rich.
Rich people are rich because they live like they're poor.
>A fucking leaf
>Not even once

Nigga Shia-core is fucking A1

Shia is based. He doesn't give a flying fuck what's cool.

so they will only be tried to be robbed by jews

come to california Sup Forumsrother

this is nothing new

>Everybody wearing long white socks with high heel shoes, a fur cape, a long hat over a white curly wig and a monocle while one servant holds an umbrella and another a laurel wreath over his head.

Yeah, thats more like it!

muh relatability

Can't people just be comfy on their day off?

I bet even God Emperor Trump has a pair of dirty sweats. He wears when no one is looking.

There's something really freeing about leaving your house looking like a bum, and knowing that you can still do literally anything you want.

Because they don't want to get too much attention

If you had millions of $, you wouldn't want that anybody knows how rich you are

It's so they don't get robbed and kidnapped dingus

That's just black people in general.

I have plenty of money but still shop at Goodwill.

I'm not gonna blow money away on 50 dollar shirts or pants. If I did stupid shit like that I wouldnt have thousands in the bank.

I'm interning with ex- wall street traders who opened a small financial data business in the bay area

>shorts or jeans
>t shirt
>usually sandals

Every day. Clients come in, partners come in, doesn't matter. Every day.

>meanwhile I'm wearing a poplin shirt with nice chinos and oxfords and doing bby's first programming

>first meeting for programmers
>"the only way I can describe this is as a huge clusterfuck"

If I was rich, I'd still be wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt.

Because Shiacore is very /fa/

somebody edit that cyber bullying tweet to reference fiat money


>this morning, my dad officially boarded the Trump train and has agreed to vote Trump in November
>now this

It has been a great day.


I think that's just Shia. I saw him on 6th street in Austin drunk as fuck and puking on people yelling "JUST DO IT!" before he got arrested.

He's not dressed like he's "poor" he looks good. I wouldn't really expect Sup Forums to understand fashion though

Maybe it's just what they feel like wearing? Put yourself in their shoes, why blow all your money on useless materials to cover yourself with when low grade cotton works just fine.

He seems pretty comfortable in his own skin, he obviously knows that it's not about what's on you but rather what is within yourself that counts.

Because it's fashionable to look like an average Joe right now,
there is a lot of hipocrisy involved in this too

We have a lot of cisco and ibm guys visit us since we buy a lot from them and they dress really snappy and nice. Its kind of fun when they come, the coolest suits i have ever seen vs the the unshaven bunch with jeans and washed out t-shirts at best :D. Microsoft and a lot of other consultants dress like average joe whenever they visit.

Why do you hate him anyway? His music is actually good (maybe his last album wasn't his best)

This. Everyone hates rich people because success is a bad thing or something now.

You still recognize this douchebag.

It's not a trend. It has always been true. I work for L'Oreal,a large French luxury company. Rich people will always come to us dressed like shit while their helpers/chauffeurs, etc.. are always very well dressed. In fact when people are entering the shop you can pinpoint who is the client because he's the only one not wearing a suit.

Sup reddit

>getting butt hurt when someone decides to wear a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers

Are you some child that thinks wealthy people only ever wear $50,000 suits?

Because if you're loaded, it doesn't mean you have to like "rich man's clothes".

Some of the rich man's clothes look extremely stupid on some people so they don't wear them.

Besides they're more comfy.

It isn't a trend. Having money makes you realize nothing matters but comfort. Wear nice clothes when you have to. Dressing up to go be in public with all the plebs who try isn't worth the effort.

t. rich man

What? Do you forget faces after a set period of time or something? Must suck being a literal retard.

I hate rich people.

Being 53 mil in debt when you make tens of millions a year isn't too bad.

Not everyone buys into brand name bullshit. I make a good living but buy all my clothes at goodwill. No reason to pay more than 5 dollars for a t shirt.

Because it's more convenient to put on a t-shirt, gym shorts, and your /comfy/ shoes when you're going to the grocer down the street than it is to dress like Daddy Warbucks.
Furthermore, you don't have to worry about messing up your nice shit and then having to send it to the tailor.


what a faggot

good insult buddy

More importantly, what's with all the /fa/ Sup Forums crossover posting lately?

The opposite of being nigger rich.

user there are terms called "old money" and "new money".
True wealth is in your blood, or at the very least your attitude. Most of these spoiled whores are white trash that got lucky.

its because you cant buy proper cloths anywhere.
its still 2016 my friend.

JUst kill yourself. Nobody gives a fuck about clothes maybe fags and girls. If he is rich and have theses clothes then who cares.

There's a lot of Sup Forums that goes on /fa/, myself included. There's nothing wrong with wanting to dress and look good

>wasting money on clothes
>advertising your rich to the wild gangs of niggers in every american city.
Enjoy getting murdered.

Because deep down they are still the loser hey be always been.

It's hard, for mental midgets, to take the mantle of success and run with it.

Dressing well comes with expectations -- you can't be the same trite person when you elevate yourself.

So mainly it's about the lack of personal growth given the means to do so. Which is why when drug dealers get money the buy rims and stereos instead of making a down pay on a home.

OP, Myabe your nigga IQ would act rich with gold chain and everything. some people have different taste and money don't matter you fucking fag.

The only insulting thing in this thread is your shit tier taste in music. Listen to nigger noises all you want but don't expect to be congratulated for it here. If you want that shit then go to plebbit.

Not getting the reference.

What the fuck.

You don't stay rich blowing all of your money on fancy things.

Thanks ameribro

I don't like rap, I don't listen to it. Therefore, the only thing about him that I look at when I see him is his character, or rather lack-thereof. He is a self-absorbed asshole and an utter moron. He is an asshole to the point were every time he says or does something stupid and gets called out on it, rather than laughing it off and admitting his mistake like a normal adult, he gets pissed and makes a scene like a fucking child. He thinks he's hot shit, and that he's better than everyone else. He deserves no reward for his childish, stand-offish behavior.