Some ugly ass nigger named KSI who has 14 million subs on YouTube who's from the UK made a reaction to this video
How do we stop this political correct bullshit already?
>the UK niggers reaction video
Some ugly ass nigger named KSI who has 14 million subs on YouTube who's from the UK made a reaction to this video
How do we stop this political correct bullshit already?
>the UK niggers reaction video
Other urls found in this thread:
the video made me kek a lot
>taking rucka rucka ali seriously
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't watch the whole thing considering he would become the parody, himself 2:04
kek I used to watch this guy ca. 2012
This only rucka parody I remember seeing was i'm a korean, way back. Interesting to see he seems to give even less of a shit today.
Here's Rucka Ruckas response to KSI's video
>now KSI wants this guys channel and videos gone from YT because they are "racist".
Where's the source on this? Because the reaction video looked like he was just overreacting for views.
first of nice dubs mate
second nigga shows his welfare money and thinks he's achieved something
third he chimps out when he's faced with the truth that there is a douuble standart and a nigg can get away wit anything blaming white people and calls it racist
plays the victim card - he probably never had to work hard in his life to achieve anything - blames whites, and everything he has has handed to him by the whites cuz his victim level is over 9000
niggers gonna nigg
You don't have to watch it.
KSI might be joking. I hope he's joking, or else I am really doubting his intelligence.
I cracked at the eyyyyyy, I don't see why he couldn't take a joke.
I too though his video was satire with the whole
>I deserve better man!
I just can not comprehend that being said sincerely.
Also, Rucka was causing ripped assholes long before this fag became relevant.
Rucka will endure.
fanboy fag
>reaction videos
I didn't even know KSI before aside from his overreacting attitude.
that made me kek
>from the UK
>wipes his face with American dollars
While he is insufferable he is very clever with targeting his audience.
He gives off a satire vibe that only people like us or anyone even slightly redpilled would pick up on. It also helps that he's done very well-known videos in the past where he would show self-awareness of his own race and their common shortcomings;
Meanwhile the everyday normalfags are entertained by his over-the-top reactions as well as his rap response to him at the end of the video.
It's a win-win. Everyone loves it because everyone has interpreted the video in a different way. Then again, it could be that I'm reading into a bit too much; and if that were the case, he's just a lucky nigger.
He's a good boi, leave him alone
KSI is shit.
I've never scored less than any of their turds. They also usually bail after we run them for the first 3-5 mins. Beee-itches
This guy has some good videos
that reaction seems so fucking fake
Rucka Rucka Ali stopped being funny in 2011
since brexit shops have started taking USD and a lot of us have switched over entirely
Wait, actually? Elaborate
Never go full nigger
>now KSI wants this guys channel and videos gone from YT because they are "racist".
>implying people haven't been reuploading his videos for god knows how long
>implying he doesn't make fun of all races and genders
>inb4 racism against whites
you know that if you say gullible backwards, it sound like elephant?
No you delusional fuck, like many interlopers here, he is blindly emulating heroes from the source of all niggerdom: America.
If you are joking here american, well played
Yeah, there's no way you guys would abandon the your Riyals for USD.
Wew, look at the dislike bar on this
bumping because ksi is an obnoxious twat
Holy kek, this nig actually took Rucka seriously? Did he not read the disclaimer?
>giving a shit about jewtube celebs
Idk whats worse, you faggots or the jewtube faggots.
Its racist when people state facts in a funny way
Shit I can't believe this song got publicity. I listen to this all the time and had no idea the dude was so famous.
That songs really catchy. Love how he says "nothing's" your fault. It has a deeper meaning next to "nigga nigganigganigga"
Actually, it doesn't. It spells "elbigillu". It's a shame that you barely even know english despite you living in england.
I would shut your face if I were you Ahmed, you wouldn't want us invading you twice, would you?
Pretty sure he moved to LA but still has his apartment in the UK.
Kek. He hasn't been this mad since a random kid called him a nigger when he was doing an omegle video with his white girlfriend.
Of course he didn't, because *** can't read.
what the hell, the n-word gets censored for me, *** *** *** asdniggers
Watch this video and then tell me that you think KSI is being serious about stopping racism.
what the fuck
What's going on Hiroshimoot!?
you expect more from niggers?
Niggy noggy noo noo noo!
>worthless stupid nigger gets millions of views
Literally how?
What does it stand for, Sup Forums?
Rucka Rucka Ali has been banned from YT for years.
This KSI will change nothing. People upload his videos for fun.
here is a video from Rucka about white people
I think he should follow the sound advice of a fellow black man from the entertainment industry.
He knows its funny, that's why he devoted a whole video to it. Dont take how he acts at face value!
>tfw he was actually triggered
Looks like I am he only one with free speech left.
Nice joke
I got to admit this nigger has a pretty good sense of humor
Nigger nigger
Honestly, KSI doesn't seem too bad. Some guy told him to eat a banana and called him a monkey and he ate a banana. Also, niggercuntdie.
>yfw some unfunny nigger is making thousands sitting around doing fuck all
>yfw it should be you making that money
Watched it - he was being sarcastic.
I don't blame you Finnbro for not getting the sarcasm, though. Autistics normally don't get sarcasm; and we all know Finns are autistic.
Based Rucka.
Wait, why does this nigger have 14 million subs?
Many keks have been given. I approve
He's as racist as the other guy. Fuck KSI.
big deal over nothing desu
t. KSI fanboy
Most of his subs are 11-13 year old retarded children just like who think being random and screaming at the top of lungs = funny
The reaction video of the black dude is lame, I made my post when listening to the song. They are both actors on youtube, so who cares must understand negroe culture
I have lived among negroes for most of my life(am white 50yo)
they have a culture with fathers
they have a culture that hates white people
they have a culture that takes pride in NEVER working for a living
they have a culture that glorifies the abuse of women and gays
they have a culture that thinks criminal activity is something to do on any given night
they have a culture that defends a child molestor reaching for a gun, who is subsequently killed by police
need I say more about "black culture"
Britbongs are this autismal? You realize your own paranoid panic and using another currency for no reason is what will devalue your currency right?
affirmative action
I'm pretty sure this guy is joking
This guy is so based
Best rucka song
No you retarded nigger, it was a joke and you were too stupid to realise it.
That's between the two of them. Why would we care? We can downboat his reaction video but that's about it.
He wiped away his tears with money. That part was intended to be a joke. Well, the whole video was SUPPOSED to be a joke.
But his reaction to the video was sincere because he hadn't seen it before, but was expecting it to be harmless.