Jimmy Dore of The Young Turks spit in Alex Jones face.

This is the regressive left everyone.


Other urls found in this thread:


That cuck had a lot of cum stored in his venom-sac.

Bumping with The Young Trap

It's funny how TYT cut that part out of their video

dudes why are you spamming this stupid shit all over pol?

Is Alex Jones the real deal? I just remember years ago he talked about aliens and lizard people now he's kinda toned it down and some of the shit he says makes sense. More than any pundit I listen to. Also I like how he gets in people faces he is not a little bitch. Is he scamming us?

Yes. They completely ignored it and pretended it never happened.

I recommend watching parts 1 and 2 of the above video too. To see how Ana reacted like a complete classless bitch. Ana is a man by the way.

>it's another 'youtube personality' with a whacky character persona

fuck off

She's a pretty man. Id fuck her.

>Is he scamming us?

Yes. He's still into some conspiracy shit and mixing truth with pure speculation and assumption.

having said that, Cenk of TYT actually made Alex look like the honest, civilized and reasonable human being. That shows you how far The Young Turks have fallen.

It's glorious.

Have some more trap.

i dont even give a shit desu. his borderline autistic antics are based

Man im so glad I stopped watching them after they started shilling hard for people to be a member.

>dudes why are you spamming this stupid shit all over pol?

Hi Cenk.

TYT is the most subscribed regressive leftitst "news" organisation on Youtube. they produce propaganda and race baiting videos full of spin and dishonesty.

It is not surprising that we would point out their hypocrisy here and elsewhere. I didn't see any thread about the spitting incident before I posted this thread.

Have some more trap.

knowing that this is pol i take everything you said w a grain of salt. having said that, what the shit to you, a fuggin irishbro, care about an american youtube 'news' outlet or a radio pundit? do people pay attention to either of these people seriously? the clip you started the thread w has no bearing on anything of substance senpai. it's 'media' infighting thatll lead to more clicks, which you fell for.

The young saudis are the only news network that speaks truth to power.

No one else has had the brilliance to read news story and spin it towards their bias.

i'd spit in alex jones' face too, if i had the chance. fuck that dude.


If you're going to interrupt someone's show while causing them financial loss for the time they lost entertaining your dumb irl shitposting then the least you should expect is to get thrown out or btfo like this.

He deserves it for being a piece of shit, I don't think he'd like it very much if people raided his live show.



>Username: Atheism-is-Unstoppable

It's garbage time

More like The Dumb Jerks. Cenk literally looks like he should be selling watermelons out a beat up pickup truck on a side road in south eastern turkey, sleeping on a plastic chair, barefoot jeans rolled up and a tank top.

Scamming you? Are you entertained? Because that is what he is selling. Entertainment. The same way the Daily Show would sell you entertainment back when you know, they were in the entertainment business.

Is the WWE scamming you?

No, not really.

I really want to see Ana kasparian get blacked.

>words means you should get physically assaulted
Reminder that Mexicants are no better than niggers.

What is that disgusting mole thing by her nose?

lol this thread, tytidf is out in force today it seems...

Just admit it, genk and his flunkies totally fucked up this time. This event has been documented for the rest of the history of the internet and there is nothing you can do to make it go away.

They asked him to be on stage.

That pic perfectly reflects the left and how low they will go when they realize that they're just plain wrong.

Nice sources you got there

>just let people ruin your work while you have guests

He's disrupting his show, would getting thrown out of the set also count as being physically assaulted for a trumplet like you?

((Alex Jones))
