>at some stupid state university
>at some stupid state university
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Cruz debating Trump is like an Olympic fencer fighting a mountain lion. One may be the best in the world at what he does, but the other isn't playing by the same rules.
His speech was pretty great.
Too bad Trump blew it instead of embracing it and spinning the end to his advantage.
But then again, that's what Donald does.
>But then again, that's what Donald does.
Fuck up in ways that are not immediately apparent to his diehard supporters but will all add up to a electoral beatdown?
The shocking thing is that he had so much time to prepare, it wasn't a spur of the moment response and they had the text of the speech ahead of time.
They just chose poorly.
One theory I have is that it was done at the behest of party leadership & party backers. Do this and we'll open up our pocket books a bit more. Note how the entire establishment came out after the theater to declare Cruz doa without bothering to reflect on the speech, or how it may play out in different scenarios.
why do you think he blew it?
I'd compare Trump more to an angry baboon if I had to choose an animal.
Pretty sure the baboon would also win.
His rabble-rousing thrust Cruz and his speech into the spotlight. The condemnation from the establishment GOP gives Cruz more 'anti-establishment crusader' cred.
Trump could have circulated his people among the delegates and quietly suggested a more polite, tepid response to the whole speech, and the entire thing would have been forgotten.
Also, he could have spun the speech, the 'vote your conscious' part as an endorsement of himself - "vote your conscious", it's between me or the criminal, Hillary.
He could have turned the entire thing to his advantage, especially given that he had more than enough early warning and time for planning.
He just blew it and I don't know why.
Baboons are smaller than chimps. They aren't even apes. They're just really big monkeys.
>"true conservative"
>plots with Hillary against Trump
This fucktard has lost a good chunk of support for that. We need to replace him here in TX.
interesting video, but it doesn't necessarily mean trump thinks it was a mistake. he's asking his daughter what she thinks.
>>"true conservative"
>>plots with Hillary against Trump
That's some high level retardation there, son.
Donald, we can work this out, just hand over the delegates.
You haven't been paying attention to those emails from the DNC.
Cruz is fucked.
yeah. you still wouldn't want it in your house though.
ok yeah I can see that, but his whole theme was us-vs-them, and Cruz played into that. Cruz is the old-dishonest-establishment.
That wasn't his immediate reaction though Ivanka seemed to think so. The doubling down is because he's stuck with it now.
No, I've seen the DNC threads, I'm just not up on the latest thing you're hopelessly confused over.
The greatest of messages. The worst of messengers.
Ted Cruz is spot on with his understanding and application of conservatism. There is nothing wrong with his message of conservatism. The problem with Ted Cruz is that Ted Cruz is a self-important and obnoxious dick without class. He wants to sound like Reagan but he comes across like an angry and lonely nerd.
>The problem with Ted Cruz is
That he wasn't nearly as accomplished as Reagan had been, a former two time governor with instant recognizability from his long acting and subsequent advocacy career on the point of his political conversion from brainless liberalism to conservatism. Cruz's accomplishment on the other hand, while significant, were somewhat obscure, had in courtrooms in cases that people may know about but not care about the details, or stemming from his activities in the Senate, the day to day details nobody follows, where he's one person in a hundred.
>muh superficialities
As if a greasy snake handling used car salesman cheap suit sporting Cuban Canadian reverend understands the first thing about conservatism.
Do you know who know conservatism? Phyllis "the destroyer of communists sons and daughters seventy times seven generations" Schlafly. Do you know who she went with even though her kids will try to kill her? Trump.
I am true blue American, a son of the south's war against northern aggression, I am a son of the American Revolution, and my family was here from the beginning. Ted Cruz is no conservative, and he sure as hell is no American.
>91 years old
Has seen it all and has prophesied much of what we are seeing come to pass, so...
She is still sharp as a tack.
Hasn't been relevant in years.
Not that your Trumpist "ill pick a name out of a hat" defenses matter. Your posts reeks of one who believes that conservatism is driving the right sort of pick up truck. This isn't a thread for you.
Nope, if anything El Rato blew up his own career, permanently:
"Hurr durrr pickup truck fffluuurr blrrrrrr this thread is muh safe space blerrned hurrrnnnhnbbb"
Spoken like a true arrogant communist.
What's wrong with state universities?
>matriculated at Princeton
>magna cum laude from Harvard Law
Color me impressed, but realistically, becoming a Senator or a billionaire is more prestigious than attending any university. As elite as these schools are, the vast majority of students don't accomplish much after graduating to justify the general prestige attached to these schools. Watch any video with a random HYPSM undergrad and you'll probably be disappointed.
My children will still have to go there, or risk losing my love.
It's a Metal Gear joke
Okay. There was still a point beyond the meme and i was addressing it.
I love Pat, but he's been wrong so many times its staggering. He wants to be seen now as forerunner of the next big movement, rather than a shallow speed bump to the party falling back into the hands of the wing with which he's battled for so long.
Yet even if Pat isn't saying what you suggest he did in his article, how is Cruz's career permanently over? He's well liked in his state, and even if the establishment gun for his seat he's just built a national funding network of grassroot conservatives.
Acktually olympic fencers don't actually know how to swordfight and their skills would be useless in actual combat. They only know how to poke people with a stick really really quickly.
Reasoning? I think if you took the average person off the street and an expert fencer and forced them to fight to the death giving them both nothing but rapiers, assuming the latter isn't an extreme pacifist or incapacitated in some way, he would almost win.
>have an expert fencer fight a normal person
>with fencing equipment
Who would win? Gee, fucking real mind bender this one
>their skills would be useless in actual combat.
>with fencing equipment
These rapiers would be sharp, as in real weapons, on which the rapiers used for fencing are based.
>actual combat, aka a street fight
>using weapons dating back to the renaissance
>oh hai, just counting muh delegates
This is still actual combat, correct? Even if it didn't help for likely combat, that doesn't mean the sport isn't worthy of being practiced. Chess was probably used in its earliest form to train for actual strategy, but despite the fact that modern chess would have no beneficial effects for strategizing in modern warfare, it doesn't mean the activity is worthless.
The point is olypmic fencing can hardly be considered combat
Take a look at this, do these people look like they're fighting, or does it look like they're trying to poke each other first? If they had been using real swords both these men would have been stabbed instantly and nobody would win, does that sound like a practical way of fighting?
There's no parrying, no defensive play, no standoff, just electric tag. BORING
is that a young cruz?
It's closer to combat than chess is to military strategy.
>they're trying to poke each other first?
Do you know for a fact that this wouldn't be the best tactic with a rapier?
>There's no parrying, no defensive play, no standoff, just electric tag.
There is plenty of parrying in fencing. What the fuck are you talking about?
If all you're doing is trying to stab the other guy first without regard to being stabbed a second later, yeah it's pretty fucking impractical
Look at those wobbly "swords", ridiculous. Tapping the other guy's sword with the force of a feather is enough to cause a parry, please.
it'd be interesting to see a fencer with a rapier and swat shield vs any gunman
Even if those were valid points, fencing is still a respectable art. Rapiers would be the most effective sword in one-on-one combat, (assuming there's no armor), and fencing in this current form resembles this combat as much as it possibly can while not endangering the fighters. However different it might be from actual swordplay, it's still a skill that presents effectively unlimited challenge, so it's still worthy to be practiced and observed.
>fencing is still a respectable art
No, it WAS a respectable art. Then the faggots at the olympics hijacked it and replaced the noble sabre with these faggy wobbly shit sticks that are so disgustingly neutered a child could use them
I don't see what the problem is. It doesn't take any less skill to master than it did then. If it resembles real combat less in order to keep the fighters safer, so be it. If it was as dangerous as it was back then, almost nobody would practice it.
>Ted Cruz is no conservative
Of course Ted Cruz is a conservative. I am a tremendous admirer of Phyllis Schlafly. I have a signed copy of her great book, "A Choice Not an Echo". In that book, she makes a case for Barry Goldwater's presidential candidacy and details exactly how the media, the Democrat party, and the neo-con Republicans collude to negate and manipulate public opinion in order to choose our candidates and presidents.
Barry Goldwater was a great conservative. Ronald Reagan was strongly influenced by Barry Goldwater. In fact, Reagan made a speech for Goldwater during his campaign that put Reagan squarely in the public consciousness. That was Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" speech, famous for its line " the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so". Barry Goldwater wrote a great book titled "The Conscience of a Conservative". I recommend you read that book. You will discover that Ted Cruz is a Goldwater Republican, a conservative to the core. Reading Goldwater's book will make you think you are reading transcripts of Cruz's speeches. Cruz is a Goldwater conservative to the letter.
But Cruz is a terrible messenger of conservatism. Cruz is not a good public speaker, he doesn't have a warm personality, and he doesn't come across as natural. Everything about him seems scripted. But make no mistake, whatever Cruz lacks in charm he more than makes up in conservative ideals. He is best to remain in the Senate for several terms and then make a run for the presidency once he adds the seasoning of age and experience to his personality.
At this point, it would be better to find a career that would allow you to work online and go to a country with little to no taxes than expect conservatism to ever become resurgent again.
But it doesn't resemble real combat anymore.
Tell me, what kind of fight relies on who can poke the other faster? Its origins had any retarded rules like that, It's a mockery of what it used to be, a graceful duel between two gentlemen.
Besides, other forms of sporting combat still hold true to their origins, how about martial arts? Boxing? Hell even airsoft can hold some resemblance to a real gunfight. All those sports involve a little cuts and bruises. but no, fencers have to be clad in 5 feet of padding and wielding these abortions they call rapiers because god forbid someone gets a little boo boo
And before you say
>well fencing involves what used to be dangerous weapons
Take a look at this
Again, I go back to chess, which can justify itself on the challenge it presents using its own rules. If you want to fight, you would be using rifles in war and you should carry a gun for self-defense, so other other forms of sparring would assist you little more in practical combat scenarios than fencing.
But chess was never meant to resemble anything more than a game, an abstract oversimplification of warfare.
Fencing does not obey the same principles because it directly originated from a real engagement between two armed combatants.
If fencing is so removed from what it used to be based upon its new set of established rules then perhaps it should be renamed, perhaps electric tag sounds more fitting.
He's not playing by your rules. Trump will NOT stand for ratos and will not allow them to impugn him any further.
The earliest form of chess was used to plan strategy and train strategists. It's changed considerably since its inception.
Your complains don't extend to more than complaining about how something has changed for what you believe to be worse. More people fence now than they would if it resembled actual sword fighting more.
>The earliest form of chess was used to plan strategy and train strategists
>More people fence now than they would if it resembled actual sword fighting more.
Really because I could have sworn it was more popular a century ago, what on earth could have happened you think?
" The game chaturanga was a battle-simulation game[8] which rendered Indian military strategy of the time.[23]"
>what on earth could have happened you think?
Swords went out of fashion.
>conservatism is dead meme.
That one is sure to get a lot of millage over the next 3 1/2 months.
I should say that it's unlikely to be efficacious politically. I wish it could, but it's extremely unlikely and grows less likely as the culture grows less degenerate.
Things come and go in cycles. Or pendulums, as the world of politics likes to describe it. Just as assuredly as as soon as it makes a comeback the other wings will try to infect and co-opt it
>less likely as the culture grows less degenerate.
I believe you got one of your adjectives wrong.