Are you happy? She's now dead thanks to you/

Are you happy? She's now dead thanks to you/

Who the fuck is she? What happened?

One of the victims of Ali Benali yesterday in Munchen.

What was she doing in Germany?


Was she a liberal?
Look up her facebook and shit.

Ayo ayo hol up hol up

I been offline for a few days, your telling me ANOTHER terrorist attack happened in Europe?

Bump for interest. Who is she? How was Sup Forums involved? Please explain.

Get lured to McDonalds to eat with a sandnigger...

Should be mourned after ?

Choose one



Nobody cares, retard.

1. If you go to McDolan to eat, you deserve it anyways.

2. If you even have read his fake post of getting free stuff and you get lured into it, you deserve it anyways.

3. If you go to a shopping centre, you deserve it anyways.

It's not sure was it terror attack. Media claims that he was a white cuck. Tho his fb-profile tells a different story.

That one is fake, he doesn't have a facebook account.

You know where women don't get killed by terrorists?

In the kitchen with 4 white babies in the house.

he also killed 3 shiptars

See that leaf? Now see those blood red rectangles at the sides, that represents the colour of the oceans after we deal with your people. Do not fuck with.

Mdr. Je n'en ai rien a foutre s'il a tué des turcs.

>Albanian Kosovar trash

Yes. Yes I am.


Err he had one, deactivated it before the shooting.

>tfw will spend the entire olympics in my comfy home town away from Rio de Janegro
>tfw our terror virgin population will taste their first piece of globalisation

You know a fuckload of ship ship are rightwing and nationalist ?

I enjoy hearing when attractive white women get killed for some reason. It just makes it so much more interesting. I hope she got shot in the face

>he also killed 3 shiptars
What? This dude is exactly kind of based.
Did he kill any real white people?

she was abusing the white mans welfare system


I wanna Ali Somebody...

don't even know who that bitch is




Doesn't matter. Please do not call us white. Do not speak about us and do not like us. We don't want (((attention))).

All shqiptars are black and Non-white and Muslim. We will isolate country now. Good boy west.

[End of transmission]


(((understood))) you are a muslim shithole that should be nuked like the rest of the middle east.


She's so beautiful!

kek, you canadians are cute when you think you're somewhat relevant.

Thank you based neighbour!

What a waste of a perfectly beautiful blue eyed girl to make lots of sex and babies.

