>some of your co-workers and friends automatically assume everyone is liberal
>they make fun of Trump and Republicans
>always have to hide my power level to maintain friendships and my job
When will it be socially acceptable to be "right wing"?
>some of your co-workers and friends automatically assume everyone is liberal
>they make fun of Trump and Republicans
>always have to hide my power level to maintain friendships and my job
When will it be socially acceptable to be "right wing"?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was from 1776 to 2007.
That year was the paradigm shift in American culture. It's not just because hurr Obama, something genuinely changed about the world at large after 2007.
Say you're a centrist.
Admit more to the ones who don't act like faggots about being a centrist.
>MFW my co workers are definitely hiding their power level
Some don't and it's hilarious.
PROTIP: iPhone was launched in 2007
Well the economic crisis in 2008 was probably more significative than that.
Are they white? If you reveal your power level they'll do fuck all.
If they're niggers you'll face violence.
Spics could go either way.
After Trump wins, and if he does, I expect Europe to follow
Try being black, working at PBS and hiding Trump love.
It's not about right or left, it's about being retarded or not.
They assumed you weren't retarded.
They were wrong.
>always have to hide my power level to maintain friendships and my job
Mfw Danish unions and labor courts will back even neonazis if they get fired for their political views.
Nice try Tyrone, everyone knows if you try it you never go back
The best I've been able to do when talking about US politics here is saying "I don't really like either of them" before explaining why Hillary is a warmongering cunt.
I want to. I really want to, my friend.
I'm openly Right wing and say shit that people get confused over. Mainly Race shit. Its a shame though that people just assume I hate niggers and faggots when I say statistics and numbers but somehow people still talk to me
Wow what a great country. So under Danish law, nazi workers are protected? More info please
Lol yea it was sooo acceptable to be right-wing in 2006 during the Bush years when all city-dwellers across the West called Bush the new Hitler for torturing people in Guantanamo and ridiculed all the creationist Republicans who wanted to teach creation science in schools
were you still in elementary school before 2007 or what?
The people around you almost certainly hide their power level too, and only joke with the sound bites that were made ok by lib late night tv.
When they talk about Trump, pretend to agree with them, and then tell them how AWFUL Rodham Clinton is.
One of the things I love about Italy is that the media and the government are mostly politically correct cucks but deep down people are just plain old xenophobic. Yes, legal immigrants as well. Yesterday I was talking with a couple of legally immigrated Kebabs (they came here back in the 80s-90s) that work hard just like we do and they are the first ones that want to sink the rapefugees boats that are flooding us.
Never. You were born too late. Enjoy the ride. ;)
you didn't learn your history well did you
Check your privilge , shitlird.
>When will it be acceptable
When you stop being a pussy and actually stand up for what you believe in.
Most of the friends, family, and acquaintances in general i can think of that have expressed any political views have tended toward being "right wing"
All of my coworkers are, or at least are the opposite of politically correct (behind closed doors at least, don't wanna run off customers or lose business partnerships and the like).
Then again, I live in the south in a town that's like 95% white.
Not that left wingers dont exist here, they just certainly aren't a majority.
>not being openly white nationalist
lmao stay cucked
You practice the art of negging. Don't be supporting anyone- simply promote the concept and reality of the uniparty and then go in HARD on Hillary. Make it seem like the most uncool thing in the world is to support her- it is, of course. But my is that the left is invariably hypnotized by coolness and fashion... which, as everyone who know anything about anything knows, is fleeting and temporal as an ash in an inferno.
Just look at black culture- as we all know, black people in America are highly emotional and as base as could be and yet still be classified as human. There is nothing more dated than "cool" phrases and "woke" signaling. Forget learning actual words that exist that hold the exact meaning you intend to communicate; let us instead BTFO honor and decency. It is like they are suicide bombers of language- simply go to Twitter and witness the carnage. Our wives, sons, daughters, and faggot cousins are there participating in mob stupidity, have you ever noticed when a white person tries to do something black, it is roundly jeered by everyone- the widely held belief is that this is due to black people being more adept at being cool. Well, the dirty secret is that because everyone already dismisses anything someone black does or says as holding no value- even to the point that when one actually states something semi coherent- they are treated like when a retarded infant says something like ba-ba or da-da- everyone stops, breath held, practically as if it were some solemn moment like a 21 gun salute at a cops funeral. Or like when that old woman sang something well during britains got talent- you could have sworn it was as if a woman had levitated and recited the book of psalms from memory while making a perfect soufflé.
Your idiot coworkers are our moms and sisters and faggot cousins on Twitter. They are ruled by fleeting vanity and materialism. You rule them with the truth, and if they refuse to see truth, you rule them with the cruel whip of "cool".
Alex Jones is Jewish Controlled
How is your country? Is it still uncucked?
I never hear about it on the news.
Germany really needs it. Merkel is destroying your country and its people
The social climate has gotten more comfortable for the alt right. I'm open about Trump support now, and one thing I always note that libs say is
>but he's racist!
It's incredible how liberal media brainwashed them so hard they all share this kneejerk response.
Never attempt to explain your perspective directly, regardless of how many statistics or factual pieces of information you can source.
This will result in a massive shutdown of the targets cognitive functions. Their dissonance will result in them moving even further away from the information you are attempting to get across.
You must approach on a neutral footing. Never breach neutral. Instead simply accept the negatives or positives of their arguments, if they have some legitimacy.
If not then you intercept with a positive motion. "Yeah I see where you are coming from" You can then delve further into the positive aspect, using it to give the impression you are a neutral party with no interest in influence, other than providing actual information.
Some people are more responsive. I find that women generally begin to shut down or alter the subject of the conversation, because even information stemming from a neutral source, that contradicts their opinions is uncomfortable for them.
Europe is already ahead of you, friendo. Brexit was the first milestone. The political swing is already happening.
you wish, kike
Bitch you're a pussy. Heres a true story.
>be me
>be janitor
>work at accounting firm
>boss leaves
>they promote nigger accountant
>tell everyone how I think he's a nigger monkey
>get called into office
>he goes "look mayn im not gonna fire yo but u gotta stop with da racism"
>walk out LIKE A BOSS
Be pleasant in front of them and then reveal it later to shit on their opinions while still being polite. My office only has right-wing Trump supporters in it.
learn more pls
suuuurreeee buddy
>Any kind of insult or bad words
I refuse to believe that.
Its like that here, but everyone assumes the opposite. That you are a republican and voting Trump. Sure is great living in the rural northeast. Im sure the cities are a nightmare though
soon senpai. Anyone that censors speech is dooming themselves to become uncool. The Christian right tried to control expression and now they are irrelevant jokes. The left is shooting themselves in the foot
>Try being black, working
you ask for the impossible
That sounds horrible desu senpai
WAtch trailer park boys.
This. Although that only works in small groups. Talk to more than a couple people who all have the same view and it becomes an impenetrable circlejerk.
> When will it be socially acceptable to be "right wing"?
It always was acceptable among old rich fucks or traditionalists, just not with hip, university educated poorfags that get their lulz watching the daily show.
At least it's been that way since around the 60s and 70s when Universities became infested with marxists indoctrinating the youth through education.
Things are beginning to change after decades of cultural dominance, the new left has gone full retard, it jumped the shark with 3rd wave feminism, identify politics and social justice clubs.
People like Milo and Gavin have a point when they say the right is the only place for rebels and punks. It's the new counter-culture.
Exposing your power level in public will cost you relationships and possibl your job, don't do it. But you don't have to go along with every stupid shit normies say, ignore it and only argue when you have to.
But when you do argue, pick your battles and know your shit, your stats and their source, don't let them take the moral high ground and set the narrative.
Here it is from the jew manlet himself :
lol poorfag alert.
>Some don't and it's hilarious.
Yeah but for many of us, getting in their face it's not an option. I couldn't afford to say what I think about islam, immigration and faggotry at work. I'd be out of a job if I did, I'd upset someone and they'd find a trivial reason to terminate my contract.
Many of us depend on social skills, being nice and non-confrontational to get work. That's just how it is.
And? Does that mean all the shitty millennials were born that day, 18-years-old right out of the womb?
> lol poorfag alert.
It's mister wagecuck to you, leaf.
Stop being such a faggot and tell them. This is the best way to show who your true friends are.
kill yourself you oppressed whiny cuck shit
I came out as a raging eurosceptic on the day before the Brexit on kikebook, lost like 15 people on my friends list rofl
after that I look at my fb once every few days just to check the musicians dep page (cos I am a musician).
They were reborn, as if their past life had happened to someone else.
Fags like you are why. You let leftist faggots create this narrative. Every time you hold your tongue you damn us all a little further.
>I couldn't afford to say what I think about islam, immigration and faggotry at work. I'd be out of a job if I did
because no one wants to work with bigoted close-minded idiots
cry more you whiny little bitch
There is no one more closed minded than a muslim.
> have to hide my power level
let your friends know where you stand, you afraid to go against the herd?
>alt right
fuck off redditor
implying someone doesn't know this you idiot dummy? why do you care about mudslimes or have need to discuss it at a job
You probably should be embarrassed if you are an actual republican tbqh.
Everyone where I work knows I am a conservative and its not a big deal at all
liberalism sounds good so everyone supports it
you don't even know how vapid the people you are talking to
>because no one wants to work with bigoted close-minded idiots
t. Edgelord.
The workplace isn't a debate club. I don't get to tell you genderfluid otherkins are degenerates but I shouldn't have to listen to your pathetic virtue signalling either, much less approve of it.
I think it's pretty easy to be redpilled among leftists, because their ideology is so easy to understand, that you can just poke holes by asking questions until they feel incompetent enough to receive some easy digestible facts.
>be super traditionalist
>openly favour Trump
>openly criticise "the left", as I refer to them
>believe we need nukes and that MAD is the only sensible position in a world with nuke capabilities
>anti globalist
>anti EU, voted Brexit
>openly nationalistic and patriotic
>openly a monarchist
>believe the people should have the right to own weapons
>for some reason everyone still thinks i'm super liberal
Point is if you can stand to work with a mudslime, you can stand to work with someone who doesn't like islam.
>not working in the trades and shit talking libcucks all day
>implying someone doesn't know this you idiot dummy? why do you care about mudslimes or have need to discuss it at a job
Maybe things aren't that bad in Burgerland but mudslimes are everywhere over here. Even in professional jobs, you'll have to deal with them.
I shared an office with both a bearded radical in garbs and a butch bulldyke from hell last year. That was kinda fun, the tension was palpable.
>you don't even know how vapid the people you are talking to
Jew is right sometimes I wish I was a sociopath because then I would be better able to navigate through the shallow social world
I'm ashamed that because I fell for the deeper meaning and "its whats on the inside that counts" memes I am no longer able to interact with society
It is so hard sometimes. It takes everything in me to just shut up and change the topic, but they end up turning the whole conversation into liberal bullshit anyway. It became exhausting, but I prefer being by myself so I slowly just stopped seeing anyone I didn't want to be associated with and its way easier. I have two best friends and my fiancé, excluding my siblings and family. Anything else is excessive anyway for me and I'm happier because I can speak my mind freely
>like a boss
>be a janitor
>they make fun of Trump and Republicans
Hey, #cruzmissiles make fun of Trump and his fucking Trumdumpster groupies. Not exactly "liberal"
>always have to hide my power level to maintain friendships and my job
Better you don't say anything if it's gonna be dumb or wrong anyway.
>Then again, I live in the south in a town that's like 95% white.
>That feel
I work for a company that raises money for things like PBS. Im the only white besides one 70 year old guy who wears Eminem shirts to work.
>Be in Uni
>Forced to choose between taking 2 useless courses
>I chose sign language
>I tell my classmates that its a useless course
>Other people tell me to watch my language because I'm being too offensive
>I'm a fucking law student
I try so hard to hide my power level lads,you have no fucking idea.
OP, don't be a pussy. Stand up for what you fucking believe in. I heard some people talking trash about Conservatives, and I stood up to them. Simple as that. Use your BRAIN.
>mfw black
>mfw right-wing
>mfw springing traps on unsuspecting liberals who think I'm some inner city dindu
They literally cannot comprehend why I support Trump and other shit. I never get any counter arguments just "H-h-how could you support him, he's a racist!" and other stupid shit.
Libcuckz BTFO
The only use I ever got out of sign language was being able to understand the sign that ending scene in There Will Be Blood.
Just do it faggot, you can express conservative views without revealing your power level. Let Trump be your guide, he knows what he's doing, if he's expressed a certain belief or opinion then you now have a green light to do likewise
I'll just leave this here...
To be honest I don't hide my power level which makes me lose a lot of friends and get hated by a lot of people but it also gives me the opportunity to make great friendships with others who aren't cucks
but still,
>the look of pure disgust i get from liberals
10/10 worth it
No one is more open minded than those who don't follow.
when right-wing parties evolve, that's when! i see libertarianism as evolved right politics, so, take after them perhaps. otherwise the ideology will continue to be mocked. same with the democratic party though, so who knows
>not being a proud conservative who defends their views in public with sound logic and facts
It's like you want to be a beta faggot.
Chicagoland. Never hide my power-level. If a person is liberal I don't want to be their friend, nor do I want them to like me.
>Implying anything argued by liberals is not wrong
>when the nerd rage kicks in
Holy kick
Silicon Valley stepped up the digital propaganda and steered it to the left. Google is fully backing HRC and Hussein Obama, Facebook is censoring rapefugees and conservatives, Twitter is banning "hatespeech". There isn't much left in the main stream apart from the left talking points. Even Trump wouldn't have been considered right wing a few decades ago, most of his talking points would have been closer to the centre.
Ikr. Alex Jones is the fucking man.
Subtly slip pro trump stuff into the background
Gonna tell us what sign it was?
>start new job
>co-workers start talking about Trump
>a couple say they are unsure if they would vote for him
>a couple say they actually like his VP choice and it may be enough for them to vote for Trump.
>not exploding your power level in their faces
Being an american must be suffering.
>When will it be socially acceptable to be "right wing"?
When you'll stop being a beta bitch cück, man the fuck up a little, and be able to say what you think about issues without being a chicken shit coward?
If your friendships are predicated on such shit you have no real friends to begin with.
What a fucking cuckhold really. Go back to Sup Forums you fucking kid
Who cares. They're liberals, you're a republican. It doesn't have to be a big secret. How does being one or the other influence your social life? Who gives a shit?