Do you agree with this Sup Forums ?
Do you agree with this Sup Forums ?
Why is white people in quotes ?
>niche panhandler vs millions of illegals
Wow makes me think guess I #shillforhill now
>implying white people don't pay 90% of taxes in this country that support millions of welfare spics
>implying there are no homeless spics who beg
>implying that fat spic is not a subhuman indio trying to con you with shitty flowers
Neither bitch is paying taxes. String them both up.
Go stand on ANY street corner in San Diego, and tell me there is no HISPANIC beggars.
No because I have very rarely seen a white panhandler like that and most of the mexicans in my area just work construction under the table and harass women all day.
I took a girl from my college chem course to the local publix and this fucking mexican just sat there staring at her chest like a goddamn animal. The only hispanics who I have found worth a damn are the cuban ones who immigrated in the 50s through 70s.
I hate how the mexicans steal shit and then sell it on the side of the road, and then somehow think it's ok.
for example, they pick oranges off my tree when they thing I'm not looking and then sell them at the flea market. and when I confront them, then suddenly can only speak mexican.
these taco niggers need to be purged.
>implying that woman isn't hooking for drugs spic cartels bring here
The wall can't come soon enough.
That fat spic in the background can either be behind it, or under it.
>No because I have very rarely seen a white panhandler
You see them a lot on the west coast. I usually see them more than nigs
Theres this fat mexican woman with 3 kids, who chain smokes outside of my building, panhandling all day.
Nobody ever gives her money because she holds an infant in 90 degree weather, smoking.
I see more Mexicans and somalis begging than any other race.
I live in the rust belt and the bums here are 50% black of all ages 30% hispanic or mixed 15% old white obvious alcoholics and 5% young white crust punks
just shoot them when they trespass. what's the problem here?
*The building I work at*
I am close to unloading on the homos that walk thier dog in my yard though. Everyday for a year, they stand in my yard until thier shitbird craps.
Which of these positions do you disagree with Sup Forums?
PROTIP: You agree with all of them.
Those white people are still more human than the spics who are making fun of them. Being homeless is terrible.
>spic is pimping out his wife
The white woman is also asking for work, not outright begging for nothing
While the fat indo is selling stolen, withering flowers
Fuck this is why I HATE my own people Jesus Christ why are you chicANO fucks so disgusting the only good mexicans I've ever met was my own Mother and half mexicans lmao fuck these cunts I get so angry at these low IQ indio cunts.
Hey is this in west palm beach Florida? If so I have seen this bitch and considered killing her