Fuck I need to vent. Look at this motherfucker, look at his fucking face. He waves at you like >Heeeeey I got those new topical social issues you wanted to discuss but LET'S NOT GET TOO CARRIED AWAY HEEHEE ok ;)? This man is a vermin and I hate him. There's not a single redeeming quality about this cunt, everything about him is cancer; his annoying "please like me and side with me" personality, his dumb glasses and that turd he calls a haircut. He knows so well that his rich target audience will eat his shit up no matter what he says. When I look at this "man's" fucking face I see everything I never ever want to be; a slimy hipster narcissists that has no opinions of his own but rather just exists as a mirror of his surroundings. Like if I had a physically demanding job this dickhead would 100% try to weasel out of doing any manual labour by like looking at his fucking phone or something. And he's the bosses son so you can't even do anything about it and it drives you fucking nuts. When I see him I feel like Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Nightcrawler when he's screaming into the mirror like a fucking psychopath, because I don't know how to assure myself of the fact that the world is going to be ok with people as stupid as this having a show on Comedy Central. I'd love to hear what Matt Stone & Trey Parker think about Problematic. An episode of Problematic is like what I image those gay looking people in The Hunger Games watch on tv. Fuck this guy.
You Sup Forumscucks are killing this board...that said his fucking name is Moshe Kosher and he looks like that...wtf
Jaxon Nelson
You don't have to be a LARP Nazi or a young fedora wearing cuck to realize this guy is the reason Trump will win 2020, because the Left has lost touch with reality on a level the right wing couldn't hold a candle to.
John Carter
I listened to him Joe Rogan episode he was one. And yes he is a regressive try-hard wanna-be. He defends women and blames men for a lot of things. Finds excuses for women having it tougher then men.
But he has suffered so much himself but he has decided to pull the wool over his eyes to understand the problems he had growing up. When he was 16 he was out and went to raves and took a heavy amount of drugs to.
He will rationalize women's problems but stops himself from fixing himself. He can't be helped. It's a shame that Nathasha Leggero is probably like-minded to him. I thought she was cool comedian.
Chase King
>yo shouldn't culturally appropriate bro >Like you're doing right now? >Yo it's diff'rent we the cool whites
Evan Lewis
So the other day I'm just sitting in my house minding my own business and BAM, Moshe Kosher busts down my door and just walks right in! He then has these guys forcibly tie me up, priest my eyelids open like A Clockwork Orange, and forces me to watch his show!
I told him "Look, I'm not really interested" but he just wouldn't stop!
Is there anything I can do?
Cameron Taylor
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I say i'll do whatever the fuck a please.
Nolan Butler
Season 1 Ep 24/25/17 >Nick Kroll, Nicholas Carr and Baratunde Thurston discuss our addiction to the internet and our devices, and Moshe talks to his deaf mom about how she uses technology. Oh....I can't wait!
Chase Walker
Benjamin Perry
Incredibly embarrassing. Are people these days really so stupid and lame they enjoy this or take it seriously for any length of time? I mean, besides emotional basket cases that have totally succumbed to liberal social engineering.
Robert Lee
Someone made a point somewhere in 15 years time we'll all look back on this period with "WTF were we thinking"?
None of this was cool 20 years ago when white guys tried to rap about social issues. It really is the hallmark of someone with no talent and that is to try and rap.
Birds of a feather......
Joshua Phillips
Good I hope Trump wins in 2020. His healthcare plan will completely obliterate the red states.
Ryder Green
>Not available in your country. Anyone got a mirror? All I can find are "reaction" videos.
Carter Jackson
No, it only will destroy niggers in red states, so, the majority of niggers and welfare abusers, red states will be even redder
Eli Edwards
lel hi /r/eddit
Josiah King
He probably should do that his ratings would improve