Was he righ

Was he righ

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Yeah he wa

No, Yes Man was right.

well he di

Fuck hi

Ave True to Caesa

Fuck Caesar you cuc


Yeah, he was the Henry Ford of his (extensive) time

All hail to Lanius


No, he was the Howard Hughes of his time.

>Andrew Ryan
>And Ryan
>yan Rand
>Ayn Rand

Literally Wh?

what's that?
your video feed is cutti

>independent yes man libtard detecte

>normies will never understand that NewVegas was the best part of the new games

Shit, I think there's a sniper in this thre


>yes man is liberal

You fucking retard.

was he righ

Independent Vegas means you, the Courier, run the shit, right?

Are you ready for the true red-pill Sup Forums??


The Courier or House

Siding with Mr. House is the best option.

NCR and Caesar are just two warring tribes that are just fucking shit up because they can and because they are just another group of people that think they can re-infuse the world with their idea of morality.

Going the solo-route is a bit smarter, but in the end you're still destroying something established (Mr. House) for your own untested ideals.

In the end, Mr. House does not care about expansion. He is like Japan. He wants to keep New Vegas the same as before and free of warring barbarians. He wants to maintain the greatness of New Vegas and he's had 200 years of experience doing it.

Killing those NCR and Legion scum feels so good especially after blowing their shit up after doing the Lonesome Road DLC.

I always assumed it would become a sort of anarchic society with the courier as the de facto leader

Caesar's legion are a bunch of cosplayers who don't even respect roman law or tradition.

They're nothing more than homos in sports equipment.

Legion is the only good option.
Pure anarchy isn't the answer to a nuclear wasteland, NCR is the same old bullshit we see today, and Mr House offers no solutions and only cares about Vegas. Raul said that Legion territory was safe when you ask him what he thinks about them. My main problem with them is slavery, but still better than the other options.

Actually fucking up the candlejack meme. How retarded can you get.. Oh s

I've only played once, and I chose independent options, cause how I understood, you run all the stuff through Yes Man. But in ending slides it looked like a bit shit ending. Never tried other options.

Depends on how much allies the Courier/House gets within the campain and what you did with the securety robots in the Legion bunker

you can't be right if you make no stateme

I like him and Cesar

no, one mans intelligence and a bunch of robots is no substitution for a powerful, culturally homogeneous volk

hail to caesar


he was absolutely right about the Brotherhood of steel

the only two playthroughs i ever did were for house and the legion. Caesar and House are the two most interesting characters in the game

Yes, without doubt

If you didn't go with the Yes Man option you are a cuck and should kill yoursel

No, I am right.

its made very clear that yes man betrays you