

perfect example of why we should stop mass immigration r-tard

Yeah, but they couldn't do shit because we were superior to them. If we were nig nogs, the redpilled thing to do would be to try to take over the white race. And us white people did just that.

>1 post by this id

1 post etc.

Exactly. Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Yes, it does. Why would we want to end up like you?

this, learn from their mistakes


i never got the using of native americans as a counter argument for immigration... dosent it give us a historical president for being right that it is dangerous?

Im part cherokee and i find it offensive, we are not a political tool, sue the liberals!

Immigration-huggers keep using this, somehow unable to see that they're just proving the point of people who want to restrict immigration.

There is no better argument you can make to support the alt-right cause.

We weren't immigrants cuck, we were imperialist explorers



>you're mad that the white man took over and you wished that all immigrants should leave lands that they didn't own?

>cool! when are you leaving?

Stop making me think Sup Forums its too much!

You're a Spaniard hispanic spic?


They were conquered. I don't know about you, but being conquered doesn't sound fun.

So he's warning us of the dangers of mass immigration?

A fucking feather

It was a fucking war not a peaceful immigration. Even if somehow native americans were identical in culture to anglos there would still be war. Americans were superior to Native Americans and rightfully took their clay with the means of war.

You can't be the third post saying this.

Fuck I wish summer would just end already


>don't have a concept of land ownership
>surprised when those that do claim land you never claimed because you didn't understand you could
The natives deserved it because they're idiots. If whites end up being wiped out because we're too retarded to stand up for ourselves then we deserve what comes to us.

>Indians have 40,000 years to master architecutre and they settle on stick tents, literally a level below african mud huts
>Indians rape, pillage, and genocide their own people while sitting in the fucking dirt
>Indians barely have a spoken language and their writing amounts to fucking caveman paintings
>White man comes to America, a plot of land with no governing body, populated by a people with no understanding of borders and ownership of land
>White man decides to set up a governing body with borders and ownership of land
>White man kills off the savages and develops the country to the point where it becomes a world power and helps to usher in a new age of world wide peace
>Suddenly they're the bad guys for this
Fuck Indians. Seriously, fuck them. If they were so well off without the white man, they should stop buying our medicine and products and go back to digging around in the fucking dirt. Hopefully they inhale some bad shit in one of their backwards rituals and they all fucking die.

There is a difference though, we never told Indians we would assimilate into their culture. In fact, we had every intention of making them assimilate into ours. There were tons of government funded programs to try and convert tribes and get them to work on the railroads for paper money and get them to wear our clothing and live in our towns.

Some tribes assimilated, most did not. Roughly 1/87 Indian women chose to bred with white men, which over the course of 300 years took its toll. This was the real Indian "genocide", we simply converted them and their women bred with us to try and get their kids a better future than living out in a shithole tent.

The actual casualties between Indians and white men fighting are way overblown, atrocities were committed by both sides. In fact, just like 10 or 15 years ago archaeologists uncovered a mass grave containing both women and children who were all scalped before being brutally hacked to death. They even narrowed it down to the Comanche tribe being most likely responsible for it. But we don't hear about that, we hear about how white cavalrymen stormed the west raping and murdering until there was nothing left to rape and murder.

In reality, most atrocities done by white people against Indians wasn't done by the military. If the military ever got involved and sent soldiers from one of their forts, it'd be to respond to Indian aggression or to move them out of the way of infrastructure, it was rarely to go attack a tribe unprovoked.

white guilt