ITT: Subtlety done right

ITT: Subtlety done right

Post all the times when subtle character moments were tastefully done, instead of being hackneyed and obvious.

Your first mistake was thinking Snyder is capable of being subtle about anything

>top image = subtle

never go full pleb.

>character moments

all I see is symbolism, which is inherently cheap and plebby



The mark of an autist. Don't even try to understand cinema.

How are giant stone wings subtle?

Except Superman is a Christ-figure, not an angel.



Nolan is the master of subtlety.

It's subtle if it's done in a panning show and not actively hammering LOOK HES JEEBUS. I wouldn't know, I don't watch homosexual tv shows.

What? You've got it totally wrong. It's the other way around.

First image literally puts wings on his back using juxtaposition with a statue behind. In a 2D imagery, for a moment, this character has wings.

Jesus in the background is more of a comparsion. A projection of the believes for a supernatural being with an actual super being.
It's a testament of faith.

Because they only lined up for a couple frames.

the difference is the smallville shot only lines up in a "MUH SYMBOLISM" fashion for an instant or two.

We look at cavill making that stupid fucking face with jesus behind him for like 45 seconds.

Cavil is such a vapid cunt. DC sucks.


is henry cavill the most beautiful human being ever created?
is that why they casted him as superman?

>literal wings

Are you an infant?

What difference does it make? It's there, no matter what or how long.

There's a reason posting stills as an example of cinematography is retarded.

It does matter how long, and how the camera moves.


>Cavil is such a vapid cunt. DC sucks.


>christian symbolism
oh look, it's the easiest way to give the illusion of depth to your shallow pleb-tier trash


I think part of the point of MoS / Snyder Superman is that the symbolism isn't subtle. He wants Superman's religious symbolism to be grandiose, because in the Snyderverse Superman is literally seen as god. Basically, he wants the direct impression of Superman to be the same as what an ordinary person in the DCU would see.

There is symbolism in MoS and BvS that is very subtle but it isn't the Jesus symbolism. The Jesus symbolism is the low-hanging fruit.

he so beutiful :3

they flat out talk about people venerating a christian god, and how now a 'god' descended among them

Jesus christ, that was everything but subtle
>muh lance of longinus
>martha, martha MARTHa
absolutely retarded.

>its a 'superman speaks to an image of his dead father on top of a mountain in a totally-not-the-garden-of-gethsemane-way scene'

All the Jesus imagery in MoS was pretty blunt, but god damn if this didn't take me out of the film



You mean coding?

These are both horrible examples, OP.

terminator was awesome

Superman in Smallville is portrayed as even more of a Christ figure than in MOS.

Lex is portrayed as an antichrist figure. The various flashes to the future of Lex in white suit becoming president and then proceeding usher in a nuclear holocaust.

Lionel is portrayed as pure evil until he is spiritually saved by Clark.

Jor-El is practically God in the show. He can pretty much do anything.

Saves everyone on Earth from corruption by Darkseid when he becomes Superman.


Take your shit taste and decade-old fedora memes and go, you faggot.

>is that why they casted him as superman?

To give baldlets some wish fullfilment

>I need every aspect of a film to be spoonfed to me through raw exposition

Bravissimo Nolan

Sometimes his hair looks good, and sometimes it looks like shit.


It looks fine everywhere when he's not playing Superman. Like they gave him that slick greasy mafia style, where he looked like he just emerged from a pool before entering the scene.

That's not subtle. Great visual, but not subtle.

That's the opposite of what he fucking said you retard.