What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
He didn't fly so well
>"Fuck this sheriff thinks I'm going to cause nothing but trouble for his town just because of the way I look"
>"I know, I'll prove him 100% right!"
Rambo was an asshole, they should have gone with the original ending.
nobody wants loser junkie vets in their town.. duh
I saw Stallone at a hotel lobby in DC and he was the king of manlets.
It would have been an OSCAR for Jon Wayne's final performance if Stallone hadnt been an egoist and needed to be the sequel-ready "hero" instead of making an honest film
yet he'd still kick your fat ass
I guess but seriously he was like 5'9
itchy asshole, both of them
Are/were vets really this ostracized in the US? I remember being completely baffled by Rambo when I first watched it as a kid, police officers seemingly having personal issues against a fucking war veteran? And it only got weirder when I read that the sheriff was supposed to be a korean war vet and he was "mad" that the korean war was so forgotten so he had a personal beef here.
The whole "baby killer, "thing is quite exaggerated. However Rambo in the book got shit, because he looked like a hippie. A lot of the complexity of the situation was stripped from the movie.
*Inaudible monolgue
>original ending
>rambo killed
>No First Blood Part II
but why?
What the fuck are you talking about
>Are/were vets really this ostracized in the US?
still are, most vets are genuinely retarded people with violence issues, then it was even more fucked up since people percieved vietnam war vets as what they really were, mostly rapist psychos that got a freecard into doing shit they know best and getting paid for it. my dad was a vietnam vet and he told me of the shit some of the soldiers did there, raping children and just plain out genocide. Iraq that happend now when such things were more easily spotted had a ton of such "incidents", imagine how vietnam was, an asian cunny farm for most of those sick rambo pricks.
>rape and murder
war, war never changes
>>i dont know shit about rambo
john wayne was signed to pkay the commmandet, and the original ending had him kill the weapon of war he has created because Rambo cannot be redeamed. Stallone had script authority and demanded hs character survive the film for a sequel possibility, showing a complete failure to understand the script, so Wayne dropped out and died the next year. Stallone's ego literally robbed us of The Duke's final performance, one tgat surely would have won him a posthumous Oscar.
Give a hoot - READ A BOOK!
Ever heard of Tiger Force?
It ain't me
damn kid blew up his shinebox
so how many children did your dad rape?
but then no Crenna in Hotshots
>picks up Rambo
>gives him something to eat
>gives him a ride to the edge of town
>just wants to keep his community safe
Why is he the bad guy?
What do you expect from an honorless socialist government program?
I joined when I was 18yrs old. Some of the dumbest fucking people in the world serve in the Army.
I did my 3yrs, got my free college. Fuck. That shit, fighting for kikes isn't worth it.
he pushed him too far
>pic related