Other urls found in this thread:
>Look at this happy clappy Jappy chappy!
Anyone else remember Banzai?
>this guy was rushed to the 'ospital with internal bleeding!
*kabuki noises*
This show was leagues better than the lukewarm Total Wipeout we got in bongland.
>when you finally see someone conquer the castle
So how many times has this guy died?
That was the most insufferable thing I've had to listen to ever.
>You Have Been Watching
I totally forgot about this show, thanks. I love meta stuff like this and TV Heaven, Telly Hell.
What's going on in this thread?
Nice dubs. I know not everyone on this board thinks highly of him but I really like Charlie Brooker.
Is Holly Walsh funny? I liked her joke about women-beating in the video.
>pirating takeshi's castle
Who here thinks that taking a television show and overdubbing humorous commentary is a perversion of the artistic process? Show of hands - now!
I don't really know her too well to say. In my mind the only exceptions to the 'women aren't funny' rule are Australian women.
Challenge need to show more of this and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? They both get like an hour a day now whereas they used to have way more airtime like 10 years ago
>probably like 50th episode im seeing
>100% convinced the show is rigged especially the bullshit watergun go-kart last round
>someone actually wins
>think im too stoned, cant believe my eyes
>"we have winners!!! Finally!!"
>"what do they win??"
>"nothing at all!!"
I don't think the north americans are awake yet, skipper.
What is our mystery fluid today, Kenny?
Today's fluid is septic runoff from a Sheboygan trailerpark after chili night.
how come sjws never went crazy about cultural appropriation on this one?
>Oooh and there goes his spine
They weren't born yet
SJWs don't have much to say with a mouth full of brown fluid.
That's right, Kenny.
The mid-2000s was the last pre-SJW era
Karaoke was the best Takeshi's Castle game. Prove me wrong.
remember the guy that fucking climbed on top of the honeycomb maze? I lost my shit
The host of it looking exactly like a Japanese Mike Read is still fucking hilarious just thinking about it.
The lazers always felt like bullshit. The water pistols were funnier anyway.
Robot wars sucked without him desu