Did he really deserve his fate?
Did he really deserve his fate?
The show died with him, Tywin and Stannis
Who did you hate more? This guy or the guy who raped Sansa and did a whole lot of crazy killings with his dogs, before they ate him too?
>killing an untrustworthy whore
He was the product of incest and poor parenting. You can blame him, but he was just a dumb kid.
should've been worse
Ramsay? I liked to hate Joffrey. Ramsay was just an edgy douchebag written by retards.
It's not rape if they're married
That can apply to nearly every evil person in all of existence. Yes you can say that he was just a kid, but
1 He was the crowned king and should have behaved a lot better
2 He was expression psychopathic tendencies. He was not going to grow out of his love of torture and murder. He was a very sinister person who would've only gotten worse with age as his opposition was struck down
Esme Bianco should have been Shae.
Yeah, and I feel the same way about most historical figures and people in general. It's just especially prominent here since Joffrey was given the reins by his parents without any form of discretion. Had he not been king or in a royal family, he'd have his shit kicked in.
>Not mentioning Reek
who actually killed him?
Is this a serious question? Little Finger all but admitted to it. Even if he didn't poison him by his own hand he was the person who engineered everything
The Queen of Thorns, Olenna Tyrell.
this redditors don't understand free will is a meme.
You're a product of your genetics and upbringing and once a piece of shit always a piece of shit, but its not shit's fault that it is shit.
So nobody is guilty of any crimes they commit. Huzzah, empty the prisons!
That's exactly what I think. Joffrey probably wasn't bound to be the nicest of the bunch given the circumstances, but the situation exacerbated his worst aspects and enabled his temper.
all but admitted to it?
Are we going by show or by books because in the show they straight up say "together we murdered a king"
in the books it was totally Garlan, Loras' older brother
There's a difference between absolving people of all guilt and accepting that a lot of things are beyond our control. Although I would say that it is more important to reform prisoners than to punish them.
I didn't say that. I'm just saying you know those bad decisions you made in life? You were always going to make them, because of how your brain is wired.
In fact if you weren't such a memeing faggot you'd realize that's the exact opposite of what I would want.
>and accepting that a lot of things are beyond our control.
You know what is in your control though, right? You. Jeff was a sociopathic dick and got what was coming to him because he willingly chose to act on his impulses
>only one aimed at an internal organ
>all the others were just torture
Is Olenna as based in the books as she is in the show? Literally one of the only reasons i keep watching.
Did he even fuck them? Or did he just make them beat each other and killed one.
>he thinks he has free will
are you 12?
Unless you believe in some sort of "soul" that is distinctly you and in charge of your decision making, I would disagree entirely.
jeff was clearly not interested in sex. He was like 17 and could've fucked anybody and he never is shown doing so.
So he died a virgin?
In the books they totally said it was Olenna with Littlefinger, the poison was hidden in the pendant that was given to Sansa.
For that reason I wanted Ramsay to die even more than Joffrey actually.
>never post the angle that includes Cersi's tits
the scene is hot garbage without the symbolism
he was saving himself for marriage so yeah
funny how show joff ended up being more honourable than show robb
Yes, she is even baser. Like in the series she was fucked by rhe sparrows and Cersei. Book Olenna would never put up with that shit.
See, i get it? But I wanted Ramsay to die because he wasn't interesting. Joffrey was an asshole and i enjoyed watching him being a cunt to everyone. Ramsay, in the show, was a bad imitation of Joffrey.
Alright sorry
This guy was a really good fucking actor. And he was actually Irish
They ruined Ramsay in the show, and they ruined Roose Bolton wven more-fucking assholes. Roose is a great character in the books.
>yfw Tommen at least got to fuck Maergery
>tortured prostitutes
>forced sean bean to kill quasimodo's doggo
>cut out a comedian's tongue because he didn't like his jokes
>has sean been executed
>forces quasimodo to look at her dad's severed head
>is a totally incompetent ruler
I'd say he deserved it.
Was the cake really that dry?
Dropping the metaphysical "free will" meme you two seem to be sticking with, if someone does a crime, should they get punished?
Even based Tywin said that he was looking for it.
who let you out of your containment board?
Ok. Lets talk about this guy for a sec, homosexual, vegan, icelandic, googly eyes. Also sings in his own made up gibberish language and has GOOGLY EYES
you like him?
>Jeff was a sociopathic dick and got what was coming to him because he willingly chose to act on his impulses
Your average person looks at what Joffrey did as "impulse" because they can't compute his actions as normal. Sociopaths are methodical and don't act on impulse.
Just like he was
how fucking thick are you?
Answer the question.
If X commits a crime, should X get punished. It's a simple yes or no. No need to throw in your "but it wasn't his fault he acted like that! He had no 'free will' cuz he was raised a certain way"
> Sociopaths are methodical and don't act on impulse.
Haha, what? Sociopaths in real life aren't like in the movies user, most of them do act on impulse, some don't, but most of them can't control themselves.
Yeah, in the books Roose is the calculating evil one instead of being just some random bald dude, and Ramsay is kind of a retard but at least he's a ballsy retard who you can actually buy as someone who is out of their fucking mind.
In the show we get Coldsteel le Witty Bastard.
Speaking from experience?
I mean we don't know that. He did say he was going to rape sansa on her wedding night. Likely to piss Tyrion off and make her scared but still, there isn't much proof besides presumption that he has no sexual desires (albeit sadistic). He seemed interested in marg.
Not him, but there's not such a thing as good or bad, there's only action and consequence. So even if he couldn't control himself, his actions still would have a consequence, so yes he should be punished for his crimes even if he couldn't control himself, that's just life fucking you up, blame life, biology or god, or whatever.
>Coldsteel le Witty Bastard.
More like speaking by data and informatiln that you can find anywhere.
>More like speaking by data and informatiln that you can find anywhere
helpful hint: your everyday definition of words do not apply if the paper states otherwise
They should be punished only insofar that that punishment discourages others from doing that crime (or other generally related crimes) if the crime does harm society.
Not him but, realistically, taking into account everything about Jeff and the GoT universe, what would have been an acceptable punishment? He was an all powerful king who answered to nobody, and tortured and killed for his own amusement, on top of just being an overall shitty king during a time when the world is basically the middle ages. Really I can't think of any other acceptable punishment other than death
I mean yeah, killing him was pretty much the best solution. But that doesn't mean that he "deserved" it.
You're thinking of psychopaths. Psychopaths are methodical, while sociopaths are typically more unhinged and likely to act without thinking.