Will Trump winn Pennsylvania?
Will Trump winn Pennsylvania?
yes. granted philly niggers forget / dont learn how to vote
He needs to because he wont win Virginia. Even if he wins Nevada, Iowa and New Hampshire he would only tie, he needs PA but this is what latest polls say
I'm guessing this post is ironic? Although this is only for one county and doesnt include philly so I doubt he's doing that well
The polls have it close, but probably not.
yep, checks out
PA here. I'd bet money he won't win PA, thus making my vote worthless.
Fuck the electoral college
From PA, Philly area and surrounding suburbs. Philly black people simply don't vote. A lot of cuck dems, but all reps are solidly Trump.
Bernie was big with everyone my age (post college) but NONE of them will vote for Hillary
Expect a narrow win. Sure Pittsburgh is even better
From South PA AND I can confirm this. My ex was really into Bernie and when he lost I asked her about it, and she just said she wasn't gonna vote. Philly and maybe Harrisburg are the only problems.
Was this map made by Nate? How is Trump doing well in Nevada now?
From Monto. I really don't know. I definitely won't vote for Hillary, Jill, or Johnson, so unless Trump fuck sup he's got my vote. It's nice to know that my vote will actually make a difference though. I know how Iowa feels now.
From PA
Im actually from the Luzerne area, I know a lot of people who love trump.
He'll win big in NEPA
What areas of the state does Trump need to do more campaigning in to have a real chance at winning it?
Those borders trigger me.
I don't know why people keep thinking PA is going blue. All my friends are red as well.
you're not even from PA how did you notice i didn't even notice and now i'm triggered
You should see Maryland.
He's never going to win the big cities, and the rural areas are already his. he needs to focus on the suburbs I'd say.
No because the cities control the vote.
retards like this that think a tiny county actually tells who will win are misleading and dumb as fuck. The majority of the vote are in Philly and Pitt and they are both dem everytime.
Why would you do this?
It doesn't take much to tun PA blue.
I don't know that he needs to. Pittsburgh and Philly nigs just need to stay home on election day. I live about 60 miles north of Pittsburgh and Hillary supporters are very few and far between. Saw WAY more support for Obama here the last two elections than Hillary now.
Philly here voting Trump, not many white cucks in actually philly because we live with those fucking coons. Its the burbs Bucks and Montgomery county that fuck it up.
PA is safe for Trump.
>user-generated map
Trump might win Virginia, but at this point it's probably so full of government leeches it's not likely.
The top VA court just invalidated McAuliffe's mass felon reenfranchisement. There is hope.
They don't vote unless its a black guy running. Its Suburban white libs that work in center city and vote on their way home that cause this meme
I've been saying this since last November, but all I got was >hurr durr in response.
Reminder that this election is about the RUST BELT. The Reagan/Thatcher chickens are coming home to roost. The white man has had enough. Calling Trump the new Reagan is complete nonsense, for Trump is the anti-Reagan.
Hillary will win Florida. Trump is popular there, but the 'rayciss' accusations will be timed perfectly, and in the end the Latinos, even those who are smarter and more receptive to Trump's message, in the end will still go with Hillary, 'just in case'.
Hillary will also take Virginia, for similar reasons except with blacks. Obama will campaign heavily there. Kaine pretty much seals it.
But they don't matter. Take the 2012 map. Now look at 4 rust belt states.
>PA. OH. MI. WI.
All Trump has to do is swing those 4 by appealing to the blue collar white man, who's voted Democrat for decades because what the GOP offered them was even worse. Dems at least pay lip service to unions, are slightly more sympathetic. Trump is turning the whole situation on its head. He's the friend to the factory worker, not the Dem nominee.
Forget Florida. Forget Virginia. Forget Iowa, Colorado, Nevada. Forget NJ, NY, California. All distractions.
Flip those 4 only, and the presidency is his.
don't come here
it's only sadness
that county is an important indicator
if he can win the suburbs and the working-class he's gold
Why does everyone assume Co will go blue. No pot referendum this time around. low voter turnout is all but confirmed.
I think Trump will win here in Florida, but i'm uncertain about Michigan and Wisconsin. They have Demographics that benefit Trump, yet are brainwashed into voting Dem.
What's with those Africa-tier borders lmao.
if Bush can win Colorado, so can Trump. Fuck hippies
nice prediction there fellow American
Venango here. While we are having an influx of blacks, them and anyone under 30 hardly vote. Even if they would, most wanted Bernie and find Hillary unacceptable. I have a feeling Trump will do fine at least in my county.
Same area with a lot of people I know who are now out of college in the Philly area. They'll likely vote Hillary because they dislike Repubs that much. I'm not voting Trump but I know a fair amount of family an co-workers are. Also, blacks really do not vote in the city. I've done canvassing for black republicans in Philly and they can be easily swayed to the right but it doesn't matter in the end because they don't vote
If you Pensylcucks blow this yet again, well, don't got to WaWa's after Election Day.... Some of you are all right.
You touch WaWa I will find you and cuck you
PAFag here and Trump will win. Repeating numerals confirm
Just do it to Shitz
If you fuck with WaWa you will get fucked up. Go shoot up a Sheeitz.
The Trump delusion. Arithmetic, demographics, history, and the electoral college don't matter, just muh feelings.
Centre PA here. Most of PA is like WV, rural hard working blue collar people with an NRA sticker on their truck. They hate everything Hillary (and Obama, for that matter) stand for.
Philly and Pitt are another matter, lots of minorities and "progressive" wealthy people who vote Democrat religiously. The minority voter turnout this time will be mediocre compared to '08 and '12 (No black president = not showing up) so it could swing either way.
If we get protests that get out of hand at the DNC convention next week, flipping red is all but guaranteed. "Why the hell would I vote for people who encourage this kind of thing" basically.
This could only happen only if the groids from Coonladelphia and Chimppsburgh don't feel like going out to vote.
Hold it, you dummy. That pic is old.
Southeast PA here, I drive a van for Amazon all over the state, so I can do a lot of people watching.
From wuat I have seen, Trump support is high even in cucky college towns like West Chester, and the vast majority of tje few Clinton signs/stickers are attached to Jewish surnames.
You don't know working class whites in Philly do you?
>Camden-tier dwellings mere blocks away from the center of town
better then decay you cuck
Wayne county here. Trump signs line the highways, in almost every lawn.
Then you cross into Lackawanna (Scranton, Dunmore, Throop, Mayfield), and it you see nothing but shillary signs.
help us
Pence sylvania ;)
Central PA fag here,
This is exactly correct. Everyone here at college hates hillary (all bernouts) and will not vote for her. Most of them will probs vote gary johnson. Most of the students hate Trump (as to be expected) but something like 40% voted for him during the primaries.
Out in the country its 100% trump. He has a decent chance here. Also, a much larger percentage of the engineering students and science majors like Trump. Most of the cucks are liberal arts/business (one in the same).
Honestly. Pence probably will help win Pa for Trump.
We've seen "It's Always Sunny..."
working class whites in Philly = democrats
Jewish TV
That's how it is in the suburbs at least.
now Trumplicans ;)
Looks like those Siberian mining towns
Whites are a minority in Philly. Working class ones have to live among niggers because they cant afford to live in a better place. Talk to them and you will see what they think about Democratic rule and the loss of jobs. Also most hate blacks.
philly guy here, no way in hell.
at least our state will never concede to gun grabbers.
Why does everyone think PA is dem just because of Philly and Pitt ?
It's dem because of
-State College
The only city the repubs were able to hold onto was the Reading area and just barely.
it's pronounced "wetback city" you rayciss
it's pronounced "wetback city" you rayciss
State college is Dem because of the fucking students. Guess where most of the students come from, Philli and Pitt. If voting occurred during the summer. Centre county would be redder than a third Reich flag.
They certainly exist but when registered dems outnumber republicans 7:1, statistics say it isn't looking so good. That said, how many of those people would vote for hillary is a big unknown.
I have a lot of friends from the Philly area, liberal as all fark.
PSU is the best, seriously. I can't wait to be back up at main campus again. If the bernbots vote 3rd party, or more than likely don't vote at all (sticking it to the man or some bs), Centre PA will be Ronald Reagan Red.
I call bullshit on this. Students don't change their voting registration, but will rather just get an absentee ballot.
Well here is the thing. Most students wont register to vote until election year. At that point, they register and that occurs during the semester. So the majority of them vote on campus.
I will say it again, most students dont register to vote except for presidential elections. Since it is a presidential election, they register and they register to vote in centre county.
I never thought of that. I happened to be turn 18 on an election year so I voted before I went to college.
Yeah, I really saw it this year. There was a lot of shilling to vote on campus and most of the people on campus did not vote before because it was in between a presidential cycle.
This guy nailed it. For a lot of students it's their first time getting to be "an adult" and voting. Combine that with a bunch of social pressure to vote and PSU nearly always has a good turnout.
You have to sign up for the SSA to get into college basically, that also serves as your voting registration if you check a box on the form. I was registered to vote before I was 18 and still in high school.
Here's some interesting stats for you guys
2012: Romney 2.62 Million Votes (47%) Obama 2.91 Million Votes (52%)
2008: McCain 2.65 Million Votes (44%) Obama 3.28 Million Votes (55%)
2004: Bush 2.79 million Votes (48.4%)
Kerry 2.94 million Votes (50.1%)
Seriously fuck Pennsylvania, the best way to describe it to anyone who hasn't been there is that Pennsylvania is the Canada of the East. Everyone in Pennsylvania thinks they are edgy Portlandians but with the humor/stupidity of a "cosmopolitan" Chinese foreign exchange student. From the bottom of my heart, I hope every refugee moves there and the stupid people who owns property there turns it into section 8 housing to run this trainwreck of a state down into the Earth.
Fuck off Ivan.
Literally what? Everybody here is an alcoholic heroin addicted self centered asshole.
Its nothing like Portland at all. PA is the best state that isn't a mountain state, the only drawback is the retarded fucking people.
I never trashed on the geography, it is quite nice as per usual in America. Thanks for confirming the people are shit.
There are 49 states better than your Pennsylvannia, you must be one gigantic pussy for not moving out yet.
I came here from NYC, so PA is like a libertarian paradise to me. Loose gun laws, low taxes (compared to NYC), and the scenery is great. I defend PA from all the shittalking because its not really as bad as people say it is, but I still plan on going back home because the people are awful here.
He's going to do better here than any other R candidate in recent memory but I'm not sure if it will be enough to flip the state. It's worth noting that's there's been a lot of discontent with corruption in the local Dem government where I live and the only reason people vote Dem here is because of the old pretention of them being for and by the working class.
State College fag here. Penn State area will go very blue because of all the students who only vote in presidential election year.
I'm from the Philly burbs and bernouts will all vote for Hillary. Many of them don't want to admit it but they really can't stand Trump and will settle for any democrat. Middle class whites in the burbs are mostly dems also and Hillary isn't hated by them. She beat Obama in 2008. They like establishment.
Young people only vote in presidential years. You ask them to name their town mayor or even their congressman and they don't care.
Blow me
Fuck off we are full
Why do you Russians keep moving here if it's so bad? When I was in high school we had a freaking gang war between the rednecks and the russians.
Awful because they're conservative, or something else? It's called pennsyltucky for a reason lol. It's a little better in the cities, Philly / Pitt are like any other large city in the USA.
Liquidate and get the hell out is my advice. The upper-echelons want to turn the state into a section 8 shithole. I can't remember a state beside PA that didn't copy/paste crime infested apartment blocks or typical walmart village. Even commy California doesn't pull that shit as much as PA.
Your retarted
>eating gas station food
jesus PA step it up
Low-tier Russkies see PA, NY, CA, etc. as greatamericameme. It is a cute, rose-tinted view on the USA that usually ends up with them moving back, or moving out within a few years. I doubt most of those Russians you mentioned still even live there.
>Blow me
Better idea, how about you blow the barrel of my shotgun mouthwash you country nigger.
WaWa started as a deli/store. The gas station is new you retarded cunt
Blow me Ivan
The conservative part doesn't bother me, but sometimes up here it gets to the redneck extreme. As much as I don't like niggers, the people up here turn everything into "niggers this" and "niggers that", and it wears you down after a while. I live in Wayne county, and I commute to the valley for work, and the valley is the whitest metropolitan area in America. The taxes in the city are through the roof though, and fucking ridiculous.
PA doesn't do that. There might be shitholes in Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Allentown, but PA will still be a beacon of freedom on the east coast for a while.
There's nothing for me to liquidate, I don't pay for the house I live in, the only thing keeping me here is me having to wait 5 more months before I can transfer to another union.
You wouldn't turn back a white staten islander from the Irish Catholic part back, would you?
There are WaWa's without gas pumps.
It's much more.
No I guess not
13 original colonies never changed their shapes
What is Erie purchase
it only looks weird because of the Chesapeake Bay