Do you drink the caffeinated Jew?

Do you drink the caffeinated Jew?

I usually buy coffee beans whose farmers are getting a fair share of the profits. There is one company which is partnered with a Southeast Asian hill tribe, who own 50% of the company. However, sometimes I still just get Jewish coffee.

I don't. At least not on a regular basis.
I try drinking as little coffee as possible, probably around a cup per month.

Seeing my parents and grandparents not being
able to function without their first, second and
eventually third morning coffee makes you
start thinking.

What about tea?

I drink lots of tea, but not green tea.
Some dry mint from our garden or just some shitty
mix from the store.

argentina is white

I'm having some caffeinated jew right now actually.

Typically once a day not long after I get up and start shitposting.

I thought its a race joke

coffee & ES

It is. :^)

I can't drink coffee because ir fucks with my brain's chemistry according to my psychiatrist.
>just end my life

>I can't drink coffee because ir fucks with my brain's chemistry according to my psychiatrist.

>Columbian doctors

>drinking coffee darker than UK-grade

fuck, even pre-roasted green beans have some subtle, decent flavour to them, opposed to literal shit-tier dark roast which just tastes like ash and ass.

Have fun with lots of estrogen

Why do you say that?

tea has more caffeine than coffee

I drink tea not poopwater from starcucks unlike you cucks.

>don't drink coffee it fucks with your brain n shiett
>here, I'm writing you a prescription for locally grown cocaine

Argentina is so white, it's coffe's white.

>I usually buy coffee beans whose farmers are getting a fair share of the profits.
So you're a "fair trade" faggot.
I bet you live in Toronto, you dirty hippie.


I've never tried cocaine despite it being pretty cheap here.

Mint contains a lot of estrogen

I drink 2 or 3 cups during the day, otherwise I enter siesta mode

>even Argentinas coffee is white

Mfw Jew and work for organic coffee and chocolates importer

Want some?

We also have lots of other health food shit

No I don't. Is there any other alternative other than red bull ?

I didn't even knew we grow coffee here.
I always have Jamaican Blue Mountain.
It's God-tier.


Starbucks doesn't make coffee faggot. It's make mocha milkshakes for preteens and hipster artists. Real coffee drinkers buy their beans famalam.

Who /espresso/ master race here?


>mexican admitting their lazy

I love coffee.

>Muh free trade

Why is coffee and chocolate the only two things that are like this? I don't expect the Sri Lankan woman making my polo shirt to get a monthly percentage of Ralph Lauren's stock. I don't expect the beaner that casts the transmission parts to be part owner of Volkswagen. I don't expect a chinese factory slave to be a shareholder of Apple.

Why coffee and chocolate?

No coffee is the caffeinated jew, if you buy starbucks or other coffee you are throwing away money

If you buy beans, you are most likely addicted to the drug

I used to have an espresso machine and I would take 10 minutes to make a coffee with foamed milk

I used to get 4 shots of espresso in my coffee

Its horrible stuff, if i want caffine now i drink tea, coffee makes me jittery and anxious, tea is relaxing and doesn't make me feel like shit

how much is it?