Why can't the USA and Russia just team up and become the world's leaders...

Why can't the USA and Russia just team up and become the world's leaders? Why do they always have to compete with each other?


Because russia opposes the western circle of power.

Because cuck leaders, if Trump hopefully we can become allies with Russia.

Because the West is controlled by Jews

Because Americans are slimy, backstabbing, spineless degenerates.

We're not equals.

And you think the Russians aren't?

I once met a Russian who said that Russians do not trust anyone but themselves. Even their regional partners they do not trust and always watch their backs around them.

Russians are more well versed in backstabbing than you realize.

Because, fortunately for you, you live in a democracy while Russia is a single party authoritarian regime.

>Russians are more well versed in backstabbing than you realize.
I know a thing or two about that. Look up 1938 and 1968 in Czechoslovakia.

God willing, we will form a single Aryan block, but this is not possible until:

a) Non-Whites are completely removed from Europe
b) Non-Whites are completely removed from North America
c) Israel's nuclear arsenal and Samson option are subsequently rendered null by some form of strategy/technology
d) All Middle-Easterners and Africans are exterminated as revenge for their actions during the past half century

that's why i like trump, he supports good relations with russia

Your country is ran by Jews. That is why.

Union of Backstabbers when?

Because Jews have been trying to buy Russia but Putin isn't selling

So now Jews are directing the their vassal USA to antagonize the Ruskies

Do you know anything about Russia?

>The west is controlled by Jews
>The USSR was controlled by Jews
>Somehow they got into a cold war

>what is balancing behavior

Can you motherfuckers please read the first fucking thing written on geopolitics before you post here. It is getting embarrassing.

Cultural differences make it impossible to create a long-lasting alliance.

The USA is responsible for roughly 25% of the global GDP. The Russian Federation is responsible for around 2% of global GDP.

Between the US and Russia there can be no teamwork, only leadership from the dominant party. There's no possibility of any sort of equal partnership (which is how I read OP's post as suggesting) when there's such a disparity in economic productivity, military power, or diplomatic clout. Russia opposes the US because it knows nothing different and is unable to come to terms with it's massive decline over the last 1/4 century.

You want all the shit, we want all shhit too.

>roughly 25% of world GDP

>The USA is responsible for roughly 25% of the global GDP.
Amerika simply prints the most coommon currency mate.
You don't make shit, you make green papers.

If you want a visual example of world's economy it looks like a Casino, where amerika is dealing the cards.
Except everybody won and already knows that casino is bankrupt but the game is still going on for some reason.
I think china will be the next casino very soon, at least they actually make things instead of buying them from China.

Because FUCK YOU! America#1!

Fuck all these other shitty countries. OP where is your fucking patriotism? 2016, I fucken swear!

It's a fucking bubble. At least most of it. It's like if you look at a company like Google Or Facebook and their capitalization. They are worth 400 billion give or take but their capitalization is all stock's and bonds with less than 5% being actual real-estate, servers, factories etc. A panic on the stock market wipes out the value of these companies and they go bankrupt because they are in debt. As opposed to a company like Shell, whose capitalization is 40% real estate, plants and oil rigs. America is like Facebook while China, Russia and Germany are like Shell , ArcelorMittal, and Mercedes


Because Russia split the world in half after WW2 and nobody has forgiven them for it yet.

USSR was not Russia. It was a communist state.
The inability of Westerners to grasp what communism is so fucking weird.

> America
> "democracy"

Americans were never known for sharing.

Sounds good, let's round up the boys and get this done.


Jews make money off of war, they give high interest loans to both sides to fund it and they own the defense contractors, and it's not like they're the ones dying.

Gotta prove we have the biggest dick

Because the USA is already the world's leader and Russia is only a power player because of its military and related institutions. If Americans were somehow able to destroy all Russian nukes, military vehicles and kill their hackers, Russia would be less relevant than Mexico on a global scale.

However, the military might does allow Russia to exert more political power than they can economically. So they take the chance to do so. Having a military that powerful and not using it would be retarded.

Also, note that Russia's economy is dependent on energy prices since the 50s. They like them really high. America, until very recently, liked energy prices as low as possible.

Is this cat a model or something? I have seen like 50 pictures of it with different reactions. There is no way some random faggot caught that many pics of his kitty doing this shit.

Because one would have to lead

Well, it's possible right now on many issues. We are essentially at financial war with Russia and have been for years, basically shutting down the funds of Putin's elites.

The U.S. also passed up on the joint airstrikes to eliminate ISIS that Putin offered because of our support for the rebels.

Yes, over time these agreements can fail, but there are real consequences for not trying to be friends in at least some cases

Their leaders are too busy fighting a dick waving contest

USA thinks they own the world, while Russians dream of it

Russia and the US fought as allies once before, anyone saying otherwise is either a faggot or a sniveling jew.
We butt heads a lot but given how fucking annoying Islam is being these days putting down our differences and fucking up another enemy we both can agree is evil.

This desu.

It's not a surprise to know they play both sides.

We are just too different, you and I, dear Oleg.

>Why can't the USA and Russia just team up and become the world's leaders?
Russia doesn't want to lead your nigger world. 'World domination' is a Jewish meme, thankfully we're not being run by Jews anymore.

Russia has shitload of resources.
No they don't, nor do they have capacity for that.
Russian ultimate aim is being powerful in their own sphere, and that means having buffers on their borders and controlling Orthodox nations and Central Asia.
Turkey out of NATO is their goal too, and they seem to have accomplished that.


usa and russia do not compete, they are not equal in any way, usa is basically trying to rape russia and one can't blame ruskies for trying to wiggle out

Marxist Hegelian dialectic's strategy of dividing and conquering the goyim.

Were you run by Jews during USSR?

LOL what am I even asking...

Because Britain and America just use Russia as a tool in their plans to meddle in European affairs and stopping one soul power from ruling Europe. Have ever since Napoleon, WWI and WWII.

Fuck off. I don't want us to control some hellish sand pit full of people that want to cut off my head for not praising Allah five times a day.


No one suggested that great powers cannot take collective action against shared threats. But imagining there is some way to divide the benefits of global leadership without recourse to the relative geopolitical strength of the respective actors is to completely misunderstand some of the most basic insights regarding international relations, and even, as I would argue, human nature.

>there are real consequences for not trying to be friends in at least some cases
True, and I wouldn't argue otherwise

> trying to be friends in all cases
Something totally different and a utopic pipedream

Get the distinction yet?

The US and Russia are already cooperating to run the bulk of mankind's space activities. It's just below the ionosphere where we can't seem to get along.

i ask this all the time to hilary supporters
>do you really want to go to war with russia
they dont have an answer and dont know why they even hate russia

>The U.S. also passed up on the joint airstrikes to eliminate ISIS that Putin offered because of our support for the rebels.

You're Naive.
ISIS is Amerika's faithful puppet.
In reality Rebels and ISIS are US proxy allied against Russia's important friend Siria.
You want to overthrow Siria to build a gas pipe to the Europe so they can cut off Putin's money.
Putin will try to prevent it by any cost.

Any other information you can find is horseshit and brainwashing.
Amerika doesn't really fight ISIS, they are using it.

because raisins

Russia's influence only extends as far as it's military, which only has the power to defend and subjugate. They would be a leader only in the constructive capacity of defeating Islamism. Their economic contributions are comparatively rather small.

because Russia wont fall in line as the number 2 like it should

>No they don't,
Oh come on, "Russian tanks can reach Berlin in one hour!" "We can turn USA into radioactive dust!" "Putin president mira!". They love to appear stronk and western media love to turn this masturbation into signs of aggression.

One can´t really blame them after the humiliation of 90s, since Germans were the same after the humiliation of Versailles.

>nor do they have capacity for that
To dream of something? You dont need any capacity except for mental. And I doubt Russia´s no.1 fanboi on this board would assume such a thing.

But they are solely dependent on those resources for exports, which means they can't really hold on to them without a huge sacrifice to their well being.

Moreover, it also makes their economy super fragile. Saudi Arabia can single handedly crash the Russian economy if they wanted and already did it once in the 80s to crash the Soviet Union.

No nukes would mean Russians would have to submit to America's desires on every issue

Yes, I get the distinction, that's why I pointed it out. I'm more on the "let's try and make friends side". The anti-russian rhetoric in the U.S. is as bad as vice versa.

As naive as it is, as a civilian I think it's horrendous that these games are played as more ISIS members fuck EUs shit up.

One Soviet Union was more than enough.

For now russia is only fighting back and defending from attacks on it's spheres of influence by the west.
Surprisinly succesfully though.

They couped Ukraine but we managed to secure the most important parts of it.
They tried to coup Siria, but we're defending it sorta succesfully.

Because Russia doesn't know, how to behave. History has proven this countless times.
>world leader
Don't make me laugh. GDP smaller than South Korea...

the USA should oppose the rest of the west also

The US already controls Europe under the guise of the EU.

>GDP smaller than South Korea...

That's it - no more affordable OLED TV's for you.

Because competition is good too much concentrated power leads to stagnation.

>TFW just noticed the ID begins with 'LG'

What thing on geopolitics?
I understand where we stand with Russia and why they're an enemy of my nation as a result, but is there an infograph or something?

I hope they at least pay you for this shilling

I always laugh when I say Russian SFSR to my classmates and they don't know what I'm talking about, they think I'm Russian even though my parents were Yugoslavs

The Samson option is meaningless to the States Russia and Europe (which is covered by the joint NATO missile shield)

The Samson option only works on countries that have little to no capacity to intercept missiles. Israel only has ~20 or less nuclear capable ballistic missiles which is a fucking joke to shoot down, even if interception rates are 12-20% between Russia and the States, that's only if the missile defense is stretched thin (ie 1 or less ABM's per ICBM0 not like 10 ABM's per ICBM.


following the collapse of the USSR, the russian people lost their identity. who are we as russians? the answer used to be 'communist revolutionaries urah!'

but now they need something new. so putin filled the void with 'what does it mean to be russian? anything that trolls the US as revenge for cucking us, even if it is to our disadvantage.'

sad but true. i'd appreciat a UK, US, RF team up to smack down chicoms in the next world war

Competition produces wealth creation.

Jews are stopping us.
Better put, we are letting Jews stop us. Russia isn't.

Because Russia isn't for globalism

Thanks for the laugh. Haven't heard that one in awhile

America technically isn't a democracy anyway, but how isn't it democratic in comparison to Russia?