>wikipedia is doctoring pics to make sure the "right" version of history is told
ayy le kek, how long has this shit been going on? got any other good examples?
>wikipedia is doctoring pics to make sure the "right" version of history is told
ayy le kek, how long has this shit been going on? got any other good examples?
Other urls found in this thread:
the ancient KKK members were also black
He's apparently black, look at the hair
why does his face look wierd in this pic? did some wiki sjw autist edit his face to make him look blacker lmao?
lel I was wondering the same
Leftists literally never change
communists, globalists, it's all the same thing.
no shit faggot, the point is they photoshopped him to be ever black*ER* to keep whitey from getting any wacist ideas
I always wondered how they did photoshop in the 40's
>SJWs are now triggered by light particles (or is it waves?)
Imagine how butthurt you must be to get triggered by light
I think you create a duplicate then have to manually cut things out then create another duplicate
It's a very cool process. The Met has this deck of photographed tarot cards on display right now, found it interesting. It's all very early yet very good photo editing.
This is some Orwellian shit.
We already know he was black, why the fuck does it matter if the picture has more or less light?
What kind of retard would see this picture and think it was anything but a black guy?
The same way they did animation. They painted over things and scanned the results.
Yes, that was the method used.
Are you saying there are biological differences between people of different races? Uh, sexist and racist much?
Even the hippies in the 60s did it
Why would moving the fence post matter?
>muh stalin photoshop boogeyman
lmao i like this niggas face
>climbed a fence they weren't supposed to and entered an area they weren't supposed to
>just shot on an open plane
>Tesla's mother's son.
well memed
They're right about old pictures being overexposed so the skin tone was wrong. You guys are such fucking crybabies I swear. Worse than SJW.
*looks up the history of Liberia*
lol, all these guys look like fucking asian caricatures from those WW2 anti-jap cartoons.
>You guys are such fucking crybabies I swear. Worse than SJW.
Best reddit meme ever
lmao fuck off black nig
>blatant blackwashing of historical figures
The guy was black, holy shit. Was he not BLACK ENOUGH for today's SJWs?
nice reading comprehension, brat
>correcting a technical misrepresentation (whatever the motive)
It doesn't matter, if they really felt this needed to be explained then they could have included it in the text like P.S. HE WAS BLACK OKAY, THAT PHOTO IS OLD AND TOO LIGHT, DON'T GET ANY WRONG IDEAS CRACKER.
The rationale behind photoshopping somebody to be blacker gives a hilarious look into the the mind of a social justice retard. They are LITERALLY PHOTOSHOPPING PEOPLE TO BE BLACKER, top fucking lmao.
And what if I wanted to see the original pic anyway? They are presenting altered information because le racist society can't handle the bare facts and must be given the safe, edited truth. This is some Soviet style shit.
in terms of photography that pole is "growing right out of her head"
Basic photography tells you not to let anything like this happen.
Carver was that peanut nigger, nothing wrong with that picture.,
it also looks like the fence post is a massive spike shoved into her brain
>there are retards ITT who think the point of this thread was GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER WAS WHITE
no dumbass, everybody knows he was black. see
The original image should still be there. Fucking stupid thing to do.
because it looks like she's got a fucking Sup Forumse stuck in her head
Post the "black people inventions" meme pic
How do they explain the paintings? Aging pigments going white over time?
I mean, I'm French and even I wouldn't think twice about what race this man was. What the fuck is wrong with this world?
Light is particle/wave fluid. But all this talk about light is not allowing an equal outlet for discussion on darkness. And in fact, light and darkness is a broad spectrum of diverse states, and we should provide a platform for those that go unseen, like UV light, for example.