What do you think of the Spanish language?

Americans seem to get so triggered at the thought of learning it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think I want that woman to sit on my face

Americans dont want to have to learn any other languages

It's a pretty boring topic in the eyes of most people, but maybe with a girl clickbait you can get some decent off-topic replies.


would you let him teabag you if its a trap?

Easy first foreign language.
Has the most utility of a language, aside from English.
Americans do not like the idea of learning any foreign language, because we're blessed with the modern lingua franca.

You'd need a 10 feet long dick to penetrate that wall of ass.

you learn it, never use it, forget it.

Mexicans have butchered the language to hell and back

Of course I would. Wouldn't you?

No trap has an ass like that.

Kek I went to high school with her. She wanted my dick cuz I'm white.

Lo he aprendido pero me da igual

I associate it with Mexico and illegal aliens. I chose instead to learn the language of the Fuhrer.

Really? Did that stop teaching it in school

When I was a kid you had to take at least one or more non English class. Spanish was at the top of the list.

This. Unless you live near areas that were formerly Mexico, you're never gonna use it probably.
I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and remember probably less that 10% of it.

his dick might be bigger than mine, so no ;_;

>implying Americans haven't done the same thing to English

What the fuck happened to this post?. DID THEY STOP TEACHING IT IN SCHOOL?

i see youve had past dealings with traps

All we did was take some unnecessary "u's" out and shit like that.


moar of dat ass?

rule number 1
never post an image more interesting than the topic

The language itself is rather nice, very usefull if you live along the Southern US. Plus women really dig it if you hit on them in spanish.
My issue comes when in portions of the US, they have road signs written in both languages and English speaking schools are not allowed to teach Hispanic children English.
If you want to come to this country you either have someone translate for you, or you learn the language. Even if it's just cursory knowledge, that much alone is enough much in the US.
I wouldn't expect Mexico to cater to me if I went there and didn't learn Spanish so some tit for tat would be nice.

Benicio por favor

I don't speak it myself, but every spaniard I met told me mexican sounds silly to them

White american here, I took three years in high school and it really stuck with me. You have to keep practicing it though.

Also flirted with a hispanic girl in full Spanish one time. Got me a number.

Insanely ugly language and not a single Spanish speaking country has a respectable or interesting culture.


That makes it even better.

>Got me a number.
bless you.
damn those mexican butts

English is the global language, learn it.

Hispanic here
I'm American first ethnicity second
I hate my culture except for the food and cleanliness
I hate Spanish it's disgusting
Kids pretty much curse in Spanish and they allow it
Spanish people are disgusting when they aren't Americanized or from Europe

We shouldn't have to be bilingual. Our language is the lingua franca of everywhere in the world that matters. Even most Asians can retard their way through a conversation in English

Learning Spanish is a symbolic gesture of submission to illegal aliens that I can't abide by.

El geto el fuckto, beanerino.


t. Amerifat

>one post by this ID

currently fucking a Colombian chick who has an ass exactly like the girl in OPs pic. There's just something hot about having her talk to me sensually in Spanish. I' like to learn the language some day

Listen, if it meant I'd be smashing puss like this on the reg I'd learn any language you'd want.

i see you have very vivid dreams.

You have to admit when it comes to family values Hispanic people are pretty top notch. Yeah they may be louder and more crass but they do stick together and look out for one another, plus they are great way to bring some energy to a party.

>Why are Americans triggered by a language spoken by invaders?

Gee, I wonder.

is this a butt appreciation thread?

What the fuck are you even on about faggot? It's hardly comparable. Americans were of direct descent ethnically to those whom we took / changed the language from.

Beaners are mongrels that bastardized a European tongue.

>Americans seem to get so triggered at the thought of learning it.

I have yet to meet a gringo that doesn't speak some sort of broken Spanish.

only a matter of time before it becomes a second language


Ya me puedo hablar espanol, pero nunca no lo hablo pa'que los mojados tienen que aprender ingles si ellos los quieren quedar aqui en mi pais- los Estados Unidos.

Either learn English, or get the fuck out of my country, spic. Its that simple.

Trump 2016.

dat file name
K & K

>He doesn't know about assbro on the /gif/

I just don't care for the language. I don't care about Spanish culture, and I don't want to enable Spics to not learn English even more. I would rather learn a SE Asian language or Russian. I learned American Sign Language instead because it's actually a worthwhile language that should be taught. Too bad there are so many deaf assholes.

Being brought up in so Florida I actually wanted to learn Spanish.

Then I met a fine girl from Houston who was mexican American and fell in love.

Now I'm biligual and living in the UK.

True story.

I don't want to make the invaders feel more comfortable. They have few enough reasons to learn English and assimilate without my help.

met the Colombian chick on tinder. she has a slim waist and a massive ass. She fucks like a porn star. Easily better than any white girl I've ever slept with. Most white girls just fucking lay there.

You shouldn't have to learn the language of invaders. Besides, Mexican Spanish sounds ugly as fuck and it's full of weird Aztec words and slang. (ChicharrĂ³n, chapulin, etc)

Spanish from Spain is God-tier though.
Colombian is pretty cool.
Ours sounds like some weird Italian hybrid.

Spanish from Spain is beautiful, Spic speak from South America is equal to nigger speak. Your welcome faggot

I like that pic

Is there anymore

dat hip

>will not build wall ever.

you've never worked with them, have you? They have to be some of the most disrespectful, ignorant, disagreeable people in the world (right up there with niggers). Hearing their fucking oompa music at 5 in the morning isn't all that pleasant either.

I don't care about this thread or your gay-ass message (didn't read)

Here's my OC:

Shill it around if it's any good

>learning it

How about you spics learn English instead?

>dial 2 for Spanish


Assbro is great, but even he couldn't compete with spic genetics.

>You have to admit when it comes to family values Hispanic people are pretty top notch. Yeah they may be louder and more crass but they do stick together and look out for one another, plus they are great way to bring some energy to a party.
Absolutely not. You want real family values you look towards the Asians. Hispanics only put up a facade. Its as bad as being a liberal. Basically confirm and have herd mentality, be as bad as them, or pay them. Most of my family are cut off from each other because of one side being rich and the other side being poor. The poor side are always trying to scan us for money, coerce us into paying or loaning them large sums, always asking for favors. Will call when they need something money related. But if we go and ask them for help or anything like that they'll demand compensation or not help at all. They think they're justified and that we have to give them money since we have a lot for us to live off of.

Hispanics only appear to have family values when they're all of equal status. That way they don't get jealous or money grubbing. Trust me we have been very generous with these people but they always want more.

Party? Of course. Most Hispanics are loud and obnoxious and think they're the best. They act like wild animals and that's the only way they know how to party and only way they can afford.

The best thing that comes from Hispanics are the food and from my culture the cleanliness.

That's literally just the file name that every image has when I post from my phone.
>yfw you like in the Philippines where there are approximately 0 fat assed Latinas
Sucks to suck


There are plenty of fat ass Fililinas that resemble Latinas. Its almost the same shit. What are you crying about?

>That's literally just the file name that every image has when I post from my phone.
That means the file is being copied into memory and sent elsewhere at the same time. You're being monitored, friend.


got more?

what're they gunna do with some random tinder chick nudes

I guess that cultures where the gastronomy is not based in burgers and pizzas is not respectable to you.


You want to talk about Hispanic values? Lets talk about how spic mothers will teach their spic kids how to shoplift from stores, or how they let their kids run around all hours of the night screaming while the parents blast their oompa loompa music, or how their kids run around in public in their diapers or pajamas causing mayhem everywhere. Or how about the video on Youtube with the spic mother who taught her 3 year old spic anchor baby to say hes "gonna kill Trump".

Yeah, spic "family values" my ass. More like spic "savage tribal mentality".

Just shitty ones I've snuck. I'll have to actually ask her for some pics at some point.
>tfw this pic is kinda unflattering

>le Brits sound classy XD

>pot smoking race mixer



accidentally shot on my face. thanks user

It's true. I failed spanish from the 5th grade all the way to the 11th, because I refused to participate. They just didn't put me in spanish senior year, dunno why they finally got the hint.

Spain is nothing more than a poor man's Italy. Dont even get me started on your backwards, mongrelized "colonies".

American here, I've been learning the language since earlier this year, I'd love to go to places like Costa Rica and Chile, I think there are some good aspects of Central/South American culture.

Learned it in middle and high school, like most people. I can still mostly understand it, speak it a bit. French and Spanish are pretty similar languages anyway.

We had to take Latin and Ancient Greek since the start of Middle school too, and I choose to take Japanese in high school. I still use Latin relatively often (I study History and Law, primary sources are sometimes in Latin), Japanese not as much, use it mostly with tourists, exchange students and consuming Japanese media, and Ancient Greek once in a while.

I've been getting close to a Chilean girl, so who knows, maybe I'll get better at speaking Spanish soon.

Any time

United States
the uncultured England

Just to point out OP is also responsible for any Latina girls with feet, Latina girls with green text about hurr durr trump will deport me, etc.

I dare OP to make any of his shit threads with yanking on the dicks of frustrated faggots out there.

Too bad your entire neighborhood can't be range banned

This. When my family came we just shut our mouths and went about our way, hoping we didn't get deported, but these fuckers put Mexican flags on their houses (which most are just renting) and bitch about their rights instead of being grateful to live here, feed their families and the leeches they have back home

Spanish women, that is Iberians, have the most beautiful tongue of all languages, I would literally marry a Spanish girl just for her voice.

>took 8 years of spanish between middle school and college
>mfw I know maybe a few words but not enough to have a conversation
Quiero una hamburgesa con queso

Oh look, yet another bright and shining example of Spanish colonialism.

Meanwhile in the US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada...

Actually Italy is more based in Spain than Spain was based in Italy because half of their actual country was a part of Spain during almost 800 years, retard.

Also, coming from a country where you worship the hispanic heritage of shitty churches and forts of your territory is like pretty pathetic.

>implying it wasn't the bongs who changed
it's like they started devolving as soon as the best of them left for the new world



>Yeah, spic "family values" my ass. More like spic "savage tribal mentality".
Glad someone understands. Why do you think Mexicans are always vying for illegals or why Hispanic gangs are extremely violent? They're fucking retards who couldn't give 2 shits about what they do or crimes they commit. Its all about "blood" or "my tribesmen" and "Fuck all gringos"

They are second most racist ethnicity alongside niggers. They laugh at white people for being civilized and if you're Hispanic and don't speak their disgusting language, dance like a reageton video or look like them even in the clothing you wear you're a gringo too. Its just like blacks criticizing blacks for acting normal.

Unironically an Asian family would never criticize you for acting "white" actually they'll destroy you for acting like a nigger.

Fuck Hispanics so much. They're more money centric than niggers. That's why they aren't out there trying to chimp out on cops. They want to pressure the government into making this their new country of ruin.

>mongrelized "colonies".
Says the American.

Don't lump in my country with your Mexican invaders you uncultured swine. Go fuck yourself.

It doesn't matter how hard we try, we just can't get the pronunciation right.

It's like how the vast majority of first generation Indians and East Asians just can't speak English well, to the point we can't even understand them, no matter how educated they are or how long they've lived here.

French is the best choice for native English speakers. It's much easier for us to pronounce and hear, and you'll pick up a ton of Spanish vocabulary just by knowing French.

dont forget how brits like to describe americans
>canada a fucking leaf
>australia penal colony

I was never interested in learning it, but I didn't want to learn French and the school has cut both German and Latin the year I started highschool. Which annoyed me greatly because I was actually interested in learning German.

Spanish has to be the worst language out there.

My opinions aside, it's still useful to know and has application in almost all of the Americas and in Spain.

Whoa now, my Vietnamese friend's parents called me fat white boy on a regular basis. I wasn't even fat.

All I know is that in Los Angeles, hispanics (cause its not just Mexicans here), get pissy as fuck if they visit a store or restaurant and there isn't a spanish speaker there. Like they'll actually throw a shitfit if there's no spanish speaker. The same goes for menus and signs in Spanish.

My mom (who is El Salvadorian immigrant but citizen-ized decades ago), is planning on voting Trump this coming election in California. She and a bunch of other hispanics are tired of the recent arrivals who don't even work and choose to leech off free services as much as possible, especially medical when they choose to have 8+ kids.

Fuck off you flip. Why don't you go back to nursing school, get back to your call center job, or fuck off to the U.S. Navy like everyone in your country does?

Here, I'll even point the way for you *points lips*. Oh here's a complimentary spoon and fork to get you started you tree climbing, jeepney driving, cock-fighting monkey.

is this really true? I didn't know that.