>Sup Forums right now
How do we fix it ?
>Sup Forums right now
How do we fix it ?
Other urls found in this thread:
BLUMPF !!!!! .........
What the actual fuck is wrong with them?
wait for all these 15 year olds to be drafted and die in war in asia in 3 years
lmao thats hilarious, im gonna use this meme on my antifa reddit account if thats okay with you
whomst'd've can fix Sup Forums?
Stop crying
you go back to R*ddit, problem solved.
By Colbertposting until Reddit leaves
>make a whiny thread about Sup Forums whining
what did she mean by this?
Stop posting the same image on every thread because you lack the imagination to come up with creative ways to insult your imaginary enemies
>r/The_Donald tells Sup Forums to go back to r/eddit
Why would you save a piece of shit. Just flush it.
No one in a position to do anything cares.
But maybe one more pissy meta thread will do the trick.
I hate to bring Sup Forumsitics into this, but they really are the reason. Donald Trump is revealed to be a colossal failure and a conman, Colbert makes fun of him for that and it reflects poorly on those who voted and believed in him too. Every day on youtube, a new Colbert video with him mocking Trump is on the top of the trending list, every day Colbert destroys Trump, and this is how they are fighting back. They think that by making the meme and spamming shit like "Balold Zamp" and going "Danald Cunk BTFO, how will he ever recover", they can fight back against Colbert while hiding how butthurt they are the best they can.
they already made a second Sup Forums
please keep the other boards on-topic it's not that hard, it's okay to post trump and shit and spouting memes but do it in your designated place. (You are literally being like a muslim immigrant in europe)
how will drumpf ever recover?
How does one become as retarded as the average Sup Forums poster?
t. reddit
Isn't there some graph of average IQs for all the boards that was made a few months ago, and it showed Sup Forums in the bottom 10?
>tfw to smart to browse boards outside the middle
Were you one of the people in this vid OP?
There is absolutely no way to verify this, especially considering almost no one browses a single board.
it doesnt help Sup Forums is rivaling Sup Forums for traffic these days
>Being a spic shitskin
Opinion discarded.
Hillary still won the popular vote
>Sup Forums shills Trumpr MASSIVELy for months and creates shit like God Emperor and Kek Willst It
>"turns out" Trump is a retarded kike loving puppet who starts wars left and right
>Autistic, fat normies spout Kek and Pepe all over Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
>Stop being a numale cuck XD
which wars did trump start, go ahead i'll wait