David Lynch Quits Film


Feel like I've know for a while but I'm still devastated

He's mostly speaking the truth about box office, really makes me more sad and pissed off at the state of American film


So no monkey movie?

If he wasn't doing it for the money, why would the box office stop him?

>boo hoo my art films don't make monneyyyy :(

well make more entertaining movies

Studios don't make films that don't make money. Backing Lynch is a pretty big gamble.

he should do tv then

Looks like he LYNCHED himself

Honestly this also disappointed me, but I think he's talked about how he thinks about it before.

I don't think he's wrong for expecting to be able to get paid/make a living of film, but it does make me think less of him that he gives so much of a fuck

Still love his work though


Makes sense. I'd basically assumed he was retired for a while, so the new season of Twin Peaks is a real gift. I think he actually made an announcement like this years ago, shortly after Inland Empire, that he probably wouldn't be able to make any more features.

On the other hand Lynch movies aren't cheap man, he probably needs that studio money to be able to support his vision

Real fucking shame

But he can just finance himself if needs be. He's rich, and doesn't necessarily need a big budget - look at Eraserhead.

Because whether or not you "care about money," it COSTS a shitload of money to make & release a feature film, even one like Inland Empire. He can't get anyone to invest the amount he'd need to make something good. And though I think he's probably got a decent amount of savings, he could easily bankrupt himself with just one film if he self-financed.

I wonder if he's ever thought about Kickstarter, though. He has a TON of fans that would love to see another film, he could probably raise a lot of donations. Spike Lee & Zach Braff pulled it off, and they're not really beloved on the same level as Lynch

This. He still does stuff for the love of creating. His music and short films make no money but he keeps doing it. The logic that drives Hollywood is what's probably beaten him down.

the only reason people like Lynch is because they think other people like it and they're supposed to also.

>anyone who doesn't share my opinions is lying
He's honestly my favorite director, and I don't think it's "impressive" or anything to sit there and watch a movie

He could still make movies if he wanted to, but he's old and tired of dealing with the bullshit of big studios and doesn't want to make small movies anymore like he used to either.

He'd rather spend all day every day meditating and painting. I don't blame him.


I'm dubious of kickstarter and crowdfunding, never seen it turn out good imo

But, yeah I'd be willing to shed like $100 to fund a film, but even then I don't know how much money he'd really be able to raise. He sure does have some dedicated fans

I don't know how I'd feel about that whole thing desu, and I'd imagine he'd also find it weird/dubious

Without even reading the article, there are a few possibilities here.

1) I know that for a few years, ever since Inland Empire, where he used video (or a digital equivalent thereof), Lynch has said stuff like he will stop using the medium of FILM, in favor of video cameras/digital cameras and such. So that's the first thing the OP makes me think of, again.

2) People in the arts, and entertainers, falsely announce their retirement from xyz all the time in order to create false scarcity about their brand.

Something else worth mentioning is that Lynch is an all-round creative who does other stuff. I unironically like the music of his that I've heard, so if he were to make some more of that, that'd be great too.

Makes me sad but, I sort of figured Twin Peaks would be the final thing he does commercially. Did Lynch make a good amount of money in his career?

>starts off as the best film he's made
>comes to a halt halfway through
What did Lynch mean by this?


It sucks for unknown filmmakers, because you pretty much just have to beg friends & family for money and give Kickstarter a big cut of it. It sucks because you get nothing if you don't hit your goal.

But it's ideal for filmmakers like Spike Lee and David Lynch, who have a large audience interested in seeing their work, but still have a hard time securing funds from traditional investors/studios, who see the fanbase but wonder whether or not they'll actually buy tickets and show up. Lynch has a HUGE audience, not just in America, but internationally. He could easily get 2 or 3 million from a crowd-funding campaign. I'd donate.

Who will make Ronnie Rocket now?

He's not talking about using film vs digital. And while people do drop the retirement bomb to generate hype I Lynch is being genuine. He's 70 years old and hasn't made a feature length film in over a decade so he doesn't need to manufacture any scarcity.

He was a young man when he did Eraserhead, and desperate to prove himself. You have no idea how exhausting & taxing it is, physically, mentally, emotionally & financially, to self-produce and direct something like that. At this point in his life it could just wreck his health.

It's a little easier with a big budget, where you can keep the hours shorter & film in nice, air-conditioned facilities, without the pressure of staking your own finances on the whole deal

Is this the return of Internet short film Lynch?

>I'm dubious of kickstarter and crowdfunding, never seen it turn out good imo


How are art house films being made today? There definitely must be producers who would finance a genuine Lynch movie, maybe outside Hollywood but still.

inland empire was shit tho

He's a jaded old guy. Remember the video he made about watching movies on iphones?
Hopefully he will have a good sendoff with Peaks.

It took six years to make Eraserhead, and he was living at the AFI's conservatory, basically an art school with professional-grade equipment and supplies donated by Hollywood - an impossible situation to duplicate.

>Remember the video he made about watching movies on iphones?

You have to be a retard to watch movies on a 5 inch display.

Not arguing.
Makes me wonder why he went with TV when that's even more casual than the state of kino today.

Because Studio Canal can only fund so many flops

But then there's distribution. INLAND EMPIRE was self-distributed.

I think it's more likely than not that he hasn't finished with cinema, but he's accepting that he won't get any more theatrical releases and will have to use television or Netflix-type platforms.

They really aren't, not on the studio level. Not for the last 10 years or so. There's no modern-day equivalent of David Lynch.

Don't respond to contrarians user.
Lynch is definitley in my top 20 directors, his films are so distinctive and full of a strange charm.

he made at least 3 instaclassics so I don't give a fuck.

>Lynch shot the film without a complete screenplay. Instead, he handed each actor several pages of freshly written dialogue each day.[3] In a 2005 interview, he described his feelings about the shooting process: "I've never worked on a project in this way before. I don’t know exactly how this thing will finally unfold... This film is very different because I don’t have a script. I write the thing scene by scene and much of it is shot and I don’t have much of a clue where it will end. It’s a risk, but I have this feeling that because all things are unified, this idea over here in that room will somehow relate to that idea over there in the pink room."[8]
>Interviewed at the Venice Film Festival, Laura Dern admitted that she didn't know what Inland Empire was about or the role she was playing, but hoped that seeing the film's premiere at the festival would help her "learn more."[3] Justin Theroux has also stated that he "couldn't possibly tell you what the film's about, and at this point I don't know that David Lynch could. It's become sort of a pastime—Laura [Dern] and I sit around on set trying to figure out what's going on."[9]
>In an NPR interview, Laura Dern recounted a conversation she had with one of the movie's new producers.[11] He asked if Lynch was joking when he requested a one-legged woman, a monkey and a lumberjack by 3:15. "Yeah, you're on a David Lynch movie, dude," Dern replied. "Sit back and enjoy the ride." Dern reported that by 4 p.m. they were shooting with the requested individuals.[12]

the man is basically already senile so whatever

>yfw more episodes of dumbland

Most art house films don't turn much of a profit, they can get funding from universities or film boards.

Didn't he already quit? He hasn't made one in like 10 years.

I wish he would have just made shit without being pressured. All of his best stuff is before he had much of a budget at all.

Malick, Refn etc from the top of my head. Also European cinema. I can't believe the producers of these are expecting box office success or something. Maybe they are directors who are mostly produced due to their older successes but I bet Lynch is a solid name too. Can't Lynch just do good without a Hollywood sized funding?

Some of the greatest films ever made have been shot that way. Rossellini worked that way, Godard works that way.

i don't know how anybody has any faith in season 3 in twin peaks since he hasn't directed anything worthwhile since inland empire


I think you're confused. They play in college towns, but the colleges don't fund 'em directly.


Kind of sad, but he hasn't made a feature film in 10 year anyway and Inland Empire was the perfect way to end his career and was basically the logical conclusion to what he was doing with his stuff in the 90s and 00s.

I'd be fine with short films and maybe more original TV shows if that's possible. Though the guy is 71. It's possible he just doesn't want to start a big movie project and potentially not be able to finish it on top of what he's saying about it.

>yfw Rabbits season 2

Based Lynch is my favourite director by far, anyone in the UK been as lucky as me to see Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive in the cinema in the past year? Absolutely beautiful with and a great speaker system makes it so immersive.

Seeing Fire Walk With Me in the cinema at the end of the month, can't fucking wait

Who's broadcasting Twin Peaks Season 3 outside the states?

Fuck's sake.

I went to see Blue Velvet in cinemas in December. I wanted to see Mulholland Drive in cinemas, but have been too busy with uni.
I think Lost Highway would be a good one to see in cinemas.

He's been fucked by the industry most of his life, but when he eventually dies you can be sure that the next Oscars will suddenly be about "The Great David Lynch" giving him an Honorary award etc

It should be Sky Atlantic, they've got Season 1 of Twin Peaks on demand at the minute, I could be wrong though since i'm just going to download it.

>I can't complete in the modern market
>I quit!

You missed a real treat user, the Winkies scene with the low bass building the entire way throughout was stunning.

I saw fire walk with me at the alamo draft house in Austin. Ate a royale with cheese which was pretty fucking irritating the burger was named that but needless to say this was the second time I watched it.

In the theatre the film really clicked and was actually fucking scary.

yo what cinemas are playing them matey?

Everyone seems to hold Lynch in high regard. I mean Mulholland Drive is adored by critics.

All i got so far

>In Scandinavia, the series will be broadcast on HBO Nordic, with the two-hour premiere airing on May 22, and subsequent episodes being made available the day after its US airing.[61] In Canada, the series will be available on CraveTV.[62] In Australia, episodes of the series will be available to stream on Stan the same day as the original US broadcast.[63] Two episodes will premiere at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.[2]

how many could he make before he goes broke/nobody wants to fund his movies?

cmon, use your noggin a little big boy

he hasn't made a good film since Mulholland Drive, so not much of a loss. he can do TV or something now. his shorts are better than his movies anyway.

Most indie cinemas had them on a short run, if you're in a University Town who has their own cinema they should have screened them. You have to keep your eyes open though because they're hardly advertised though so you should be keeping an eye on a few National newspapers film sections or like a film Podcast like Kermode & Mayo because they'll bring it up.

Not liking Inland Empire shows that you're a pleb.

Malick doesnt give two fucks about the box office and he keeps doing films.

Fucking finally, this guys work is shit. He is literally *holds up spork* the director.

He has a networth of $60 million - making a movie with a reasonable budget should surely make him some money, or won't be a big loss.

>Anime reaction face
>Pleb reaction
It's like pottery

Because people will pay for the production of the films, and he's willing to use random big-name stars, who are willing to work with him for nothing.

It's as though you all think films just go from the guy's head to the marketplace. There are amazing films you haven't seen because nobody would distribute them. There are amazing screenplays that have never been filmed because no producer wanted to take the risk with their money.

That's because he's born wealthy

> I think he actually made an announcement like this years ago, shortly after Inland Empire, that he probably wouldn't be able to make any more features.

Fucking this, there's no news

I feel like all of his films are variations on a theme and he ran out of ideas after Mulholland Drive. Inland Empire was just more of the same but without editing.

>Without even reading the article

Then why contribute? It's barely a paragraph long you absolute cretin.

He's just taken "the dark underbelly off [...]" from Blue Velvet, and ran with that for all his subsequent films - except The Straight Story of course.

How does that apply to Wild at Heart, Lost Highway or Inland Empire? Mulholland Drive is "dark underbelly of Hollywood" but there's more to it than that, from Twin Peaks onwards he's all about gods & trans-dimensional beings.

good, Eraserhead and Twin Peaks are not good

He completed twin peaks. I'm good.

Technically he could do another mini series. He didn't say tv.

Making and distributing a film almost single-handed is not something you get into the habit of doing. Lynch did it already with INLAND EMPIRE. Even Cassavetes stopped when the costs got too high. Lynch threatened to walk from the new Twin Peaks unless they budgeted it properly, I think after having spent so long not making films, he's not interested in making compromises just to stay in the game - if producers won't meet his requirements, he can just as happily make some furniture, record some music, or paint a few more canvases.

Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive can be compared I think but Inland Empire is its own thing. Sure, it's got stuff in it that was used for his other movies too but it isn't just a rehash of his last two movies like you make it seem.

No he needs to come back to do the Dune remake

no it just shows that I have taste. There's a reason he hasn't made a film since Inland Empire.

That reason isn't that it was bad.

Three people who haven't seen Eraserhead, or think it was just a calling-card. Lynch is not a mainstream director who got weird, he was an experimental filmmaker-turned-art-cinema-director who got extremely lucky and knew it.

fucking TM fucking with his head.

He should stop, because his only worthwhile films are Badlands and Days of Heaven.

>state of film
Film was always the trash medium.
Piss off

Posting a Roman bust doesn't give your brainlet opinion any credibility.

He's been practicing TM since the production of Eraserhead, he just got more evangelical about it around the release of INLAND EMPIRE.

he was a meme director anyway, his films were taylor made for reddit

wanna know how i know you're a shitskin?

>taylor made

Not really surprising, as he hasn't made a film in over ten years anyway. Season 3 of Twin Peaks is pretty much a swan song for Lynch and his career, and I hope he goes out on a high note.


I love Lynch, but Inland Empire was a fucking chore. I bet the train trip to Auschwitz had better entertainment.