>new Alien
>new Blade Runner
>new Twin Peaks
If you're excited for anyone of these you should back up your bags and move on over to Reddit.
>new Alien
>new Blade Runner
>new Twin Peaks
If you're excited for anyone of these you should back up your bags and move on over to Reddit.
> Stop liking what I dont like
Yea that's like your opinion dude
i first thought you said arent, was gonna throw out of my board
You're right, why waste time with entertaining media when I could be posting Blacked threads and argue about who's kid's comics are the "most adult".
This response would be the same as an internet comment simulator. Think for your fucking self once in a while.
You're literally a reddit bot, congratulations.
You're right dude, these movies are all too white. Especially Twin Peaks. Needs more interracial bmwf imagery and themes. There's not even one scene with a bbc in any of these.
Fuck reddit, tumblr falife
>back up your bags
You presented no argument at all other than you dont like it, maby the problem lays with you and its you that just should fuck off
Why would I waste my time arguing on the internet?
All I can I tell you to go where you belong. If you don't, you don't, but if you do I helped created a better board.
>dude dae le pepe xD f*cking normies ree :p
So you are more or less saying everything I dont like is reddit. You sound like a sharp guy
Are you honestly implying most of the people excited for the films and series in OP have seen the original?
p much
>not wanting an 18 hour David Lynch movie
You gay or something?
>think for yourself once in a while
>gets mad at others for voicing opinion
holy shit you people are fucking mental
These are bogus, but still better than any marvel/D.C./starwars capeshit this year
If you come here to discuss movies you came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker
Star wars is bad
Twin Peaks is Lynch's least work.
It utterly pains me to say this due to my love for Brade Runna, but I think Ridley Scott is either senile or "always was" a hack.
You're actually right, but the Sup Forumseddit generation thats infected this board doesn't know any better