Have you ever studied the history of the Jews? Did you know that they have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized the financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies? The Jews have mass murdered millions of non-Jews over the centuries but they've seized control of the media so you'll never find out. Study the history of the Jews!
Have you ever studied the history of the Jews? Did you know that they have always banded together as a tribe...
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Hundreds of millions*
Where can I read more about this?
That's not what I heard in my Jewish Studies class at university. Dr. Goldstein says Jews have always been oppressed, and Holocaust.
Tell me which hundreds of thousands did the Jews kill exactly.
Have you ever studied the history of the Goyim? Did you know that they have always banded together in tribes, infiltrated governments, monopolized the financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies? The Goyim have mass murdered millions of Jews over the centuries but they've seized control of the media so you'll never find out. Study the history of the Goyim!
Hundreds of millions*
Don't bother, they'll say that every single death under communism (even the Khmer rouge) was Jews.
And that the Indonesian Genocide was Jews too because Kissinger happened to be Secy of State when it happened. They don't care how irrational it is.
have you ever seen american rennisance? what the south african guy from this year and you will understand why we stick together.
future generations of whites will understan why we stuck together after you face the violent parts of the white genocide (by blacks).
>infiltrated governments
we were used because we were literate. that is an important part for low level officials
>monopolized the financial systems of nations,
or more correctly, blamed for the economy's short commings
> instigated wars
how? by marching our armies in? or by helping the monarch fund his wars?
>The Jews have mass murdered millions of non-Jews
citation needed
i have two conclusions
1) theyre exactly as OP says.
2) theyre the biggest scapegoats in history
if 1) check who currently runs media and finance
if 2) check why jews only mention holocaust
if 2) check europe census records to see how many jews existed in europe before holocaust
option 1 won. jews are cancer.
Don't be a schmuck, we gave been stomping out Goyim since Caanan and who could blame us?
Have you ever talked to a goy? Goyim are responsible for every evil and tragedy the world has ever known.
I wouldn't even call goyim human, not really.
You know goyim, if we truly are as coordinated and successful and devious as you say we are...
Then I would be VERY careful about who you talk to about all this.
>citation needed
Alexander Solzahnystyn, "200 Years Together."
youre blamed for the economic shortcomings becausejews always want to reshape the idea of community.
>People hated Jews in history, ergo they killed *hundreds* of millions (so Finn, you don't have to correct me)
Nice argument.
Here's a response to your erroneous census claim, but be careful a Jew wrote it so it's probably written in chem trails.
If you were a big Jew, you wouldn't be on here. You're even lower than we are to your own tribe. Most of the Israelis are sephardis who are hiding, afriad a settler would shoot them dead, confusing for an Arab.
No matter what happens, the Jews won't get out of this alive. So long as there's one White man left to press the button at Tel-aviv, they're done.
Will the Jews nuke NYC and Wash DC in retaliation? Add in Miami and LA and you have 99% of American Jewry.
I've honestly been really interested in this lately. Do you suggest any books to read or websites to visit?
Who brainwashes your kids to accept all other humans? JEWS DO, JEWS DO!
Who thinks of the most vulnerable and tears down the social barriers that they face? JEWS DO, JEWS DO!
Who stops totalitarian regimes from running out of control and threatening citizens? JEWS DO, JEWS DO!
Who keeps the financial system running when it is on the brink of collapse? JEWS DO, JEWS DO!
Who entertains a nation with the highest quality media? JEWS DO, JEWS DO!
jews did 911. osama bin ladens letter to america hinted at this.
jews use teams of 30 people to assasinate you.
They're God's chosen. That means they're rubber and you're glue, whatever you do bounces off them and sticks to you.
That's why the Holocaust destroyed Germany for the next century at least and created Israel as a State in one day, after 2,000 years of waiting.
But by all means, keep attacking God's Chosen Race. The six thousandth time is the charm, right?
And they're also behind the NWO
OMG I hate Jews now!
Oh fuck no, you can blame WASPs for that shit.
We just manage the money.
top lulz. if you only knew how much time ive spent defending you.
do jews actually like taking the hatred of gentiles?
I mean, it's probably not even jews who are to blame for what you say, but if they want to take the blame then they really are dumb ass sarcastic fools.
Actually we broke the Covenant with God due to being rebellious shits. So God passed it on to the Christians who also broke it due to not following hardly anything Jesus said.
So God passed it on to Mohammed apparently. And here we are today.
7 Gorillion to be exact.
The same number of Jews killed by Hitler.
Hitler was a golden rule messenger.
>you're a breddy big jew
>for you
Culture of Critique
Tell 'em my andorranoman.
Well we don't LIKE taking all the hatred.
But we are used to it by now. Goyisha empires rise and fall. It's nothing new.
its more like, if u look at the timeline you will see some king or queen fucked up their own land, and looked back a few years to see what other royalty blamed the problem on.
the cool thing is theres a gematria code in the book of moses and the quran, used to confirm the authenticity. so if youre religious amd believe humans couldnt make that math back then, it means i, a "muslim" accept jews as my closest allies and friends.
but ill still post crazy conspiracies because zionism religion lets them kill goyim like rodents
You mean six millionth, right?
That's not what it says in the Bible, so you're following some other Doctrine.
Replacement theology is utterly and resoundingly destroyed by Paul in the book of Romans, chapter 11.
You don't "replace" the olive tree you were grafted onto, and you have WAY less room to be haughty than the Jews.
God's promises are forever. They don't go away just because you don't deserve them. There is no man righteous, no, not one.
>muh hidden code
Knock it off Moishe you sound absurd. As if those texts weren't impressive enough on their own merit you have to get all National Treasure on them too.
>hurr durr if you shine a black light on a yamulka it shows secret star patterns which point to the origin of the Jewish species
Christ pulled replacement on us you sonuvabitch!
So it is only fair that Mohammed gets to do it to you fags.
I spit on kikes like you, and you cower in fear.
Ha that's a good one goyim. Here we all are, cowering in fear of the goy every day.
Yep, that's us. Terrified. It's like playing chess with children to be honest.
No, six thousand.
One for every year That Satan has tried to wipe out the bloodline of Christ.
Or what else do you think Revelation 3:9 was all about?
The JEWS that you guys all hate are the Synagogue of Satan: The Jews who say they are Jews but ARE NOT, and DO LIE.
So all you retards are busy hating any and all Jews when the Jews who are really working to destroy the world aren't even Jewish.
You're literally barking up the wrong tree.
Read the Koran and you will know that Mohammed met with Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus. And they all approved of him and his ways.
Sorry X-tians you got replaced and the hilarious thing is that this is EXACTLY what you did to us.
Mohammed is the new Prophet, Islam supercedes both Judaism and Christianity top keke
If you believe whatever you're told without checking it against the Scripture for yourself, that's your own damn fault.
You're supposed to read the Bible for yourself so God can speak to you, not let some professional atheist read it for you and tell you what it says and what that must really mean.
Fast and pray, keep the feasts, and read the Word.
The Quran invalidates itself by disagreeing with Torah. God doesn't contradict Himself. Quran was written by Satan like all false religions.
Humans kept fucking it up apparently. So God sent Christ to bring humans back on track. That worked for a minute but then humans, lol, fucked it all up again.
So God sent Mohammed to be a bit more stern.
Of you accept that X-Tianity replaced Judaism then you must also accept that Islam replaced Christiandom.
You can't have your cake and eat it too goyim.
fuck off kikes, dont mock shit or ad hominem. not spreading religion here just pointing out that is accurate, as is OP, but needs to be understood in entirety.
would marry a jew 100%, and wouldnt trust my life to one unless they understood they cant cull this goy because "muh code"
Oh hello yes. Nothing like the blood of a fresh goy child mixed in with my matzo.
Mmmmm I'm salivating just thinking about all that baby blood.
If you know Jews, you know they LOVE to eat potentially contaminated foods.
tell me more about the synagoge of satan vs zionism. i understand ethnicity isnt a factor here.
In case you didn't know, chemtrails were confirmed like 4weeks ago
Yes goyim, yes. We participate in overly elaborate plots with extremely high chances of discovery to engage in generational slow killing of the Goyim by... wait for it....
Hahahaha hahahaha it's so devious. Of course once we have slooooooooowly killed off all the goyim over an extremely slow and extended period we still have a toxic world.
>Everything we say about goyim is simply projection of our selves because we are God's chosen and perfect and think this way the lesser goyim must be much worse
So you are from space...?
Oh moses, it was a joke. I love my shabbos goyim slaves.
They make very good servants as long as you keep the shackles hidden.
Lmao damn how can kikes argue this one! Lol
consuming dna changes your dna. consuming female chils dna makes you younger. consuming pork dna corrupts your dna because pig is 98% genetic human.
its always hard as shit to find the genetic acience articles referring to this so have fun with prison planet reference ad hominems
What is a Jewish person? Like what, is it a religion or something?
Also, why are you blaming Jews for all this shit?
Oh yes indeed. And it's true that many jewish babies are born with vestigial horns and tails.
This is the REAL job of the rabbi, to sand down the horn nubs and remove the tails so that we are not discovered to be the trans-dimensional hyper demonic anti-human aliens everyone suspects we truly are.
We have all the bases covered. You probably don't even know about the Synagogue on the dark side of the Moon.
Google it filthy goy
Link related regarding Israel and 9/11
If you haven't bought The Empire Unmasked yet you're not doing your due diligence in being redpilled
Ryan Dawson showed 100% of what was in the 28 pages at the release of this film back in November of last year and spoke about it for months and months prior.
The Israeli role is uncovered using the same fbi reports that the Senate used and cited spelling out the Saudi role.
>Of you accept that X-Tianity replaced Judaism then you must also accept that Islam replaced Christiandom.
No. Christ was very specific that there would be many false prophets after him and that he was the last prophet. Pro-tip: this includes the Babylonic Talmud, heretic. And the satanic Qur'an.
But we know what YOUR kind wanted
and not Gandhi.
You know, there is a little fable in the New Testament, a critical one: youtube.com
They thrive on it, im to lazy to source it but if u look u can find tons of incedents of jews spray painting swatsikas on their own buildings.
>then you must also accept that Islam replaced Christiandom.
He just explained why this kindergarten level flow chart isn't valid.
Yes, but Moses was also very specific that there would be no damn need for Jesus. So there.
Look, the real truth is that the Jews had a good thing going. And then Jesus the punk ass rebel hippie stole it and gave it out to everyone if they became hippies too.
But then Mohammed was like 'This monotheism shit is awesome my people need this to. But fuck Rome. Oh yeah, and God to me to MAKE people believe.
Who knows where the cycle will shift next.
>chemtrails were confirmed like 4weeks ago
You sure about that?
You're just proving my point
>Goyim are root of all evil
>Unless they serve us as slaves
>The fact that you're suggesting slavery of em the entire world thag isn't you being comic book billion tier evil is entirely lost on you
I'm sorry but if Christ got to do it to Moses then Mohammed gets to do it to Christ.
Fair is fair. As a Kike, I feel it is sweet desserts for you fags.
If you were born from a Jewish mother (but not father) you qualify as a Jew.
Otherwise I think you can pass some kind of written test but the hardcore religious Jews might not accept you (which has real consequences if you want to live in Israel).
Is this movie any good? I need something nationalist/natsoc to watch tonight, but I heard this movie kind of "keeps it light", which I also want.
thoughts? suggestions?
Dude I'm fucking with you bro.
But if you want steady employment and a purpose in life I need a good, reliable obedient shabbos goy to run my delivery business on the weekends.
>Moses was also very specific that there would be no damn need for Jesus
>I'm sorry but if Christ got to do it to Moses then Mohammed gets to do it to Christ.
You should probably re read
>The Quran invalidates itself by disagreeing with Torah. God doesn't contradict Himself. Quran was written by Satan like all false religions.
Christ didn't contradict the Torah like Muhammad did hence Muhammad being an agent of Satan.
>Did you know that they have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized the financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies? The Jews have mass murdered millions of non-Jews over the centuries but they've seized control of the media so you'll never find out.
What does it say about the people who allow such a miniscule demographic to do all these things to them?
>Dude I'm fucking with you bro
Keep telling yourself that
All your other replies show otherwise.
Yeah. But Moses was a crazy guy and I don't like the idea of a "chosen" people who will enslave the rest of the world, or have them as *willfull* slave-like servants, if your Messiah arrives and who are worth at least twice as much as *le filthy goy*. And you and I both know that this in your religion.
And please do tell me where Moses is clear that there would be no need for Jesus, the messiah and redeemer of mankind.
>If you were born from a Jewish mother (but not father) you qualify as a Jew.
That's an odd tradition. You would think it would be the dad.
The New Testament was hippie cuck shit and yes it absolutely goes against the Torah.
We had a direct Covenant with God. We did. Not the Greeks or the Slave or the Romans or the Celts. Hebrews did.
Jesus just stole the ball and declared everyone special. Then Mohammed grabbed the ball and christfags get to feel what we do.
>The New Testament was hippie cuck shit and yes it absolutely goes against the Torah
I do not give one single rat fuck what you do or do not like goyim.
cuck movie
>implying anything remotely pro natsoc could come out of Germoney
Antisemitism is purely for the mudslimes in the caliphate now.
I never had a problem with Jews until I married into a Jewish family. The most selfish, greedy, miserly penny-pinching conniving liars I've ever seen. I didn't understand this coming from a Christian background.
When I kicked my ex out after five years I found out she had been funneling our money into secret bank accounts - and she started this in the FIRST YEAR we were together. I then got to spend two years and $40K as she tried to take me for literally everything I ever had.
I'm a working class guy and her family are millionaires.
That's just Jews though. That's what they do. I wish someone in my family had warned me but really we never knew any Jews.
I will be warning everyone I get a chance to for the rest of my life. Jews are fundamentally evil creatures, that's just their nature.
Yeah, nice. Running out of arguments and going straight for the ad hominem.
noted. What about this?
saw threads about it on here when it came out, but never got around to watching it
Look, you think WE liked hippy Jesus coming back from his travels trying to change everything?
Fuck no, he was a punk and I'm glad he died. So I'm very sorry (not really goy) that Mohammed did the exact same thing to you.
Justice. Christians and Muslims deserve each other.
>he was a punk and I'm glad he died.
Top kek, and to think that the evangelicals are sucking your cocks! Oh I am laffin. Delicious!
But seriously, Chosen of Tzeentch. You should check your soul, if you are happy that a guy died who preached love and forgiveness to mankind and their sins, to redeem them and save them from hell, because he took your special club status away. Makes you look kinda like an *antisemitic caricature*
Not sure. Won't watch. I'm not a stormer, but I also don't have the urge to get brainwashed. But since it's from kekmany, it is obvious it's le ebil Hidler is in all of us, you better keep it down with not hating yourself and cucking yourself to death spiel.
its from the reptilian myth.
Note that the requirements vary depending on the definition of "jewish" used and the denomination. It can be very strict and intensive. Or it can be casual, especially in the united states where some jewish organizations are an embarrassment (kind of like the Pope right now). The mother thing does not always apply. It could be father too. Or it could be neither as long as you display a lot of dedication to living a jewish lifestyle.
Jews killed Christ, and slander him, Mary and Joseph in their satanic Talmud.
If you are a true Christfag, you know the Jews are Christ killers who need to repent and accept Jesus as Lord, or they will be destroyed.
The people who call themselves Jews today are not the chosen people. The seed of Abraham is Jesus, and Israel is alive today in Jesus Christ.
We are not to hate Jews, but we must not reward them or worship them for being the literal antichrist religion.
today i walked by a playground and there were 2 kids playing & running around having fun
a third kid showed up, invited himself to play, other 2 didnt seem to give a shit though they seemed to prefer each others company over third kid since third kid kinda sucked at the game they were playing and kept trying to change the rules
while backs were turned, third kid threw a rock at one of the first 2 and blamed it on the other
the first 2 kids started fighting right away but soon enough they got up, chased the third kid and beat his ass for starting shit
some kids are just like that i guess
dunno why this thread reminded me of that
6 gorillians*
Don't loxist Jews remember the 7 million you cleansed in the Holodomor? Never forget.
it's more common for men to marry outside their race than women. making it based on the mother means it's harder for outsiders to have jewish children.
Mitochondrial DNA, bruh.