Makes Sup Forums seethe so hard they spam memes about him while trying to get him fired

>Makes Sup Forums seethe so hard they spam memes about him while trying to get him fired
Is Stephen Colbert based again? And if so, what happened?

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Trump happened. Incredibly easy and popular material for him to riff on for the next four/eight years.


That's a pretty lazy copy/paste.

No, it appeared just like that on my TV the other day

Trump ain't getting eight years if he keeps this pace up.


I don't see why not. Americans fell for him once, I think it's valid to expect them to fall for him twice.


Democrats will have to pick someone as bad or worse than Hillary, though.

They'll manage it, somehow.

You don't understand, Hillary was the last option, literally the last one, the young wing of the party is full communist sjw retardation, the boomer wing of the party is already dead

I couldn't help myself and actually ended up watching a recent monologue of his
He's way funnier than he was when he first started at CBS, I think Trump might have revitalized him

He's been on fire lately

>implying it will ever be as effective or as meaningful as Jon Stewart during the Bush years

There was actual heavy shit to to talk about back then, like the fucking war? They are trying to do the same thing with Trump now and it's not nearly as effective, actually most people are bored with it.

Then again, I can't really expect people who can't tell the biological difference between a penis and a vagina, to have the critical thought necessary to differentiate between actual wartime and throwing babby tantrums on college campuses because tranny bathrooms.

>They are trying to do the same thing with Trump now and it's not nearly as effective
Effective at what? Getting viewers? It is pretty damn effective.

>actually most people are bored with it.
His ratings don't match your conclusion

based Colbert

Sure they do, you might want to check again lil buddy. He's not doing nearly as well as he should be on a more prominent network then say, Comedy Central.

I went and looked it up and every story is saying "these are the highest ratings since Colbert took over", i.e. they're still lower than Letterman's ratings ever were

This, tbqh, well said. Colbert is over.

lol ;^)

Colbert and Conan are the only two show hosts worth a shit. I look at the other shit that's around and it makes me lose my fucking mind.

Trevor Noah is painful
Seth Meyers is cringe-inducing
Jimmy Fallon is boring
Jimmy Kimmel is unfunny


Old school media is dead m8

It's like a Colbert vs Trump is like massively dumbed down version of Stewart vs Bush


>Colbert's ratings hitting highs Letterman never once saw
>consequently r/T_D starts this false flag raid shit to try and get him fired
>instead his ratings get even bigger


He's been on a close call with Jimmy Fallon, often times beating him. He's on the top of the these kinds of shows. And it's probably no coincidence that it only started happening with Trump's presidency.

If you don't like it, fair enough, but it's clearly successful for the guy.





I think most of them didnt want to fight against the Clinton machine

Are Sup Forumstards pretending that Colbert's streak that has been going on for five months now has nothing to do with Trump? Are they really that delusional?

Colbert's almost always been based. The last year of the Colbert Report was subpar, and the first 6months-to-a-year of Late Show was a bit weak, but Tuck Buckford is one of the best things he's ever done

TV has changed since Letterman, less people watch shows live anymore and viewership is generally more fractured due to a greater volume of content.

Are libfags really pretending that Colbert matching the worst ratings his predecessor ever got is some kind of achievement?


Honestly it's not fair, writing for Colbert must be the easiest job possible since their material writes itself.

Shit taste desu. Do you find amy shumer witty as well?

It is when he's at the top, dude. No one is denying that these kinds of shows are a dying medium, but Colbert is at the top of the sinking ship for a reason.

Nah, can't stand her. Only Trevor is worse.

As a long term denizen of Sup Forums who broadly speaking is a Trump supporter:

He makes jokes about Trump. That triggers the fuck out of the kind of people on Sup Forums who treat any any all criticism of the bloke as the work of shills as opposed to genuine dissent. Not that I'm saying shills aren't a thing, but it's a pretty good shield that some on Sup Forums throw up instead of an argument.

Basically, on the whole the contention comes from him taking the piss out of daddy Trump. See, in their hugbox threads, every fuck up is actually either a masterstroke play, or greatly exaggerated to harm him.

To some on Sup Forums criticism isn't allowed because some people on Sup Forums, politically speaking, are fucking children who can't deal with the idea that the guy/policy they voted for is not the perfect demigod/silver bullet that was promised.

Colbert is sometimes right on the money and that bothers them. Often he exagerates or takes cheep shots, but it's when he's legit right, that's what bothers the fuck out of them and makes them start REEEEEing

The funniest fucking thing was the trying to get him fired for implying that Putin's dick was in his mouth. Much like when ISIS throw faggots off buildings, elements of Sup Forums all of a sudden start actually giving a shit about gay people when it suits their needs.

>>implying it will ever be as effective or as meaningful as Jon Stewart during the Bush years
I didn't imply that at all, though.

If you look closely you'll notice that Obama's audience is only 3/5th the size of Trump's

Does #FireColbert refer to how he's been on fire lately?

>republicans: busy with work
>democrats: what is work?

Fuck off retard. He's confirmed working with the Democratic party.

It's a bit hard to tell at this point how much of Trump cocksucking is done because of crybabies and how much of it is done because it's a sure-fire way to troll Sup Forums

I loved his Super PAC segment.

>"Liberals are more creative than Conservatives!"
>Proceeds to tell the same LOL DRUMPH jokes for a year and a half every night non-stop

Why is Sup Forums turn into such a hugbox board with with people who get get so butthurt when someone has a different opinion then them?

Where do you think they came from? Disillusioned Obama voters? Sup Forums? the_donald? I rarely browse Sup Forums, but the transformation it underwent from 2012 to 2016 is fascinating to me.

How would you know? You haven't watched his show at all, let alone enough times to know how consistently repetitive it supposedly is.

Colbert is #1 in ratings right now in late night. People don't watch TV like they used, and back in the day it was either leno or letterman, that was your choices. Comparing his performance to the 1990s is kinda dumb.

The thing that Trump and Trumpfags don't seem to understand is that it isn't funny as fuck that his attendance was lower than Obamas. That's understandable, he was the first black president, that's a legit historic moment that many would want to be a part of.

It's the fact that he cares so damn much. Nobody would still bring it up if he didn't decide to get Spicedaddy to dedicate his first press conference to crying about it. It would have been forgotten.

Trump might be the saviour America needs, I don't know. But what I do know is that he's a thin skinned childish bitch who NEEDS to be better than everyone and will pretend that he is even if he isn't.

It's laughable, it's pathetic, and if you can't see that's the way the man is, you're either fucking blind or lying to yourself.

And I say this as someone very much open to the idea of him as president.

>The funniest fucking thing was the trying to get him fired for implying that Putin's dick was in his mouth. Much like when ISIS throw faggots off buildings, elements of Sup Forums all of a sudden start actually giving a shit about gay people when it suits their needs.
I didn't like this either.

I'm not playing around with any "no u" or "ur a hypocrite" or "this is how the rules should be" game

I am flat out saying Colbert is a fucking faggot and he should go fuck himself. I'd say it to his face too, it's not like he's going to take a swing at me.

>I insult people if I don't think it will result in physical retaliation
well, you sound like an upstanding member of the community

Stewart was pretty fun back then, wonder if that's part of why he retired when he did. Knew it wouldn't be the same, but he can still pop back on when ever he wants.

>ad hominem

Why on Earth would I bother watching it? I know exactly what he is going to say because he, along with all the other late night hosts, is creatively bankrupt and he has been rehashing material for months now.

Well, it's not like Trump has sent the Secret Service around to break Colbert's teeth is it?

I thought the memes were funny. Why does Sup Forums have to be a hardass about everything? Literally becoming the thing that they hate.

Thanks for confirming you haven't watched it and don't know what you're talking about. It's a surprise to no one, but it's nice to read the admission.

>The funniest fucking thing was the trying to get him fired for implying that Putin's dick was in his mouth. Much like when ISIS throw faggots off buildings, elements of Sup Forums all of a sudden start actually giving a shit about gay people when it suits their needs.

But, that's wrong.

For being a "long term denizen of Sup Forums" it's amazing how you could get that so wrong. Sup Forums only "cared" about gays in order to push for Colbert to be fired.

Really, anything to troll leftists -- as you can currently see with the rainbow flag.

To suggest someone sucks a dick is a general insult that can be levied at both men and women, straight or gay.

Don't start getting SJW just because it's man on man. It's a standard insult much in the same way that implying someone is a brown noser or licks someone else's ass isn't saying they're homosexual, it's saying that they go above and beyond to please them.

>let alone enough times to know how consistently repetitive it supposedly is.
>go to Colbert's YouTube page
>search Trump

Yeah, he rarely mentions DRUMPFH.

Well you're a faggot and an illiterate, so congratulations.

Colbert throws haymakers around and there's no doubt he sometimes legitimately lands a few of them, which really triggers the Trump audience

I like Colbert himself, but I can't stand this guy. Always pitching in and playing random notes. I thought for sure they'd get rid of him or at least tune him down within the week, but here he is, years later still being the exact same.

>presentation/looks doesn't matter

Obama's entire presidential career was tinker-tailored by his handlers.

He's the president of the United States.

>As conservative activists call on CBS to #FireColbert, the network reports that The Late >Show with Stephen Colbert has just scored its best overnight rating since the week the show premiere in September 2015.


>Why are you mad at people with the wrong opinions that are destroying the country?

Guess what's the deal, smart people fight for what it's objectively right.

Yeah, remember all those epic throwdowns Colbert had against Obama, such as...

Again, ad hominem.

What redeeming qualities does his show have? He offers the same, tired jokes day after day. But not only is his act very repetitive, but his jokes often come at my expense as a Trump voter. Why should I enjoy a show that is not only repetitive, but openly insults me? Everyone can laugh at themselves once in a while, but when it's the same stupid jokes constantly, it starts to wear thin.

The fact of the matter is that his show isn't funny enough for me to watch it. Moreover, since it openly insults me, I am going to heckle it.

When are we finally going to shut the fuck up and just have a civil war instead of shouting meaningless insults at each other 24/7/365 for decades on end

You talk shit about Trump, You. Get. FIRED!

Capisce? Take your cuck shit back, this is a right wing board.

>He offers the same, tired jokes day after day. But not only is his act very repetitive
Reminder: You have admitted you don't bother watching the show.

If he cared so much about presentation and looks he'd make more of an effort to not look like an uninformed vapid thin skinned bitch

I legit not even trolling ponder if the guy is autistic. His son certainly is, and I'm honestly not sure the apple has fallen so far from the tree

>anything to troll leftists
At the expense of giving you a reply, I guess that's why you double space like a redditor, to troll leftists. My man if you're over the age of 16 I will venmo you $100, this "trolling the leftists" you think you're doing is literally people your age from r/the_donald larping as butthurt liberals replying to each other and trying to one up each other with how butthurt you can pretend to be. It's not even subtle.

I just wanted to let you know that I got your joke, user.

>Why should I enjoy a show that is not only repetitive, but openly insults me?

You shouldn't. You should read a book and reflect on the poor decisions you've made.

Even Trump's handlers think he's a clown

I used to watch his show until about the third month of nothing but Trump jokes.

You haven't answered my question. Why should I start watching his show again when it does nothing but rehash the same tired jokes at my expense? Why should I do anything but heckle him for his lack of originality?

Agreed, stick to your safe space at T_D.

>If you disagree with me, you are an uneducated retard
>Wtf how did my candidate lose?!?!?

You shouldn't. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. And you can criticize it and heckle it all you want.
You're wrong about it being repetitive, though. Yeah, it's been talking about Trump for over a year now, but that's because new shit happens with Trump every day of the week. It's like saying that the show is repetitive because it has Colbert in it for two years, or because it's aired at night.



they dont have anyone

literally name the top 3 candidates

>If he cared so much about presentation and looks he'd make more of an effort to not look like an uninformed vapid thin skinned bitch

you're complaining he's doesn't give a fuck about the opinions of lesser persons while complaining he shouldn't give a fuck about the opinions of lesser persons.

i swear some of you cucks get lost in your own emotions


>Nobody can insult my beloved late night host!!

No my friend, it's you who needs the safe space where you can tell the same stale jokes for over a year and nobody can call you out on it.

>Colbert walks on stage
>There's a gasp from the audience
>All white women immediately give birth to multiracial children without becoming pregnant
>A small Caucasian child seated in the third row of the audience ceases to exist
>Most white men in the audience undergo a chemical skin darkening process
>Colbert pulls a .357 Magnum from his pocket and shoots the remaining white men in the audience in the head
>The multiracial crowd are on the floor at this point in hysterics
>The sound waves from the laughter in the room shatter Colberts glasses, he removes them from his face
>An MPAA member runs towards the camera in an attempt to cut the live feed to the televised audience due to the violence of the situation
>Colbert shoots him in the head before he reaches the camera because he is a straight white male
>As he sees his reflection in the camera, the smile on Colberts face slowly fades and he stares blankly into the camera, he peers down to see that he ejacualted his pants too
>The sound of laughter slowly fades out and Colbert opens his mouth
>Don't forget Nrumpt, I'm coming for EVERY white male
>Every. Single. One.
>He smirks one last time
>The only thing my mouth is good for is for being a holster for...
>He loads the .357 Magnum and sticks the barrell in his mouth
>In a muffled voice he says "thhhhss gnnnnn" as he pulls the trigger
>The nuclear alerts immediately disappear worldwide
>A new age of prosperity where members of all races and faiths share their possessions comes into being
>Jimmy Kimmels son lives to be 150 years old and finds the cure to every disease known to man
>Obamacare is enshrined into the US constitution

>Why should I consume media that goes contrary to my beliefs?

Nigga I'm legit a left wing socialist and I've been on Sup Forums since about 2007/2008 and have browsed Sup Forums on the regular since around it's creation and /news/ before that.

If you want a hugbox, just say my man. Tumblr has one, seems like you want one too.

He's a petty moron. He cares about nonsense because it's about him, he doesn't care about opinions that aren't about him.

>Nobody can insult my beloved president!!!
It's easy to reduce arguments like this.

>log in to play some overnormie
>very first thing someone says in game chat is
>so...Zornald Zlumpft

What are some movies about people who can't contain their autism?

FCC to investigate, 'take appropriate action' on Colbert’s Trump rant

>Sup Forums

It's been 5 months and they are still seething and there isn't a damn thing those cucks can do about it. Watching libs double down is fucking hilarious, the only thing triggered are my sides at all their impotent rage

Used to love the Colbert Report and was pretty stoked to see him on the Late Show. But its the same joke over and over about Trump saying the darnest things. Cant really fault him personally, its the nature of all those late night shows but Ive stopped watching it every day. I'll watch an episode if there is a good guest on.

Things that never happened: the story of one lonely teenager larping on the Sup Forums board of Sup Forums on a Friday night in his misguided attempt to troll other people his age, the E! true hollywood story