What happens if Donald Trump loses?
It's not looking good, we need a real talk;
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8 years of Hillary
race war
country stays the exact same for eight years. oh noes.
The GOP tears itself to pieces.
Hillary invades Iran within 2 years (with lots of "it's to free their women" propaganda) and then spends the next 6 years setting the stage or the next President to go to war with Russia. Free speech and the interent will be long dead so people will support it. Enjoy.
Thought the same thing about Obama, yet here we are.
Axes, trucks, and cucks oh my
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
4 years of Hillary, followed by 4 years of Rato
probably not much, but it was funny.
more happenings
Financial collapse of the dollar
Trump is the only person that has like 1% chance of preventing it
Civil war
Sure is a lot of shilling going on today. Fuck off, pleb.
It's not looking good, we need a real talk;
What happens when Hillary Clinton loses?
Fuck off leaf, I'm seriously going to be heartbroken if he loses, and I don't know what I'm going to do.
Probably like Geore Bush: more debt. More stupid wars. I am not to worried about it. I think she will be better than obama and not encourage people to attack police at least.
Trump is a gamble but there is hope with him at least
Its all ogre
the only thing that's not looking good is my dick after slamming your mom's ass you fucking little bitch
If Trump loses, I have a sneaking suspicion that some folks will start shooting into crowds at BLM protests, most likely funded by Soros. Copycat attacks from the right follow suit. Hillary uses the resulting violence to take away our guns. Sporting rifles become assault rifles and banned. Bolt, and lever action rifles become sniper rifles and are banned. Pistols with a capacity of over 5 rounds are banned because muh high capacity assault clips and revolvers.
People resist the bans and confiscations, and America is over.
I move to Texas and join their military to fight in the Texas war for independence.
Why are "people" from brazil even allowed to post here?
hope half of Sup Forums goes back to plebbit and never ccomes back
You don't want to know!
I only pray this happens, just to see the butthurt here on Sup Forums. The tears shall form a river of hilarity that I will bathe in. It'd be worth it, even though that shrill pseudo socialist cunt will be our president. Also, this board will turn into a conspiracy board as everyone talks about how George Soros or somebody rigged the election. Mark my words.
Not possible.
Mee too.
Especially the extra butthurt americans.
First nigger, then a woman. You're not gonna hear the end of it.
Do the same thing I always do cause nothing will really change edgelord
>What happens if Donald Trump loses?
You should be asking what happens if Trump wins instead, because the answer is blacks and jews making a 'color revolution' in the USA, dismantling constitutional law to give Hillary the presidency.
(In the USA, of course, the phrase 'color revolution' can be taken literally, lol.)
Dont give up hope ameribros you can still do it!
If trump loses and he doesnt call for a call to arms or a race war or something then the white world is mostly finished and im gonna give up on life and just party and fuck sluts till im like 50
then once im a fat old fuck ill move to thailand and continue fucking sluts till im 95
If Trump loses them there's literally no hope for the US. It'll show that even though they've watched all the Benghazi shit and the emails and the blm and the dnc shit they still vote den/HRC???
if this happens we're gonna have to nuke the whole place (except texas, Florida and So Carolina) and start again.
Sorry lads.
Get over it and move on
Be careful in Thailand, lad.
Some of the girls have wellies, and some of the guys have vaginas.
>What happens if Donald Trump loses?
we burn down DC.
no seriously.