A thread dedicated to the true Floridian master race. Butt hurt new yorker edition
Florida Thread #2
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Why does FL trigger NY and Alaskafags so much?
Some red pilled gril added me and told me I look like a jew wtffffffff
I am fucking Italian and German God damn kids these days.
because they are genetically inferior of course
Florida man strikes again
Who wins in a fight?
Sam Hyde or Florida man?
anyone else /treasurecoast/ here?
>Tfw had to do a back2school backpack drive this morning for my church
>85°F with 91% humidity
Holy fuck I love this state but goddamn it can get bad. Only made it worse serving the dregs that live in Palm Bay/Melbourne.
>tfw a woman showed up with a "one, two, fuck you" shirt on
>tfw all the black women have 4+ kids
>tfw all the white single mothers have mixed kids
>tfw all the uggo white women were with niggers
It was a good time, but having to tell black woman "no" can go from 0 to 100 real quick. Also stopping niggers from stealing backpacks was a good time.
Problem is floridaman always gets cought, whereas Samual Hydberg keeps getting away with it. Floridaman definitely wins the consistency vote though.
st. augustine reporting in
suhh dudes?
who do my fellow Floridians think is going to win the state in November? Kaine was pandering pretty hard in Miami with all that spanish.
850 represent!
305 here, please send help
Miami will get countered in votes by West Palm. Broward will get countered by Tampa. Orlando will be split. The rest of the state will go red, except for Tallahassee (nigs).
Tallahasseefag here, can confirm our county will be blue as fuck. FSU, FAMU, and Frenchtown always fuck up the voting here.
Well you can't argue about the minimal integrity of jew york
Florida country flag when? Florida master race deserves it.
Went to key Biscayne last month, Tri country master race
That was me. This guy added me then deleted me.
who /publixsubs/ here?
>implying we arent all /publixsubs/ here
You stopped responding.
There are an unusual ammount of coal burners here in melbourne/palm bay. What gives?
Use the pluggin mate. Tons of people fly FL flags.
well shit. thanks.
test post
Tampafag here. Tampa will be close, with all the nogs and northern hipsters who have moved down here pushing the city to the left.
Clearwater here fucking trump all the way.
you good
A lot of niggers.
Also downtown melbourne is full of Somalians. Im being 100% serious, I had no idea we had refugees. There were atleast 100 of them. Also most white girls here are whores with daddy issues.
>Back2school drive organized by a church
>entertainment shows up
>its a bunch of little girls aged 10-15 twerking is spats to hip hop
>ask one of the organizers how this got through
>he tells me "we have to keep up with today's culture"
I wanted to chew that ginger out so bad, the only reason I didnt say something to everyone is because I was helping a good friend. I barely consider myself Christian and even I was offended.
>mfw a "christian" tells me to be more open minded
Trump, and comfortably too I think
If nothing else, I've seen zero love for Hillary while there are Trump signs and stickers here and there
Trump without a doubt.
I've seen people who support hillary here, but for every one of them at least 100 cars have a trump2016 sticker.
386 reporting in!
Who else CCW here?
I've seen a good amount of trump gear around my area too. All my bernfag friends are talking about voting third party, but i doubt theyre gonna go through with it.
where my miami bros at
There are niggers in other parts of Florida, too, but very few coal burners. It's gotta be something else.
Also, are you sure its downtown melbourne that has the somalians? Thats the most expensive area in melbourne and I rarely see any black people there.
>"we have to keep up with today's culture"
Today's culture sucks. Pre-teen girls shouldn't be shaking their asses at anyone.
863 masterrace reporting in
Serious question, anyone near Palatka hear any rumors about an """Islamic Community"""? I have, and I'd like to see if anyone's heard anything else.
But Alachua will be blue (UF libs).
>It's gotta be something else.
We'll probably never really know, I blame integration. Also it was the dive bar at the very end across the street from off the tracks. It was so surreal, I barely go there so it may have been a single event that attracted them.
>Today's culture sucks
This. While I hate the "born in the wrong generation" people, it comes to a point that we're breeding whores who have dick on the brain 24/7.
Gavin Mciniss made a good point about men pushing for feminism, true we get shat on a lot, but at the end of the day we get waaaaay more pussy thanks to their "sexual freedom".
Are you guys going to reelect Marcobot?
Its those godamn Leon County niggers. I've met them and they're just as uppity as the Atlanta ones. Where are they getting this confidence from?
Used to make those. THere are secret ones not listed on the menu. And they'll make a sub with any meat you want. Forget subway you'll have it your way there.
Right here man.
I meant if he gets the nom (which I think he will).
Do you Trumpians hate him so much to vote for Grayson or Murphy?
Who UCF here? Orlandofags reporting in
Most ACR's are conservative, the only heavy liberal influence comes from the cucks who are from miami.
No way, I voted for him in the primaries.
He's a good man and will continue helping the state.
South Florida reporting in
I'm just going by the way they voted in 2012.
T-the rumors.. T-they aren't true.. Right guys??
nobody wanted to vote for that Mormon in 2012
I backed Gingrich in 2012
Uf student here and Im sure that Alachua will be red this election. Obama got the black vote and the college vote but theyre both too apathetic about hillary. Trump will win Alachua easily
727 falling into formation. My neighbor has a sign that says "Trump that bitch" so you understand the area I live.
The only issue is the black folks in south st. Pete
right here my man, 407fag reporting
also FUCK orange county. not only do we have hispanics and niggers, but the presence of a college fucking pushes the vote to the left every year
here's hoping we vote red or at least split this year
UF student here, do you think that any of the libs are going to actually vote?
Once their precious Bernie lost I can't see them voting for anyone. They are just going to post memes about Trump being Hitler to Facebook.
I live nearby and I've been to Palatka a few times and it's the last place on earth I would expect an Islamic community to exist but one of the most likely for retards to spread rumors of an Islamic community
hey look fucking orange county is blue again
thanks UCF
I hope you're right.
They are busy with their medicare scams.
its Saturday
YOu might be right. They all seem pretty salty about Bernie "losing" (being cheated). I suppose they won't vote, because I can't see the sanders people going for Trump.
But you need to consider that there are no Republicans running for local office in Gainesville.
They may vote Johnson.
407 master race reporting
>implying Cubans ever stop scamming
You're supporting a sellout faggot you pussy. He's owned by literally all the big businesses
Publix subs are pretty good, but its all about their rotisserie and fried chicken!
seminole county here
I was asked if I would support him over Grayson or Murphy. Of course I'm going to vote for a republican senator instead of them. Especially when it comes to nominating a supreme court justice. He's not perfect, but better than the alternative.
They were never going to vote. I remember them all getting excited about Bernie coming to uf then none of them actually went to the rally
Orange county fag here. Nuke us please.
Also remember Bernie didn't even win alachua county
AZfag here, y'all don't have shit on us. Nothing quite like driving through Pinetop and the surrounding area.
Melbourne fag here. Seen a few Bernie folks, toms of Trump supporters. Zero Hillary supporters.
Many of our NY libtards are snowbirds and vote in NY (thankfully)
who /citysoshittytheynameditjacksonville/ here?
Florida has its strong points but besides the keys it will be literally the worst place to be when civilization collapses.
Nice, red enough for me.
tfw living in St. Lucie county, where it's full of old people and nothing even happens
right here bro
>around 1 in the morning
>doorbell rings
>go to the door with my gun
>check the window next to the front door
>two nignogs and a dog
>one of them is hiding where you cant see him if you stand in front of the door
>go over there with gun in hand
>hey did you lose this dog?
>they're trying to see around me into the house even though the door is shut
>"I think that dog belongs to the house two doors down" as i point with my loaded 9mm in that direction
>one of them just hauls ass while the other stares at me wide eyed and leaves
>see them walk up to the house right next door
My mom said she saw Judge Judy at the salon she goes to. I think she has a summer home here in Naples.
>Thinking Hillsborough is going to go red ever again.
Oh you.
How would it be worse than Phoenix?
you know they make a chicken tender sub too? they even heat it up for you by request
Jacksonville was named after Andrew Jackson after he was the first governor. Then got tired of the shitty weather in Florida and said fuck this I'm leaving. But yeah it is a pretty shitty town. St. Johns Towncenter is nice though.
yeah southside is best side
Florida friend here
Fuck Jacksonville to be honest.
Cubans are okay outside of Miami.
Florida State best college.
But really Cuban sandwiches are GOAT
>Florida State best college
kill yourself t b h
or go to Atlanta to join your fellow gays
Who 754 here?
UWF superior relax
Well hello fellow Argo....
What is it like working for Publix? I'm thinking of working there during college.
I'd ask what major but the departments are so small....
Wat up senpai
You either suck dicks or have family in management to get anywhere. Otherwise it's a fine job if you don't mind seeing unqualified sluts and wiggers jumping the ladder ahead of you