Was there so much as one email that Sanders could legitimately get that upset about?
you clearly haven't looked at any of them
FUUUGGG... we are breaking continuum!
bump !!!!
why is he spelling wikileaks as wikileakes
also yes this is such a chess move lol
his own party cucked him very very very hard for hilldawg.
He could have been upset that all he got off the gerbil was sloppy seconds.
because he wants to appear ignorant when in reality he is behind the leaks
Debbie wassermankike tried to use his non practicing jewness against him. Jews have no rock bottom to hit-they can go lower than anyone
kek nice meme
Sanders was never a fraud.
He is only a fraud to the absurd strawman retarded college kids have painted for him.
as it turns out, the democrats did loads of shit to screw over sanders.
the DNC had already decided that hillary would win well before the race had even started.
bernie bros are so angry that they are trying to sue the DNC for lying to them and making them believe that bernie had a chance when in reality he didnt.
Look in the thread irebro. Its pretty damning.
It isn't like the GOP didn't try to cuck Trump either.
Difference is Trump had the support to make it through the cucking they attempted on him and didn't have as much cucking ability as the Dirtocrat party did for Bernie.
It's shit but we here at Sup Forums all knew it was like this 2bh.
Superdelegates were bribed
>Was there so much as one email that Sanders could legitimately get that upset about?
No matter what you may think about Sandkike's politics the way they completely utterly and thoroughly F-U-C-K-E-D him is beyond bad.
It's either
1) A well-seized opportunity
2) Actually some sort of plan coming to fruition.
Given his track record I'd lean towards the second.
In which case it would be closer to markmanship than chess.
Still well-done, but y'know.
just finished reading all dnc email with words "money laundering".
sanders campaign is accusing it because theyre sore losers. sanders is a joke.
>jews never backstab jews
I will admit this is a meme I wouldn't mind seeing the end of.
Anyone want to phone this number as a member of the Clinton Campaign for information?
He deleted the tweet. Why?
>Difference is--
I think the way they kept throwing candidates at him really helped.
Only Rato and Rubio have the faintest debating ability (and even that is really weak) so they made him look better by comparison.
Helped he revved it up so hard he was constantly on air and the only person with connections comparable to Shillary was fucking Jeb.
Unless Kasich has some mad amount of rep in-party I'm not aware of.
forgot pic
How is this "9D chess"? This is more of an attack on Clinton than Sanders.
He mispelled wikileaks. He posted a new one
Remember, Hillary went to BIlderberg.
They decided she would be president, point that out to bernie cucks.
When you're talking about money laundering, you don't call it money laundering.
>we have to do more money laundering
Doesn't even make any sense.
>he noticed the typo because of the thread
>he would've been better off keeping it for the people that signal boost it because of the typo
>back down to 8d interstellar huhla hoop
hahahahahahahahahahahaha I love trump so goddamn much. I was sad the RNC ended but it's Christmas every day at this point haha
Jump on twitter and have a look. The answer is yes.
They even wanted to use his Jewishness against him. Something I actually support btw.
He's not a democrat tripfag
One of their tactics was to "oust" him as a atheist.
he's a genius
this will resonate with berniecucks
his most recent tweet about pocahontas has me literally rolling
> Wikileakes
Sup Forums was right again
You support using jews' jewishness against them? Welcome to Sup Forums. Remember, you're here forever.
w-whoa!!!!!!!!!! this is some 19th dimensional quadrilateral parallelogramic chess!!!!!!!!!!! He is appearing uneducated to appease his lowly educated fans by intentionally writing a typo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will berniecuck be goaded into rescinding his endorsement of hillary?
how much abuse will he take?
Does Donald write his own tweets? I find it amusing thinking about him on his phone typing shit out and posting it.
Considering Bernie's nature and desire to not be murdered, he's willing to take all the abuse in the world.
His supporters on the other hand, not too sure about them.
Considering how Gingrich mentioned that discrediting the media will be a big part of the Trump campaign, Trump cannot pass up this opportunity which indicts CNN & MSNBC reporters.
It's, "we are breaking the conditioning" ;)
Now you're getting it!
He types them himself at night but during the day he dictates them to an assistant.
Hey faggot, I am not alone. In fact if I want to get off /pol I can just go join the DNC apparently.
He's on his phone writing tweets while he's doing other things on his tablet. Like being the first one to make threads for his tweets on Sup Forums.
>MFW I imagine Donald on a golden shitter in the Trump Tower, shitposting on his iPhone
soon he will have bernie apologizing for hillary's emails.
Kek, ikr? They're such racist totalitarian evil degenerate scumbags, just like Sup Forums. We should all join up.
i meant the calling out of bernie, retard. nobody cares about a typo
He corrected it
w.......hhhhh.......ooooooooooooo.........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh this is ISLAMIC-FUNDAMENTALISM JENGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're saying you don't care but you do!!! Holy fucking shit Trump supporters confirmed for playing 99th degree peruvian Yahtzee.
Food for thought: memeing gary johnson into the debates and getting support would be a good thing for trump.
Johnson is the left-libertarian degeneracy vote for DUDEWEEDLMAO, fags, and trannies. I seriously doubt actual Trump supporters will go for his shit. Meanwhile, a ton of the white upper class yuppie liberals who voted for bernie sanders will side with johnson, keeping them away from voting for hillary.
>ignored Bernie's suggestions to the committees, found excuses to render them ineligible
>set a media narrative that Bernie supporters were violent after the Nevada convention
>suggested outing Bernie as an atheist to fuck him over in KY and WV
>DWS said "Bernie will not be president"
It's pretty clear they were against him from the start.
>LGBT Finance Director
What the fuck it's even suppose to mean?
So what's in those emails and what is the connection to the Bean guy?
I wonder if Brian Lee Henderson is actually in danger
>tfw next to The Donald
>wikileaks releases 20,000 emails
>chimping out over some typo
pic related
I rather think we should go for jill, we should meme him onto her ticket as vp if possible
we are not worthy of his magnificence!
Bernie Bros are pissed right now. The media is going to do everything they can to make them so afraid of Trump they vote hillary
I hope the protests in Philly get crazy, but the Stadium is very far away from the West Philly anarchist community and other agitators. I will be showing up to pretend I'm an angry Bernie supporter though :^)
It wouldn't as Johnson seems solely dedicated to attacking Trump. He's even gone as far as to praise Hillary before going attacking Trump in the next sentence.
Trump cant waste energy having to defend himself on two fronts and the idea that you can ignore someone attacking your credibility, even if they aren't leeching off your core supporters, is a disastrous idea. That's how Jeb initially coped with Trump and look where that got him.
#JillThemALL #GoGreen
> totalitarian evil degenerate scumbags
You don't have to be any of those to call out a conniving Jew. If Bernie still supports Hillary after this the circle will be complete. How much credit card money did you give Hil.. er, Bernie?
i'm confused about this. is the dnc really the racist, nigger and kike hating party? are we doing something wrong?
7 is the holiest of numbers
Gods work.
The media is more likely to report on what he says if they think he made a mistake, it's a way of manipulating the media into giving him attention.
NYT also met with DNC off the record
I think WSJ and WaPo also met with the DNC.
Ye olde wikileakes
I haven't given either of them anything, besides hell on a mongolian horseback archery bulletin board.
it checks out, thanks kek
> racist
You don't have to be racist to hate kikes. Everyone hates kikes,.
She doesn't seem to have any traction, unfortunately. But I see what you're saying.
I see. Didn't realize he was basically acting like a Trump attack dog. Oh well.
Another Redditor loses its mind.
Yes, and if you really look closely, Trump is actually the progressive liberal here.
We've all been lied to. It's time to #SwitchTactics!! #I'mWithHer!
>h-he's playing 53D reverse shuffleboard guys!!1
You guys actually support this fucking retard?
I don't even understand how shit like this photo can be used against Trump.
It only proves he's an actual person who is goofy sometimes, unlike Hillary who always comes across as some sort of horrifying robot.
> Wikileakes
> Wikileakes
> Wikileakes
He is and Trump needs to help him.
This is a great move because Trump wins regardless.
>If Sanders endorses
He loses his credibility
>If Sanders refuses to endorse
It energizes his supporters against Hillary
Either way, it sets up Trump to be the big winner.
Jews have no scruples, they'll happily screw over other Jews for their own interests.
Yeah, just imagine Hillary clapping while Johnson bursts into a tirade like this during one of the debates:
I truly despise this man.
This is why he should've kept the original tweet.
It's a textbook free signal boosting move Don, y u do dis?
just ignore the shitposter.
Muh spelling errors. Muh extra e.
Mean while Hillary has seizures on camera and cannot win an election without buying off the entire Western media.
I mad too that our homeboy, cruzmissle, didn't make it. We were this close to making Americans accept the metric system.
>Shilling for Hillary
Get gassed