*sips coffee*
*sips coffee*
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally hasn't done anything in decades
>shitpost IRL
>daily suicide attacks, beheadings, torture, rape etc.
Totally the same, nigger.
When have the current incarnation of the KKK or the Westboro church killed people?
They haven't.
Just another day of bananas equals squids.
Hes sort of correct on one hand
But on the other, no christian terrorists are being influenced by Westboro or the KKK. If anything, white christian terrorists are being influenced by alt-right ideology from places like Sup Forums.
Has Westboro ever killed anyone? When was the last time the KKK killed anyone?
Islam is directly tied to a large scale terror attack in the West every couple of days now.
self immolate
how many times are you going to make this thread you fat fuck?
Are you a leaf posting with an american proxy
I don't separate any of those from their religions. I'm focusing on ISIS because they're the threat NOW.
*locks dick cage*
beat that republithugs
You're just proving that Christians are a bunch of splinter cuck groups whereas Islam is alpha as fuck
>user avatar is a cropped still from a disney movie/ cartoon
Didn't even need to look at the name or post to know that they're a pretentious fruit
>killing innocents is alpha as fuck look how edgy i am xd
There are no innocent Danes.
it isn't "fat", its called "nourished" you impoverished slavshit
>KKK and Westboro today are some angry Christians
>ISIS today are some angry Muslims who actively engage in conventional warfare and terrorist acts both in the Middle East and throughout the West
*sips coffee*
Also, they are Christians, as long as they accept Jesus as our lord and saviour. Same goes for Mormons or the self proclaimed crusader Anders Breivik.
We can't simply dismiss them as heathens, just because they have a different interpretation of the foundations of christian religious teachings.
That, or I could argue that the crusades are based on a false interpretation and have nothing to do with Christianity. #NotAllChristians #CrusadesHaveNoReligion
war crimes don't exist in war. you beat the shit out of your enemies until one side wins, by any means necessary
I dont think we are saying these didnt happen, but no American brags about the civilians they killed.
Common core victim.
Read the sticky. Seriously, you need to understand some basic logic yourself before you go any further.
this was such a good film.
But do most Christians take pride in this? Besides this is not an act of Christianity but an act of the U.S
Is that a reference to something?
>anyone who replies to this shit thread without saging
Danish cinema is all of 3 mouse farts a year, how do you not see the few decent ones that come out?
He's probably a leaf hopping the border to buy affordable food.
Seriously, on the border states it's becoming a real hassle. Canadian taxes are so high on everything, they flood down here and the lines for gas, groceries and (for some reason) especially cigarettes are enormous from Canadians.
The kkk is dead and the westboro baptist church, although douche bags, are not physically harming anyone as far as i know and do not try to conquer the entire christian world in an attempt to make a christian super state, and if they did they would earn the contempt and resistance of all other christians out there.
ISIS has supporters in all muslim communities all over the world and have muslim families who have lived in secular european countries for generations come fight for them. And it's not just isis. We have the talibans, al quaeda, boko haram, the muslim brotherhood and various other smaller terror groups. There are entire countries there practicing hardcore sharia laws with open discrimination towards religious minorities.
No one denies the westboro baptist church is a christian church; we just shake our heads and say "nah they are fucked up, i don't follow that branch of christianity" while muslims go full on "NO THEY ARE NOT MUSLIM BECAUSE THEY DO NOT PRACTICE IT LIKE I DO" which just seems like a stupid defensive response that just furthers suspicions towards them.
The problem has been islam for 1300 years and counting. It is the worst cancer on this planet.
Quit fucking posting this, no one gives a shit about your twitter feuds
>saging exists
Been a very long time since the KKK or Westboro Baptist church killed anyone. Let alone have been killing people for 1400 years.
But you don't. That's the problem.Whenever the KKK or Westboro does something, all christians have to repent for them, and bibles are burned on the spot because of their crimes. However, if a muslim proclaims that he's going to kill in the name of Allah, then it's mandatory islam tolerance classes and hashtags about the evils of white people and capitalism and #notallmuzzies
Practice what you preach.
I can't separate them, let's just ban all religions.
I've said it countless times i'll say it again
What does KKK have to do with christianity?
We want to kill niggers because its OUR opinion that niggers are inferior to us.
Love every other person no matter their origin
We want to kill infidels because we follow whatever koran says
We follow whatever koran says(AKA kill the infidels
>war crimes don't exist in war
Also, adding onto this.
>not all muslims are responsible for the actions of a few
I don't think the KKK has ever been defined religiously, they just tend to be religious people.
The WBC is and always has been classed as a fundamentalist Christian organisation, there's no separation there.
So I guess we haven't fulfilled the conditions and there's no reason to separate ISIS and Islam.
> *sips muh coffee*
Holy fuck I HATE faggots. I fucking HATE faggots.
Dirty, disgusting disease carrying degenerate fucking trash.
1% of the world is fucking LGBT faggot. Hide in your fucking closets again faggots.
The 99% are DISGUSTED by you fucking freaks.
War crimes are literally things the winners charge the losers with so they look more evil.
>implying there are RULES in war
but they were Christian, and Christians have always fought wars. It's impossible to exist as a society without fighting wars.
On the other hand Muslims have direct scripture they can quote from the justifies murdering "non believers"
Yes, they are cucks and part of the problem.
>Church network offers sanctuary to illegal immigrants to avoid deportation
>Churches Offer Sanctuary To Immigrants Facing Deportation
>Arizona Pastor Explains Why His Church Decided to Shelter Illegal Immigrants
>Romney’s Tough Immigration View Is at Odds With His Church
What is a race war?
the KKK isn't even as simple as that, they spawned as a sort of neighborhood watch in the days after slavery was abolished. the newly freed niggers you see, wasted no time getting on with the niggering and they started robbing and raping in epidemic proportions. the KKK arose as a force to let them know they aren't going to tolerate that shit.
it's like that famous picture liberals like to cry about showing a whole down smiling at the camera with a lynched coon hanging from a tree. they crybabies say "look how racist the whites are" but the actual context of the picture was that they lynched him for raping a seven year old. leftist historical revisionists love to conveniently leave out that last part.
>KKK and Westboro
>Not cults or part of a heretical branch of Christianity
Tsk tsk tsk
The Pelasgians were Greek.
>it's a war crime because I morally object to the tactic
Crime assumes a law. If that tactic is currently prohibited, it wasn't at the time. Probably almost all European powers are guilty of war crimes if we consider any action from hundreds of years ago violations of modern law.
Are teachers still telling you people in school that the USA "won" in vietnam?
As soon as either of those organizations have their own country completely supported by the West I will have this laughable conversation.
There was a time when the actions of the KKK were at least tacitly supported by most white Christians even if they weren't involved with it themselves.
That's the current situation with Muslims and Islamic terrorist groups.
1/10 bait made me reply
*teleports behind you*
Tell me how many people were killed by kkk this year
You make this contentless, clickbait shill thread literally every day.
If you can separate ISIS from Islam then you should be able to separate cops that kill black individuals from those that don't.
>Christian radicals, but harmless
>Deadly Islamic Terrorists who follow Islam to the letter.
Great non-point, twitter fag.
But isis is 100% Islam you fucking turdnugget. Their leaders name is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, look up who the original Abu Bakr was. He was the 'Commander of the Faithful' and led a purge of non-muslims and hypocrites from the Middle east - just like today!
Everything they do has support from the Koran, even sex slaves.
more like
>*guzzles semen*
Also the kkk is only estimated to have 5000 members nationally, and the WBC? Last time I researched it they only had 80 members.
While ISIS may not be that big, the number of radical Muslims in the world numbers over a million.
False equivalency.
The spectrum of bad Muslims is far too vast to compare it to the ills of radical Christian groups.
The "less violent" Muslim groups whom dont identify as ISIS still kill in the name of Islam.
i dont separate the kkk from christians
Civilized =/= Cucks