did i miss the start of the race war...?
Whitey BTFO by horde of tanned """""british""""
did i miss the start of the race war...?
Whitey BTFO by horde of tanned """""british""""
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is going on here? I can't tell why their fighting, who is fighting, and even what language they are speaking.
the "language" is what some would call "paki english"...
no idea context, looks like whitey went to the enriched part of town...
daily mail says:
they arrested one person for dangerous driving.
meaning they arrested the guy driving, and NOT the 100's of people with bats + sticks...
What a mess.
>mfw cultural enrichment!
Holy shit I wasn't prepared for the ending
Went flying like a fuckin oven mitten
Fucking Excellent!
Looks like it was filthy wogs starting some shit and someone has had enough of it
>a good start
Isn't sheffield near rotherham, where the mass 'enrichment' happened?
anyone know where i can get those goggles?
>give his name
>give the area of the city he lives in
>has only been charged yet, not convicted
If he was a Paki and fucked kids they'd protect his identity
Out of interest, how does the postal service work?
Like, if I wrote "England" (or "Scotland") instead of "United Kingdom" when sending international mail to someone in a constituent part of the UK (say, postcard from America), would it still go through because people can figure out what it means, or would it get bounced back to me or trashed for being wrong?
post more Karens
Brexit turned him into Angela Merkel.
That whole area of northern England is infested by muslims.
>She still isnt my wife
get these fucking MONKEYS out of my country
I want them gone
their stupid ugly faces
their stupid false piety
their penchant for consanguinous marriage
the slang and the accent
they must go back to their fucking cesspool Islamic-Israel and stay there
Enoch was not a racist.
It would get there. Just so long as you have the correct city/town and postal/zip code, it will be alright. Don't need the UK/England etc part ot be correct except for BurgerPost to get it to the right country...
It would go through fine because you'd need the postcode anyway.
I used to fucking live there.
I left the country 12 years ago, and I've never felt more sure of that decision than after watching that fucking video.
It looks like a scene from fucking Mogadishu.
I used to have chips with my Nan at the Little Chef round there and now there are massive street brawls between 3rd world immigrants.
Hopefully the mudslimes will be doing the Allu Hackbar shit tonight in Sheffield
RIP Eddie
I want a Smug Karen
Isn't France even worse though
He wasn't racist enough
Not even remotely.
Not seen one shitskin since I last had to take a connecting flight through Paris, and wasn't that a fucking safari though.
>Moves to France
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, my friend
So this is multiculturalism...
Was gonna say, Paris is terrible but lots of rural places seem fine.
This is why you don't fuck with Northerners
Things that Eddie has supported in the past:
>to join the euro
>to elect Ken Livingstone
>to elect Gordon Brown
>to vote Yes in the AV referedum
>to elect Ed Miliband
>to elect Andy Burnham as Labour leader
>to Remain in the EU
Yeah but it's the same in Britain though, avoid the cities and it's fine
>tan germans
Glorious and Dress To Kill were excellent pieces of work. I may have to bury my copies in a tragic ceremony, perhaps with the QT theme as the soundtrack.
Karen protects
I don't know about you anons, but I'm feeling enriched.
>mfw Enoch was right
The situation in France is far better, trust me mates.
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.
There's a reason France gets terrorist attacks and the UK/Germany/Sweden get insidious rapes and molestation. They lash out at the French because they won't allow them to do as they please, while in those other countries they're basically a protected class.
Reminder that Call Me Dave cucked your shit up
Reminder that there are Tory voters ITT right now that claimed they'd vote UKIP right up until polling day
At least only one person died in this hit and run.
This isn't the actual brit/pol/ thread is it?
Did no one bother to get the OP after the thread I made last?
Most of us voted Conservative, newfag.
this is news to absolutely nobody
>2nd referendum shilling stopped
>they've moved onto 'Brexit never going to happen' shilling now
>May has made a Brexit cabinet made up entirely of Brexiteers
Fucking lol.
Don't blame me I voted UKIP
Can I download any of Hitchens audiobooks somewhere?
We should have colonised Japan.
my local town about 2 miles away has population of 60,000.... 30-40% muslim...5 mosques.
> avoid the cities and it's fine.
not just the cities user.
It was actually the tanned """""british"""" who were BTFO by a brave young patriot who smashed his chariot through the foreign horde invading his land.
Spot on.
>turn on BBC News
>"Jackson Family"
>not living in the south west
Yes, Audible
He reads them himself as well
>May has made a Brexit cabinet made up entirely of Brexiteers
That's bullshit
>tfw live in a place with lots of pakis that's produced a lot of jihadists for ISIS
>tfw literally waiting for me and my family to get allahu akbar'd any day now
Accepting Muslims into our countries was such a terrible mistake, and yet no one will ever admit it
Avoid the cities
Avoid the market towns
Avoid everywhere that isn't a village in Cumbria
There will be no escaping this nonsense. The 'recent arrivals', all of them, could have stood side by side at old Wembley during my father's childhood. They are now more 'representative' of the British population than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined. They will be the majority in this country within forty years, once the old folks start passing on.
>His nationality is the nation he feels, it's the nation he'll fight for. Or play cricket for.
>It's not impossible, but it's difficult. (for him to be black and British)
>Nations are on the whole based around self-identification with one another, **usually** by characteristics that are regarded as racial. [paraphrase, but he did say "usually"]
I reiterate my stance.
Some misc. quotes
>It depends on how you define the word "racialist." If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However, if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically "No."
>Trevor Huddleston: ...what I still want to know from you, really, is why the presence of a coloured immigrant group is objectionable, when the presence of a non-coloured immigrant is not objectionable.
>Enoch Powell: Oh no, oh no! On the contrary, I have often said that if we saw the prospect of five million Germans in this country at the end of the century, the risks of disruption and violence would probably be greater, and the antagonism which would be aroused would be more severe. The reason why the whole debate in this country on immigration is related to coloured immigration, is because there has been no net immigration of white Commonwealth citizens, and there could be no migration of aliens. This is merely an automatic consequence of the facts of the case; it is not because there is anything different, because there is anything necessarily more dangerous, about the alienness of a community from Asia, than about the alienness of a community from Turkey or from Germany, that we discuss this inevitably in terms of colour. It is because it is that problem.
Why pay attention to uk cuck police and judges? they're shariah cucks, fuck them, civil war, vigilante, underground resistance now.
Does he have the stutter when he's just talking to himself?
Nope. Buttocks smooth, mind clear.
Pic related, although you guys did ban the burka, so I applaud you for that.
Where abouts in France?
The stutter is largely something he gets when he expects that he's about to get interrupted
That's not very proper now, is it?
It all sounds a bit too flashy for our tastes.
My resistance against the government goes as far as not thanking police officers when I ask them a question.
Most have accepted it now. There's a few diehard retards left though.
Every day that goes by is another day project fear is exposed as a fraud. The BoE, Treasury and even the IMF have already u-turned on their doomsday predictions. Now they're saying we may experience a bit less growth than otherwise predicted.
Considering a large percentage of the remain vote came from people afraid of the consequences rather than lovers of the EU, it's slowly eroding any political support left for the idea.
Can someone give me some links to include in the next OP?
Any articles/videos etc are appreciated.
I know people like to bash on Eastern Euros sometimes but they do seem to have a lot more common sense than we do plus their cities are probably safer than ours now.
I agree whole heartily.
How're Spain and Italy so low?
Love France and most rural French hate wogs with a passion and the police are on the side of the people unlike the UK
it depends on the definition of racist then. He wasn't an Anglo supremacist by any means, at-least according to what he's said.
Thank Blair.
> Labour's relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its "core working class vote".
> As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.
> Critics said the revelations showed a "conspiracy" within Government to impose mass immigration for "cynical" political reasons.
There's no way to get rid of them now. Not without going full SS, which isn't going to happen.
I cant watch Enoch when he was like this ;_; makes me really sad
>Portugal and Spain so low
Spain kicked out all the Mudslimes in the 15th century. Portugal's figures are even more impressive.
Then, looking at other countries, it gets all Chechen.
>lefties say banning the burqa is "unbritish"
>most brits actually want it banned
How ironic that the fact it *did* piss off the working class vote anyway is one of the core structural reasons Labour will never win again.
Along with Scotland's massive resentment to Blair (which apparently predates Iraq and outmoded that in the rest of the country, which is fascinating if true.)
Is he a post op Angela Eagle or is she a pre-op eddie izzard?
Muslims basically bred out the natives and pushed them north. The majority of Spanish/Italians these days are of muslim descent, but the study doesn't account for "secular muslims".
>get allahu akbar'd
Better get Deus Vult'in then son.
He helped bring over a load of wogs from the caribbean when he was minister of health. Tbqh, I think he's a bit overrated. Of course, he's miles better than any tory around today.
How do we realistically reduce this % in the UK?
>Stats show 725 such crimes reported, with 368 of them relating to children
>Most cases were at churches but also included mosques and Sikh temples
What's the betting it was 362 inappropriate comments in a Churches, 361 gang rapes in mosques and 2 people getting felt up in a Sikh temple. But really why do they give a specific number for the amount of cases, and one for those pertaining to children, but just leave it at 'most' at churches but mosque and sikh temples as well?
American TV
This is true, the line has to be drawn or we'll be pushed as a people not just to the margins, but right off the cliff.
>Owning m4
These can't not coexist
We can't
Sorry, but it's true. Ahmed fucks his four wives all day long because the state pays him to do fuck all and has 9 kids, who will in turn go on to have 9 kids themselves
They're here, they're breeding FAR faster than us, and they know they're winning
There is NOTHING that can be done
And I challenge any cunt to prove otherwise without resorting to bullshit meme options like "le day of le rope send them all back!!! xD"
If I did it would only make people more sympathetic of Muslims and blame the "far-right" even more
Think about it, lads
No way to instantly sober yourself once you've had too many drinks. You don't sober up by drinking to the point of liver failure.
You watch the numbers in the coming years, just watch. There'll be a spike, which will be pinned on a 'rush' due to Brexit. Then another year of about 500,000 gross. Then one year of 400,000 gross, which will be prettied up as 250,000 net and paraded as a sign that May's government is getting 'tough' on immigration. Then back up to 500,000 gross.
That's a bald paki that got run over.
Holy shit LOL.
> Not without going full SS, which isn't going to happen.
Why ruin it user...?
There are quite a few eastern europeans here...
I guess they will be the first to snap.
> what is "Trail of Tears"
everyone snaps eventually user...
we're famous for it.
> It was not part of their blood,
> It came to them very late,
> With long arrears to make good,
> When the Saxon began to hate.
> They were not easily moved,
> They were icy -- willing to wait
> Till every count should be proved,
> Ere the Saxon began to hate.
> Their voices were even and low.
> Their eyes were level and straight.
> There was neither sign nor show
> When the Saxon began to hate.
> It was not preached to the crowd.
> It was not taught by the state.
> No man spoke it aloud
> When the Saxon began to hate.
> It was not suddently bred.
> It will not swiftly abate.
> Through the chilled years ahead,
> When Time shall count from the date
> That the Saxon began to hate.