>Double Duces for happenings
> 666 for start of WW3
>Double Duces for happenings
> 666 for start of WW3
Other urls found in this thread:
European Race war
OP rollin
Container Ship Nuke
next post, country suffering the next islamic attack.
last digit, days until it happens.
well shit
Islamic terror attacks in rio
Only double dubs count
>Yan, Tan, Tethre, Methre, Pip she counted.
Chris Christie falls off the chair
A happening right:
Well how about this if this post has no repeating digits there will be no happening tonight
welp, sorry.
A good day in the stock market Monday. Nice little 5% boost to everyone's portfolio! Enjoy your happening.
>wanting human infrastructure destroyed
You want to live in a shitty hellhole for the rest of your life? Most people don't die right away from nukes you retard, most would die slowly in a cold shitty world full of cancer from radiation....
Kek sends a prophet by the end of the year.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
gas the kikes, race war now.
Next happening in Germany
kek wills it
Trips says europe gets sharia law in 5 yeas
I want a terrorist attack to happen in Canada so we can happen with you guys. Kek make it so.
Rio Olympics hostage negotiation failure
Israel gets nuked
rio nuked
First contact
Muslims getting kicked out of India and Pakistan getting nuked in the next hour.
Okay, I GUESS I'll roll for happening
Meme me
ficki ficki
Trump makes hilary eat poo
Memeing for Portugal bombing Spain
Nuclear War inc
Happening in my ass
What if every single happening Sup Forums has predicted the past few days happens within an incredibly short frame of time?
Trump eats poo?
A great enigmatic awakening
He goes into a designated street in India and eats it.
hell yea
Lol Spain will never recover
Mosque in France is set on fire
Terror attack in UK
oh my god..
>Portugal dooms us all
jWho would have guessed.
>Paroling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Oh fug :DDDD
what have you done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do my digits confirm?
If meme numbers, A mad Syrian man kills 100+ people and breaks breivik's record
What the hell Portugal. You guys are best friends.
Next happening is in Spain confirmed
I still trully believe the opposite. Someday we will properly join forces
North Dakota.
jeb assassinates trump
Tribs for Trump
Rollin m8s
WW3 Will not be starting, keep these "get" threads off Sup Forums faggot.
The prophet will be Trump
Thanks senpaiĆlia.
Mexico invades Texas.
Gibraltar becomes Faklands II
ww3 doesn't start until the fall
>It will happen when the weather cools.
All mudslimes drop dead and the religion dies out for the rest of eternity
There was a happening today, where is the thread celebrating dead sandniggers?
>Spains military.
heh hehe ha hehehe Ha HA HaHaHaHAHAHAHA!
Kek wills it
Glad it's you who starts it this time
rolling for a smooth transition into an enlightened utopia with magical mysteries and fun times for all :D
can you say unicorns?
can you say friendly dragons?
can you say wizards?
can you say faeries?
rainbows and fun times await my brothers
prepare to fly
>We bring you shocking news tonight as a bomb explosion rocks Barcelona. The suspected suicide bomber is a Portuguese-Iraqi citizen who left a note at his hotel pledging allegiance to ISIS and praising Allah. Stay tuned for more here on CNN.
And somehow, it will be the Austrian's fault.
As it always is.
Grids going down, down, down.
Is KEK angry with us? Did we do something to upset him? The lack of happenings here have me worried. Forgive us if we have upset you Great KEK.
Well done bud.
wew lad
No WW3
Hillary has a seizure and chokes on gifilte fish bone