Well Pol,
How do you explain this?
Well Pol
Other urls found in this thread:
They say Trump is Hitler, who gives a fuck about insults.
>people are hypocritical
Trump has been part of one of the largest and most organized smear campaigns in the last decade.
These people are beyond deluded if they think the media is protecting him in any way.
Fuck niggers and their cucked white race traitors
Looks like America has a nice Democracy, for rich white people only.
We all know how much you Germans hate white people. I'd rather my country run by rich white men than by a Jewess traitor.
My father died by potato fuck u
>he'd be called "angry", "irrational", and "uncivilized"
He is called these things. Also misogynist, racist, sexist, nationalist.
However, he grew up in a time where you learn in Kindergarten "words can never hurt me."
And all they can do against him is call him names and flail pathetically like this when it doesn't work.
They've never even heard him give a speech, their opinion is irrelevant and tumblr is cancer
Except the media is doing the exact opposite of what this pic says. How far up their own asses are their heads?
>white men can get away with saying mean things, but when other races do it, it's horribly wrong
funny, it seems that crimes work the other way around....
That's stupid because he has been called even worse than that.
Those fucking people, holy shit!
When you capitalize the word 'blacks' but you don't do the same for 'whites,' it's clear you're a nigger or a race traitor and thus, your opinion is irrelevant.
>Capital letters are racist.
i have a legit question for you, during the great potato famine, why didnt you guys just fish more? its always kinda bugged me...
inb4 you did but used your good potatoes to make booze
Nice catch. Hard to believe there are whites out there who support black superiority.
>How do you explain this?
I don't argue with retards.
We all suffered severe autism and couldn't comprehend any other means of food other then our precious pot-tat-tats
I wonder what goes through the minds of these people when they make retarded posts.
>well today I haven't mentioned white privilege to anyone
>hmm, trumps last speech had some pretty mean words that hurt my feelings
>I know, I'll make a post about how Donald is protected by his white privilege so he can make those kind of speeches
>clearly Obama cares about my feelings that's why he brought up black lives matter at the rayciss cop funeral
>it's all cuz of white privilege
This is comedy to anyone but the most brainwashed of leftist drones.
>Looking to SJW femnazis for political knowledge
Its ok I never expected much from the Irish
"FW: WaPo: Rubin: What happened to the ‘best’ people for Trump?"
holy shit
What kind of speak is this?
You mean lack of potato?
>I wonder what goes through the minds of these people when they make retarded posts.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Golems do not think. They simply obey the will of the Jew that created them.
He DOESN'T get away with it. He gets called a racist psychotic nazi by the media all the time, and has a lower chance to win the presidency than one of the most corrupt female politicians of all time.
Using that line of reasoning is ironically proof white privilege isn't real, but just subjects you to a different kind of slandering.
If a black man shows racial pride, he will be considered a hero. A white man doing the same thing gets called a racist.
If a women cries on TV, it's a sign of compassion. If a man does it it's weakness.
There is no privilege, just different insults for different "crimes".
in what world is he "getting away" with anything? this is such stupid tripe.
I would have no problem with this