ITT: Name the logical fallacy


If we ban children, after a few decades there'll be no more pedophiles.

>people will find black market avenues of getting their gay marriage recognized by the state


Well you can't die if someone has an illegal pill
Well you can't die if someone has an illegal abortion
Well you can't die if gays secretly marry

I dont want to ban anything except mexicans and muslims.


What if I'm gay and I give birth to a handgun out of my butt? Would reality come to an end?

your flag looks like a oreo cookie

Your flag reminds me of a turd on a countryside road

false equivalence. I don't need my own gay marriage to defend myself from other gays

Criminals will get hold of guns illegally. They don't obey the law, that's why we call them criminals.

1. only one of those things is protected by the constitution
2. you can't find a way to get married if it's banned
3. most republicans don't actually want to ban all 3 of those first things. for example I only want to ban abortion in some cases.
4. gun control doesn't work in america
5. guns are the only thing there that serve multiple purposes

Outlawing behaviour versus outlawing objects.

nobody argues to ban birth control and abortion, only to defund it from federal medical care
marriage is a religious concept should be abolished and separated from legislature altogether
nobody funds guns from the federal budget, people buy them on their own accord; banning their purchase limits an individuals freedom and rights to defend himself

Spaniards BTFO

False dichotomy. Every issue can't be solved by either "ban" or "don't ban."

So to be clear, if I support birth control, abortion, and gay marriage I am allowed to support gun rights? I don't really mind any of them.

>3) claims something about majority of certain group, says its true because of this one example

Violence is not the answer. It is the question and the answer is YES.

Just fucking glass the planet already you god damn Illuminati shills.

Then ban assault weapons you libturds!!!

>nobody argues to ban birth control and abortion, only to defund it from federal medical care

Nah m8, there are quite a few trying to end abortion, because it's kind of like murdering small people.

No one has proposed removing birth control though. That one is a complete Jewish propaganda fantasy that the libs repeat with desperate obedience. The conservatives just don't want to be forced to pay for it.

That i give a shit what you think about gun control?

that's racist.

You just watch and see! They'll find women and marry them instead! And then they'll have children to get the tax benefits! Gays sure showed you!

None of these are banned while guns already have federal restrictions on them essentially making them harder to obtain than the other 3

>no more pedophiles.
It's far to late for for the UK, I mean 85% of your population is a pedophile

The UK has basically the same rate of Paedophilia as any other western country, we're just much better at catching them, especially celeb Paedos

>implyin the reason for not banning guns is availability

Nice comeback, oreo

straw man

Of course a Latvian would be familiar with shit in the streets.


It's the famous "Op est homo hominum fallacia." In this case, it seem OP has fallen for it.

Birth Control is widely available

Abortion isnt a simple matter and women treat it like Birth Control these days

Fags should only get a Civil Union for legal shit/inheritance stuff at best since Marriage is bound to religion


What are degenerate things vs. a right written in the god damn Constitution of the United States of America

Someone who doesn't understand the constitution or the sheer amount of guns and people who own them compared to the amount of people who get abortions, use birth control, and practice gay marriage.

>Ben Garrison
every time

implying i'm against birth control, abortion or fag marriage

>ban birth control
No major Republican endorses that idea. They just think that people should not be forced to pay for someone else's birth control, especially when it goes against their beliefs.
>ban abortion
Well when something will inevitably result in a loss of life, especially late in the pregnancy, it's natural some people would feel disgusted by it, as opposed to treating it like a root canal.
>ban gay marriage
How could we ban it if it was never existent in the first place? Literally no civilization, any major one any way, ever had legal ways of two people of the same sex to be married, until the highly centralized, militant and internationally active gay movement came about.
>ban guns
Guns are a constitutional right, which shall not be infringed as long as we have a constitutional government. They are a tool like a soldering iron or a shovel which is specialized for self defense, with an equal probability of killing someone as a steak knife when used properly.

Okay, Pajeet.