My name is Sam Hyde
I'm a professional edgelord
ask me anything bitches
My name is Sam Hyde
I'm a professional edgelord
ask me anything bitches
How edgy are you?
I'm an existentially confused fat neo-nazi virgin gamer faggot
That's edgy, right?
Hey pay attention to me
How do you always escape all the mass shootings you commit?
Dude look, hey look at me...
I've never touched a female but they're all CUNT BITCHES!
That's edgy, right?
Cuz I'm white and saying edgy racist shit, it's edgy right?
Hey you
Hey pay attention to me pls
I know that you're not a virgin.
I just say edgy shit then DUDE LMAO
Shouldn't it be "quote racism unquote".
damn dude you're really edgy
someone is going to get butthurt at you and mock you on a chinese finger painting forum for this some day
stick to safe comedy like Jeff Dunham or something
i'm warning you bro some people are going to be so upset at you that they are going to take time out of their day to passive aggressively mock you on an anonymous message board! don't do this sam.
why do people get this autistically mad at MDE
this is obviously sam hyde. sometimes i like to make fun of people who do things better than me too and thats exactly what he does by evidence of these posts. wow op(sam hyde) is edgy and gay lol. its definitely sam too i also hate things i dont like and larp as if i understand them as well(just like op(sam hyde btw)) man by the sound of how jaded op(sam hyde) is maybe he should commit suicide? if this is how sam hyde actually acts maybe op should just take his own life.
That's just part of being an edgelord you dumb faggot, you wouldn't understand the complexity.
I didn't get any attention from people before but now I get a lot of attention from socially isolated people on Swedish human trafficking message boards, what is my secret you ask? Well, I just say edgy shit then DUDE LMAO!
could you take your aspergers pills and fuck off thanks
How do you keep getting away with them?
fuck I am a MDE fan and haven't even seen that one
I hate how autists on Sup Forums dedicate their lives to hating on anyone who even achieves a modicum of success or fame on their board of choice.
how do you keep getting away with it
Fuck you Sam I hope you get the bin laden treatment for all the innocent people you killed in Germany and France
More fatherly advice videos?
More videos than are less "lol so randumb xdxd" and more put together, like the kickstarter tv?
what's your current body count?
Well, usually when the LEOs track me down at my KKK compound in Utica there is a negotiation that goes down and when they least expect it I'll just say some really fucking edgy racist shit that shocks them and then DUDE LMAO
he's not a gamer or a virgin by any stretch
autism triggers autism
PS Sam how does it feel to be immortalized in Sup Forums the Movie ?
Sam isn't particularly edgy at all. His opinions only seem "edgy" to brainwashed coddled faggots. You sound butthurt.
funny guy
When are you going to be brought to justice for all of the people you've killed and the people you are going to kill in the near future?
I know my superior sexual prowess and alpha male status must seem off the richter scale to a fellow socially marginalized virgin faggot like yourself, however it should be quite evident in my edgy comedic performances that I have an unusual fixation and awkward interaction with any females in the immediate vicinity. I literally do not know how to react to them, so I immediately turn it all around and revert to my socially awkward roots by saying low-hanging edgy archaic shit like "make me a sandwich bitch" or "no hymen no diamond" then DUDE LMAO
What you don't think I'm edgy?
Hey, hey look
Look at this...
That's edgy, right? Right? Isn't that edgy?
pls pay attention to me
>awkward interaction with any females in the immediate vicinity
He's not awkward at all.
>saying low-hanging edgy archaic shit like "make me a sandwich bitch" or "no hymen no diamond"
Literally never happens.
I knew that one friend.
Check this :
you're off the mark man. Some people get pussy and can get it but recognize that women are agents of chaos and destruction, on the personal, familial, and social levels.
it feels better to use 4chin stereotype humor but the reason you are still posting and are so angry is because you recognize the truth of this. And it pisses you off.
I've literally never heard him say "kike", I've only heard him say "nigga" jokingly, and "cunts" maybe once too, "cunt" isn't an edgy word in the UK and bitches definitely isn't.
tfw he became a legit white nationalist hanging out with the TRS admins
good lad
>Literally never happens.
>Literally these exact things happen
did TRS or my posting career have a bigger influence on him?
Sam has always been a kind of SomethingAwful faggot, which means there's an element of leftism waiting to come out in his character. Expect to see more of it if his [as] show gains any momentum
>women are agents of chaos and destruction
DUDE women are such mysterious and foreign novel creatures right? I just tell them make me a sandwich bitch then DUDE LMAO then they go away and I don't have to deal with the anxiety anymore
His work in the CIA that has him globetrotting to commit mass murders has had the most influence on him.
Not exactly sure what influenced him, I just know he meets up with the TRS admins.
Also seen him tweet about white nationalist as 'us'
Go make me a sandwich, faggot
I've watched the Rutgers speech like 10 times, I know it doesn't happen in the way you implied in your post.
Why are you behind every happening? And why hasn't anyone caught you yet?
Also what is your favorite flavor of cheeze-its
Seems a lot more TRS than Sup Forums, apparently he donated money there.
It won't if it's all as bad as the first sketch. Even if the autist internet fanbase likes it, normies won't. I foresee one season at most.
I think you feel like you're winning this, but you're not
I've showed it to normies and they laughed.
That's pretty edgy
How did you get such a sweet bowl cut and still not score some hot ass? Bro, your street swag is beyond off the shelf ROSS merch.. hit em with the stare and youll def snag a qt
He does a lot of 360 no-scoping.
No way he is a full blown MPC gay racist bodybuilder now. MPC is a descendant of SA shit and they have stayed based.
>gay racist
isnt there a webm of him deep throating a purploe dildo?
anyone involved with SomethingAwful or its offshoots has a core of people-pleasing faggotry in their character that will eventually manifest itself as leftism. this includes MyPostingCareer people, who will end up as a Bush tier 'conservatism' where all races and maximum miscegenation are allowed and smilingly encouraged as long as they have 'family values'
Where will you strike next?
>Also seen him tweet about white nationalist as 'us'
I like to see myself as more of a crusader for all the white basement-dwelling fat virgin neckbeards out there, those are my peoples. I give these people a voice, that is what gets me up in the morning... knowing that I am helping unite oppressed disaffected white virgin neckbeards around the world.
Don't worry, I know women are scary but if you follow my lead you will be able to also breifly interact in awkward exchanges with females in no time then call them sluts to their faces DUDE LMAO
Would you fucking relax?
whites are the most progressive towards women, so you can't attack whites on that. And your anger towards him makes me think you are brown, yellow, or mixed. So your ancestors probably treat women like property and objects more than whites. So hate yourself if anything, for being too weak to supersede whites, being slave to white culture and beauty norms (even in your private thoughts), and having to play catchup to them on how you value women
>white basement-dwelling fat virgin neckbeards
>One group knows how to interact with females, the other doesn't.
Get it right, I represent the oppressed white basement-dwelling virgin not all those other cucks DUDE LMAO
>Would you fucking relax?
yeah you really riled us all up
>writes passionate diatribe about the white race
>totally not riled up
Don't be ashamed of your passion for the white race my dude, this is exactly what inspires me to keep fighting and being edgy for all the oppressed white basement dwelling neckbeards out there!
shit thread
Wait Ukinojoe's fuck buddy is a based Sup Forumslack?
I guess this thread was worth something after all, I learned sometin new
Are you on permabulk?
>its an "autist gets heavily offended by sam hyde taking the piss out of anime and makes an RP thread about it on 4chans politics board" segment
>Sam how does it feel to be immortalized in Sup Forums the Movie ?
It is truly an honor, I have always aspired to be a crusader for oppressed white fat basement-dwelling virgins around the world. To be a voice and representative for socially marginalized Sup Forumsfags everywhere is truly the apex of my existence.
more likely a /mlp/ brony dating sim scam victim.
Hello. I like your videos.
I think you are funny
Shouldn't the racism go inbetween the quote and unquote?
Why am I unable to upload your Kickstarter TV series to YouTube anymore? I've uploaded a handful, but I'm getting copyright claims now.
How do you keep getting away with it?
No, you're a nigger.
Can you please stop causing happenings? I mean holy shit, during the past month, you've really done a number all across the western world.
ey-yo keep up the good works Sam, pease out nigga
If you're gonna ask him this, go straight to his facebook